FOR SALE – Graduate Dinghy ‘Fifty Shades’ £400

Super grad for sale, ready to sail

New Selden Kappa mast in 2019 

New padded toe straps for the helm in 2023

Fly away jib pole

Inboard sheeting system

2 old style mains (one used for cruising the other ok for club racing), Older jib on furler (PY Number 1159)

Launching trolley with brand new wheels and has jockey wheel


New style main and jib from 2015 available for an additional £150. Good for club racing (PY Number 1110)

Mark Swallow

Tidal Diamond 957

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Tidal Diamond 957

  • Social Update
  • Round Hayling Dinghy Cruise 28th July
  • The Round Hayling Rowing Race
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Social Update

Friday 26th July

This Friday (26th July) is the Friendly Friday Rowing Race Night 🚣‍♂️🚣🏼‍♀️. If you aren’t rowing please feel free to come down and watch, it’s always a fun night.

Food can be ordered on Webcollect *until Friday 11am* We will be serving Bolognese and Veggie Bolognese. Any questions, let the social committee know! 😊

Inga Lambert
Social Secretary

Round Hayling Dinghy Cruise 28th July

Round Hayling dinghy cruise 28th July

It’s almost time for the annual dinghy cruise around Hayling Island. It’s a cruise, not a race, with safety boat cover. We do need volunteers still on the RIBs for the event to go ahead, so please volunteer on duty man. Your cruise leaders will be Mark and Nicola.

We had booked the club wanderer for this event but no longer need it, if anyone else would like to sail in it.

To make best use of the tide we will have a briefing at 0915. Please have your boat rigged and be dressed ready to set sail. We will be launching promptly after the briefing. That way we can sail down Langstone Harbour with the out going tide. We then sail along Hayling seafront and stop off at HISC for lunch. And then sail up Chichester harbour with an incoming tide.

If you’re in a boat with not much space to store your lunch etc, one of the safety boats can carry it for you. Bring plenty to drink, extra layers, sunglasses, sun cream etc. Boats should stay close together, so it should be easy to get the attention of a RIB if you need assistance, but bringing a VHF can come in useful. Paddles / oars can be useful too, especially if you lower your mast to get under Hayling bridge.

If you have any questions, feel free to pop them as a comment on the Facebook post advertising the event, email me at or post the question in any of the following WhatsApp groups if your on them: Tudor dinghy sailors, newbies – dinghy sailors, new members tsc, or women on the water.

Nicola and Mark

The Round Hayling Rowing Race

Last Sunday, 5 Gigs with 24 crew travelled the short distance from Tudor Sailing Club across Langstone Harbour to Northney to take part in this years Round Hayling Rowing Race.

With a gentle north easterly breeze and overcast skies, conditions were perfect for the 13 mile race. But despite the good conditions, the race proved to be a battle of attritions, as with aching muscles and blistered hands the Tudor rowers gave their all to the challenge. For between 2.5 and 3 hours the crews (encouraged by The Tudor Cheer Leaders) battled the tides around the island.

A total of 24 fixed seat rowing boats (plus 8 sliding seat quads) took part in the race and as usual, the Tudor crews put in a great performance with all our crews finishing in the top 10 places. Well done to all crews that took part (see photos) as completion of the course under race conditions is a challenge in itself, but congratulations go to the winning crews of:
Rosie (Steve, Martino, Rory, Ladina) for coming second overall on handicap and winning the trophy for the Fastest Bursledon Gig.

Navigator (Keron, Kirsty, Inga, Michelle, Sue) for winning the trophy for the fastest Ladies crew on handicap.

The next event in the rowing calendar is the Tudor Challenge which will be held at the club on Saturday 3rd August. Even if you are not taking part, please make a note of the date and come along to cheer on the Tudor crews and enjoy the BBQ and entertainment after the racing.

John Elson
Rowing Captain

Ebb & Flow

Two quick LNtM from KHM this week..

The Clipper 2023 -2024 Round the World Race will finish at Portsmouth between 1130 and 1200 on Saturday 27 July 2024. More details at:

The annual Cowes Week Regatta will be held between 27 July and 2 August 2024. More details at:

That’s going to be a very busy Saturday in the Solent with Cowes Week and the Clipper race finishing both on the same day.

Save the date. Rooster will have a pop up shop at Tudor on 3rd August. You’ll have the opportunity to buy kit, or order kit and also order customised kit with any of our official Tudor logos (TSC, Rowing, Kayak, WoW, Cadets) There’ll be sale items too.

The shop will be located in the garage space. PS as it’s Tudor Challenge day please be mindful of heavy footfall and many boats moving through small compound.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

PSTT Regatta and Awards 2024

Explore the latest updates from the Portsmouth Sail Training Trust, where we share inspiring stories, important announcements and celebrate successes.

PSTT Regatta and Awards 2024

As Portsmouth Sail Training Trust is celebrating its 10-year anniversary, this year saw the traditional end of year PSTT Regatta followed by a special family fun day.

Over 40 students from across six different schools took part in a total of four different races as Priory School won the Regatta trophy. The racing was met with some wet and windy conditions, but that didn’t hamper any spirits, with everyone having a great time on and off the water. The sun did come out on Saturday where around 50 family and friends of our PSTT cohort took part in a range of activities including sailing, kayaking, and even the high ropes course.

Oakley, a student at King’s Academy Brune Park, said: “we look forward to our PSTT sessions and they’re the best part of our week. Powerboating, kayaking, sailing, and all the activities are things we’d never be able to do without PSTT and the amazing instructors like Will, Lauren, Kieron, and Charlotte.”

It was great to see so many funders, partners and supporters attend to celebrate the achievements of the young people we support. We’d like to say a big thank you to Lockheed Martin for funding the event.

Also in attendance and delivering a cheque for £1750, Caroline Gwatkin, President of Portsmouth & Southsea Rotary Club said: “we feel privileged to be able to support and sponsor the excellent work done by PSTT, we were extremely impressed by the opportunities given to younger people and the way the young people work together with mutual trust and respect thanks to the superb guidance of their instructors.”

Finally, a big congratulations to all our prize winners, and to all our PSTT students this year who have earned a record 490 certificates between them!

Award Winners

Regatta Winner: Priory School

Stannah Most Improved Winner: Tai Coombes

Tai has transformed from someone who was quite nervous and introverted to being someone who is a real role model within his group and has expressed a real interest in going to work in the maritime sector. Tai has secured work experience with SERCO in the next few months and gained qualifications such as diesel engine maintenance and first aid.

Instructors Award Winner: Horatio Kershaw

Horatio has developed a really good attitude, often volunteering to help out and always struck a good rapport with the staff. 

Volunteer Award Winner: Don Manson

Don is a loyal and passionate volunteer and has been a part of PSTT for many years. Thank you Don!

Haslar Marina Stand-Out Achievement Award Winner : Eloise Oddy

Eloise has become a key part of the group. She takes part in all the activities and is now a competent sailor and paddler, having excelled at all the skills she has been taught. She has gained various qualifications including Stage 1 and 1 Keel Boat, Powerboat Level 1, First Aid, Diesel Engine Maintenance, Start Paddle.

Together we raise aspirations for young people.  

More news & updates

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Tidal Diamond 956

  • Save the Dates: Socials with Food
  • Round Hayling Dinghy Cruise 28th July
  • Club Development Planning
  • Research into Conservation in Langstone Harbour
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Save the Dates: Socials with Food

Hi everyone

Firstly, thank you to everyone that came to our quiz night. A really fun evening. Congratulations to The Better Halves. Keep that new Tudor trophy somewhere safe until the next time. Thank you to Yvonne and Richard for a great set of questions.

26th July

Friday 26th is our next rowing Friendly Friday. Don’t worry if you’re not rowing, spectators are very welcome. We’ll let you know as soon as WebCollect is available to book food. The bar will be open.

27th July

For those of you coming to the supported recreational sailing on July 27th please keep an eye out for more details and stay after for some light bites buffet. The bar will be open.

3rd August

Even if you’re not taking part in the clubs Tudor Challenge please do come along and join us for a BBQ and a drink. Race starts at 11:30.

9th August

Join us for an evening with Portsmouth Distillery to try a selection of their gins and rums. The distiller will be a available to answer questions. More details to follow.

Inga Lambert
Social Secretary

Round Hayling Dinghy Cruise 28th July

It’s almost time for the annual dinghy cruise around Hayling Island. It’s a cruise, not a race (looking at you Mr Rhodes), with safety boat cover. We do need volunteers still on the RIBs for the event to go ahead, so please volunteer on duty man. Your cruise leaders will be Mark and Nicola.

To make best use of the tide we will have a briefing at 0915. Please have your boat rigged and be dressed ready to set sail. We will be launching promptly after the briefing. That way we can sail down Langstone Harbour with the out going tide. We then sail along Hayling seafront and stop off at HISC for lunch. And then sail up Chichester harbour with an incoming tide.

If you’re in a boat with not much space to store your lunch etc, one of the safety boats can carry it for you. Bring plenty to drink, extra layers, sunglasses, sun cream etc. Boats should stay close together, so it should be easy to get the attention of a RIB if you need assistance, but bringing a VHF can come in useful. Paddles / oars can be useful too, especially if you lower your mast to get under Hayling bridge.

If you have any questions, feel free to pop them as a comment on the Facebook post advertising the event, email me at environmental or post the question in any of the following WhatsApp groups if your on them: Tudor dinghy sailors, newbies – dinghy sailors, new members tsc, or women on the water.

Nicola and Mark

Club Development Planning

The club has evolved from its humble beginnings in Chatsworth Avenue in 1949 and we pride ourselves that 75 years later we have a member led club that thrives and is committed to growing according to the needs and aspirations of its own membership.

To that end it’s time to look again at future development planning and hear from you about what we do well, what you would change, and what exciting ideas you have for the club to take us forward. Naturally we can’t guarantee we can cover everything each person might individually wish for, but we believe it’s important to hear all views and ideas and understand and act on the common threads and vision of our membership.

Please click on the link below and complete the survey, which should take no more than five minutes of your time. Your input will be anonymous. Each reply will be read and considered fully by the flag officers and subsequently the executive committee. A development plan will then be compiled and published. We expect this to contain short term actions that we can implement as soon as possible, and some longer term aims which will take more discussion and planning.

It’s our club and its future success is ours. Thank you in advance. Here’s the link…..

Jane Dare
Rear Commodore

Research into Conservation in Langstone Harbour

Kasia is studying a master’s degree in marine science at the university of Portsmouth. She would love to get your opinion on conservation within the harbour, by filling in the form in the below link. The results of the survey will create data for her dissertation project. The survey takes around ten mins to fill in.

Nicola Craig
Environmental Officer

Ebb & Flow

A few more links that may be of interest this week.

First, from the RYA, A handy guide to boating into Europe:

Next the RYA again, this time they are conducting a nationwide survey into watersports clothing and equipment. To find out more and complete the survey visit:

Finally water quality. The Solent Protection Society have put together an interesting article on Southern Water discharges and how EA data shows a worsening trend. Not good news, if not entirely unexpected. To read more visit:

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 955

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Tidal Diamond 955

  • Quick Reminder – 2 Ways to Advertise Tudor
  • Dinghy News
  • Dinghy Sailing – Locks Regatta Debrief
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Quick Reminder – 2 Ways to Advertise Tudor

If you are planning to buy any Rooster kit and would like to personalise with the club logo here’s the direct link to use: Rooster-Highlights-Custom-Kit – ROOSTER UK (

Simply select your item and then search for TSC in the drop down menu to add the logo. The club receives a small commission on each purchase.

I’ll let you know as soon as our other logos are available on the site (cadets, kayak, rowing, WoW). Unfortunately it’s taking longer than expected to get them added.

Naturally you are free to put our various approved logos on your own choice of clothing. The only stipulation is that you don’t make changes to our approved logos or create new ones to represent Tudor without exec approval. I’m happy to answer any questions if you need clarification.

Business cards for the club are now available. If you’ve found yourself in a conversational situation where a card might have been useful, and you’re happy to carry some please let me know.

Jane Dare
Rear Commodore

Dinghy News

Sunset Race 5

A reminder that Sunset 5 has moved to Tuesday 16th July, 7pm start.

Tudor 75 anniversary regatta 7/8 September -put the date in your diary!

On Saturday there will be a sail past, racing for dinghies and cruisers (using club line) plus fun & games in kayaks and rowing boats. Off the water there will be a BBQ in the afternoon along with shanty singers, the famous Tudor bake off then later pulled pork & evening party.

On Sunday there will again be racing for dinghies and cruisers plus the Friday rowing race night will make a guest appearance in a Sunday slot.

If you are able to help out with being race officer or with the bar or bbq then please get in touch.

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

Dinghy Sailing – Locks Regatta Debrief

The locks regatta was scheduled for 4 races to be sailed over two days, committee boat starts, sun shining, and huge numbers of sailors from various nooks around the harbour. Well that went rather wrong.

Saturday morning dawned to the chirps of birds being blown to their unfortunate ends and trees doing their best to remain upright, with Chimet lurking nastily around 28 knots and WhatsApp groups labelling the weather as ‘lively’. This was an even worse fib than Rishi calling the worst political defeat ever as ‘rather poor’ and England football fans referring to the team performance as ‘disappointing’.

Anyway, I digress. Cool heads and self preservation prevailed, walks were taken, gardening tasks completed, crossword puzzles and coffee…anything but sailing. Score one for common sense!

Then came Sunday and more heavy weather, or at least less heavy than Saturday. Russell and Chuck threw their racing prowess into the hat, and then removed it when no one was looking and made the decision to exit stage left. The rain came alongside more wind until eventually, when it blew through, Mark and I felt that it was all going to be just peachy. 30 gusty minutes later we were at locks awaiting the start of a very short course, with both fast and medium handicap fleets starting on the same gun. The gun went, not that you could hear it over the southwesterly squall going though, and an unbiased line saw boats starting on both tacks, fighting to stay upright. Mark started at the club end and mixed it up with the lasers, coming round the first mark in a good position. I went for a slightly more conservative start and tacked away from trouble to round alongside the d zeros. All good so far although we are only talking 2 minutes into the regatta! Gybe time. In 22-25 knots. Every boat in the race had no problems and carried on to the next mark. This still seems odd as I can capsize on a gybe in 5 knots! The run to mark 2 was tippy. The rs400 went round, followed by the laser 4000 showboating upside down. I passed one of the d zeros only to fall in to windward, along with the other d zero, a laser and I stopped counting then as my race was over after being stopped from damaging the boat on the mark by the swift actions of the rescue crew (thank you again by the way). I watched Mark pass by me as he went round the mark, although he probably didn’t see my inane waving due to him also swimming. Mark is fitter than me, got the boat upright and carried on to round the next mark. And then capsized again simply to prove to me that he is definitely fitter than me!

Capsizing does not do wonders for your finish time but Mark did still get over the line. No small feat when half of the fleet retired and limped home. Fun day but strange to have a weekend regatta consisting of a 34 minute race and a BBQ.

This weekend showed that I still have an idiotic streak in my body that I haven’t managed to shift over 40 years of sailing, but more importantly, I’m not alone.

Jane Dare
Rear Commodore

Ebb & Flow

A selection of items from the RYA this week.

First, lifejackets are an essential safety item on the water, so here is an article “Everything you need to know about lifejackets” with information about lifejackets vs bouyancy aids, servicing and other useful topics:

Next, with seals, seagrass and other wildlife in Langstone, here is an interesting article on navigating safely around them:

Finally, for those that are interested in dinghy cruising there is an RYA Special Interest Group ( working on building and expanding a collection of Dinghy Trails details of launching places and routes to enjoy cruising dinghies. They are looking for anyone with an interest in helping to get in touch (

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

FOR SALE – Gumotex Solar Inflatable Kayak £120

A Gumotex Solar, solo inflatable Kayak. 

This is light , around 12kg. 

No holes or patches . 

There is a new not yet fitted fin with mount(just need the glue) 

Unfortunately no pump included, but can show inflated and these are not expensive. 

Russell Zenthon 


FOR SALE – Sailaway  11ft Dinghy £650

Sailaway  11ft Dinghy for sale grp good condition  set of sails

small anchor with rope and chain, rowing oars, made floorboards

for dinghy, fractional rig , rudder,daggerboard , on road trailer, with

launch trolley, boat cover, just not used, someone can have some fun 

and get some use from dinghy.  sail it away for a bargain   £650

Give me a call  07746947700    Paul photo  on board in lobby  contact

**please note that image below is stock image of this kayak make/model. Contact Paul for recent photo**

Created by ImageGear, AccuSoft Corp.

FOR SALE – Tarpon Wilderness 100 Kayak £400

Tarpon Wilderness 100 Kayak

 sit on kayak   excellent condition comfy seat

paddle, buoyancy aid included, photo  on board in lobby  contact

Paul   07746947700    £400

**please note that image below is stock image of this kayak make/model. Contact Paul for recent photo**

Tidal Diamond 954

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Tidal Diamond 954

  • Quiz Night Friday 5th July
  • Recent Rowing
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Quiz Night Friday 5th July

Tudor it’s time to test your brains.

Do you know your ‘Ps’ from your ‘Qs’?

This Friday’s quiz night is for all abilities 🤩

There’ll be 8 rounds of 10 questions but when to play your joker? ….

Teams of no more than 6.

Yvonne will be delivering your quiz and

Richard will be scoring.

Don’t miss out as there’s prizes 😁 You could be the first team to hold aloft the New, (not very heavy) Tudor Quiz Team Trophy 🤓 Or if you don’t score quite so well we have the Booker prize winning “How to be Clever” 🤔 There’s a special chocolatey prize for Best Team Name 😋.

So come on Quiztina Aguilera’s get booking fast 👇🏽

Inga Lambert
Social Secretary

Recent Rowing

Summer finally arrived for June’s Friendly Rowing Race evening

Unlike the first two rowing race evenings of the season, the sun finally came out and the wind dropped last Friday to provide a beautiful summers evening for the Tudor rowers and their guests to enjoy. Thank you to all those who helped with the organisation, and the private boat owners who allowed their boats to be used for the racing.

Congratulations go to the winning crew of Jamie from Tudor, Andrew from Dell Quay with excellent coxing by Isaac. Also well done to Audrey, Ian, Jo and Graham who picked up this month’s VIPER trophy in recognition of all the effort they put in to get four Bursledon Gigs from Tudor down to Venice for this year’s Vogalonga. The big prize of the evening, however, went to Lydia and Ladina from Tudor and Crazy Jonathan from the Crazy Boys, who won this months wooden spoon which had been lovingly created by Dawn, see attached photos.

The Tudor Rowers look forward to welcoming anyone who is interested in joining them for the next Friendly Race evening on 26th July.

The Tudor Monster reappears at Seaford

Tudor Rowers re-established their friendship with Rowhedge Rowing Club last Saturday when they formed a joint squad with the Essex based club at the Seaford Pilot Gig Rowing Regatta. Despite not having had much experience of rowing Pilot Gigs the Tudor Rowers put in a great performance against experienced crews achieving 3rd in the men’s, 4th in the mixed and 5th in the women’s categories.

Congratulations go to all members of the Rowdor squad aka The Tudor Monster.

John Elson
Rowing Captain

Ebb & Flow

A couple of quick LnTM this week. Firstly from KHM about a Cross Solent Swim on 7th July. See for details.

Next, and I have mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, but it is worth mentioning again now there is a notice from LHB. There is now real time tide and weather information from the Harbour Office at Langstone Entrance. More details at:

Before I sign off for this week I’ll add a quick “save the date”:

7th & 8th September – 75th Anniversary Regatta

This will be a fun event whether you are shore side or on the water, so book the time in your calendar so you don’t miss it.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

FOR SALE – Walker Bay 8 Tender £375 ono

Walker Bay 8 dinghy.

In good condition, with the odd general use scrapes etc. one would expect.

Comes complete with oars, rowlocks and launch trolley (with recent new wheels). Also has a drain plug in the stern.

£375 ono.

Call or text Derek Pearce on 07735 581097