Tidal Diamond 963

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

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Tidal Diamond 963

  • Tudor Regatta
  • WhatsApp
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Tudor Regatta

Sailing Instructions for the Regatta this weekend are available on the club website in the useful documents section. Link below to access:

Tudor Sailing Club – Langstone Harbour

In addition to our normal Regatta events, we have:


  • Games on the Water – 2:30pm, these will be in kayaks and tenders, perfect for cadets to get involved.
  • Anniversary Parade of Boats – 4pm we need as many boats on the water in all shapes and sizes, if you can’t decorate your boat then why not put on a fancy hat or sparkly top?
  • Kayak Races – 4.30pm
  • History of TSC Quiz – collect the questions and pop your answers in the box and the winner will be announced on Sunday.
  • Cream Teas – from 3pm
  • Bake-Off – 4:45pm
  • Shanties, Hot Food and Disco from 5pm


  • Tug of War – 2pm
  • Friendly Gig Racing – come and have a go from 3:30pm
  • History of TSC Quiz – collect the questions and pop your answers in the box and the winner will be announced at the prize giving.
  • Cream Teas
  • BBQ & Bar – all afternoon

Booking for Saturday evening food is essential, booking closes Friday lunchtime. – Tudor Sailing Club: Regatta Saturday 7th September (webcollect.org.uk)

Advanced booking for Cream Teas is advised to ensure you get one.

BBQ can be pre-booked or turn up on the day.

Tudor Sailing Club: Regatta Sunday 8th September (webcollect.org.uk)

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

WhatsApp – Club Announcements and Social Events Advertising

One of the quick wins coming from the club development survey you recently completed is that members would like a club WhatsApp group just for announcements, important information and social advertising.

The key point being requested is you would like Admins Only to have access to post. Every other member will be read only.

The Objective being to provide a place to quickly receive and retrieve key information and important stuff so it doesn’t get lost in the general stream of the individual groups. Plus the ability to scroll back easily to locate information. It will, hopefully, resolve recent feedback from members that they have missed key information.

To that end at some point early next week a link will be sent to every WhatsApp group so people can add themselves to the new Announcements group. I will also display the QR code on the social committee notice board and advertise via email and here in Tidal Diamond.

This new group complements existing communication avenues: TD, the members lounge, email communications and means important info and Ads won’t need to be repeated or get lost across numerous busy groups. A crossover communication period will ensure everyone has plenty of notice. I won’t do it this week to avoid confusion / lost information ahead of the Regatta.

This new group will not replace class captains posting announcements in their section relevant to their section, but it will enable them to reach everyone with events or information that is of interest club wide.

If you have any questions please let me know and look out for the link to the new group early next week.

Jane Dare
Rear Commodore

Ebb & Flow

I have attached a copy of the flyer for the Langstone Harbour Board Advisory Committee Open Forum. It isn’t exactly the snappiest title, but we have talks on Seaweed Aquaculture, Project Portunus, 3 Harbours Partnership & Wetland Works, and Helping Share Our Shores with Wildlife. It will take place at ECA on Tuesday 8th October from 7 to 9pm. Please see the flyer for details of how to let us know you are coming so we can get an idea of numbers.

A couple of items that came up at last weeks LHB Advisory Committee meeting that may be of interest:

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)
September 4th 1300hrs Cruise in Company Dinghy
September 4th 1800hrs Cadets on the Water Cadets
September 5th 1800hrs Women on the Water Kayak/Dinghy
September 6th 1800hrs Friendly Fridays Dinghy
September 7th / 8th 75th Aniversary Regatta Cruiser/Dinghy/Rowing/Kayak
September 9th 1800hrs Paddle Mondays Kayak
September 11th 1000hrs Cruise in Company Dinghy
September 12th 1800hrs Women on the Water Kayak/Dinghy
September 13th 1800hrs Gales Series 10 Cruiser
September 13th 1900hrs Sunset Series 8 Dinghy
September 14th 1300hrs Barts Bash – TBC Dinghy
Social (Calendar)
September 6th 1930hrs First Friday Family Friendly Takeaway Night
September 7th 1400hrs 75th Aniversary Regatta Cream Tea
September 7th 1700hrs Regatta Evening Food
September 8th 1400hrs Regatta Cream Tea / Regatta BBQ
September 8th 1715hrs 75th Anniversary Regatta Prizegiving
Club Activities
Dinghy sailing Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.


FOR SALE – RS Feva #1794 £900

Sail no 1794

bought new 2006.

Main sail, Jib and launching trolley.

         One off BRIGHT GREEN HULL.

         Offers £900 o.n.o.

I am putting the boat up for sale because i don’t really enjoy sailing on my own and it is not getting used.

For further information or viewing contact:

Felicity on 07954 147249

Further photos to follow.

Tidal Diamond 962

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

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WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 962

  • Photos for the 75th Anniversary Regatta
  • Bar and Galley Shifts
  • Great Tudor Bake Off is Back!
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Photos for the 75th Anniversary Regatta

Let’s fill the club house with our memories ready for our Regatta.
It doesn’t have to be you on the water, let’s celebrate you and your families. Even if you’re a newish member let’s see you in yester-year. Photos can be scanned and will be cared for. Please contact me if you can contribute.

Colin Thorpe

Bar and Galley Shifts

The Bar and Galley shifts for the Regatta weekend are available on duty man and have been created in manageable chunks so everyone can enjoy the weekends events.

Training can be arranged for the event if you want to help. No help turned down. The more we have doing a small bit the more everyone enjoys the weekend.

As always, THANK YOU.

Maggie Hodge
Bar Manager


Inga Lambert
Social Secretary

Great Tudor Bake Off is Back!

As part of our 7th Anniversary celebrations the Great Tudor Bake Off is returning.

Bake any cake / cupcakes / brownies with a nautical theme. Be as inventive as you like with your icing and decorations. Your bakes will be judged on taste and presentation. Entries will be judged on the afternoon of the regatta. Cakes will be put out on Saturday evening and Sunday Prizegiving for everyone to eat.

Cakes should ideally serve 6 or more, a list of ingredients of each entry will be required for allergen purposes

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

Ebb & Flow

In case you hadn’t noticed we have our 75th Anniversary Regatta coming up, do come along and join in the fun; help out with the bar and galley if you can (see above).

I will add a quick reminder of the 75th Anniversary Memento coaster which you can order until the end of the month, so only a few days left to order on WebCollect: Tudor Sailing Club: 75th Anniversary Coaster. (webcollect.org.uk)

The weekend after our regatta is Bart’s Bash. Andrew Simpsons, next door to us, is organising things. See the attached poster for more details.

To make sure I finish on the regatta I will note that I have left the Great Tudor Bakeoff details in from last week as a reminder, and give another plug for photos. I am going to have to dig through my old pre-digital photos to see what I can find – 56 years worth, most in boxes is going to be a challenge! Frustratingly I am pre-booked on a 26 mile ‘Mighty Hike’ for Macmillan. If my legs still work I may make it for Sunday!

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

FOR SALE – Wayfarer Dinghy £900

Built approx 1994

The dinghy has a good and stable reputation for all ages, the boat has ‘for and aft’ storage lockers, the sails are approx 6 years old and the cover is 5 years old. It comes with a road and launch trolley.

For further information or viewing contact:

Dave on 07791234634

Tidal Diamond 961

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 961

  • High Water Cruise
  • 75th Anniversary Regatta
  • Great Tudor Bake Off is Back!
  • Regatta 2024
  • 75th Anniversary Memento
  • Club SUPs
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

High Water Cruise Saturday 24th

This Saturday is a high water cruise, staying within the harbour, with safety boat cover. It’s a cruise not a race, so boats should stay close together.

We will start off with a briefing at 1400 by the race box steps. Please have your dinghy mostly rigged and ready and be changed by then. We will confirm the route and if we are stopping off anywhere on Hayling. We may be stopping off somewhere where you could buy a drink or ice cream but this isn’t guaranteed. The route and destination will partly depend on the weather, particularly wind strength and direction. Please bring suitable clothing, sunglasses, suncream, water and snacks etc.

If you have space in your dinghy for another person please let me know or post it on the dinghy / new members WhatsApp. Conversely if you would like to be crew for someone, also let me know or post it on the group.

If you would like to take out a club boat but haven’t been shown how to rig it yet, let us know and Mark can show you beforehand.

We still need a patrol boat helm for this event, please volunteer on duty man.

Mark and Nicola
Cruise leaders
Wanderer 5178

75th Anniversary Regatta

The weekend of 7th and 8th September is our 75th Anniversary Regatta. We have lots going on all weekend, including a Sail-Past on Saturday afternoon, racing (all sections), family fun, shanties, disco, bake-off, cream teas and pulled pork. Please watch out on our socials for details and put the date in your diary!

It would be great to gather any old photos of the club to show at the weekend – please let me know if you have any.

Colin Thorpe

Great Tudor Bake Off is Back!

As part of our 7th Anniversary celebrations the Great Tudor Bake Off is returning.

Bake any cake / cupcakes / brownies with a nautical theme. Be as inventive as you like with your icing and decorations. Your bakes will be judged on taste and presentation. Entries will be judged on the afternoon of the regatta. Cakes will be put out on Saturday evening and Sunday Prizegiving for everyone to eat.

Cakes should ideally serve 6 or more, a list of ingredients of each entry will be required for allergen purposes

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

Regatta 2024

Provisional Schedule for the forthcoming regatta is below, all racing will be from the club line with the dinghies and rowers using short courses that can be seen most of the time from the club garden.

Tickets for the BBQ, Afternoon Tea and Saturday evening are all available on WebCollect. Tudor Sailing Club: Social Events (webcollect.org.uk) If you want to come on saturday evening but don’t want food then please book a free ticket so that we know rough numbers.

Saturday 7th

  • 1.30pm Cruiser Racing
  • 2.00pm Dinghy Racing
  • 2.30pm Games on the Water
  • 4.00pm Parade of Boats
  • 4.30pm Kayak Races (TBC)
  • 4.45pm Bake Off Judging
  • 5.00pm Shanty Singers
  • 5.45pm Prizegiving
  • 5.00pm onwards
  • Evening Food & Entertainment

Sunday 8th

  • 2.00pm Tug of War
  • 2.10pm Cruiser Racing
  • 2.40pm Dinghy Racing
  • 3.30pm Rowing Racing
  • 1.00pm onwards
  • BBQ & Bar
  • 5.15pm Prizegiving

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

75th Anniversary Memento

If anyone would like to order a special anniversary stone coaster then the first order will be going in at the end of the month. A further order may go ahead if there are sufficient numbers.

The details are as follows, picture attached to this TD.

  • Sandstone coaster with cork backing
  • Heat resistant
  • Wipe clean with damp cloth and mild soap
  • Customised with Tudor 75th anniversary design
  • Measures width 4.25″ (10.8cm); depth 1/4″ (0.7cm)
  • £7.50 each inc vat.

Order on WebCollect

Tudor Sailing Club: 75th Anniversary Coaster. (webcollect.org.uk)

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

Club SUPs

I’m pleased to advise that our new club SUPs are now available for booking and use.

They will be charged at £3.50 per SUP for two hours usage.

As with all our club vessels please remember to book and then pay for your session.

Booking here…


And then pay for your session here…


The SUPs are included if you have a kayak season ticket or an all boat season ticket.

Please ensure before you go out on club SUPs that you have read and understood the safety protocols available in the Kayak and SUP section on useful documents.


A video guide to usage will be available on our YouTube channel. It may not be available immediately so please keep checking back.


Thank you to everyone involved in this initiative.

Colin Thorpe

Ebb & Flow

We have had correspondence through from The Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation who are hosting The Morning Cloud Sailing Talks 2024 in Salisbury on 25th October. There are talks from Timothy Long (In 2020, at the age of 15, Timothy Long sailed solo around Britain, at the time the youngest person to do so.) and Peter Forbes (Peter is the proud owner of an Amel 54 cutter rigged ketch sailing yacht.). For more details about the speakers and costs see the attached PDF that I have created from the email.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.



Tidal Diamond 960

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 960

  • Social Update
  • Emergency Provisions
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Social Update

Friday 30th August from 7pm – **NEW DATE** – Gin & Rum tasting with Portsmouth Distillery

Join us on *Friday 30th August from 7pm* for an evening with local premium artisan spirit producer, *Portsmouth Distillery* as they take us through a selection of their gins and rums.

A payment of £10 p/p will need to be made on the day to Portsmouth Distillery (cash is preferable). They will also bring some bottles on the day to purchase (card machine available).

Booking must be done in advance so that we have an idea of numbers. *_If you previously booked this event, please rebook on this new event!

As a reminder, 1 member can sign in up to 4 guests.


Sat & Sunday 7th & 8th September – Tudor’s 75th Birthday Regatta

Don’t forget to save this date in your diary.

You’ll be seeing more information from me, Alex and Hannah as the date approaches.. here and on WhatsApp, Facebook/Instagram telling you about the food, entertainment, races and fun on the water we’ve got planned.

Friday 18th October – Knotty Night

Save the date.

An informal evening to learn and practice all the knots you’ll ever need on the water.

This is always a popular evening at the club so this year we’ll have a knotty guru on each table to help you tie yourselves up in knots.

Web collect not up yet, but put the date in your diary. There will be the chance to try the fantastic pies from local kitchen Mad K.

Keep an eye out for more shore side talks as we enter Autumn and Winter.

Thank you

From all of us on the social committee, thank you to those that helped in the galley on Saturday at the clubs Tudor Challenge. Great teamwork.

Also thanks to Jools B for the beautiful cupcakes and Sue Woodbridge for all the delicious cake and desserts. Everyone loved them. Thank you Rich B for those wonderful sausage rolls.

Inga Lambert
Social Secretary

Emergency Provisions

Just for info “Emergency Provisions” will now be available in the female changing rooms (probably from Thursday) as per the attached picture.

Jane Dare & Kirsty Stark
Rear Commodore

Ebb & Flow

Those of you who have skimmed quickly down to here will likely have noticed a level of duplication from last week. That is the case, but a reminder never hurts, especially in a slow news week! That said, if the WhatsApp groups are anything to go by there is plenty happening on the water at the moment.

To make things more interesting I could suggest a spot the difference below, but instead I will note that I have added a link to the Langstone Harbour Board Weather and Tides page. I have also checked all the links are still current, which they are – possibly bar the Chichester LNtM one where the site is currently offline; I suspect it is still accurate though.

Given the lack of the Chichester Conservancy website at the moment I will mention LNtM 12 of 2024 which details the Chichester Harbour Race Week from Monday 19th to Friday 23rd August:-

  1. Mariners are advised that the annual regatta of all Chichester Harbour sailing clubs will take place between Monday 19 and Friday 23 August 2024. There are expected to be in the region of 300 sailing dinghies competing in these races daily. Racing will normally take place two hours either side of high-water in the whole of the southern part of the harbour and in Hayling Bay.
  2. For further details of classes and start times: https://chichesterharbourraceweek.sailevent.net/
  3. Mariners wishing to contact the race coordinator during racing or seeking assistance in traversing race areas should contact call-sign ‘Sandy’ on VHF Channel 37.
  4. Cancel this LNTM 24 August 2024.

On a similar note, on 17th August Southsea Rowing Club have their regatta off Southsea beach. Details at: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices/lntm/2024/24107-southsea-rowing-regatta-17-august-2024

It may also be helpful to note that there is a light out on the north end of the Gosport Ferry pontoon. Details at: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices/navigational-warnings/2024/2441

And on that note I will sign off for another week.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 959

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 959

  • Club Development Survey
  • Social Update
  • Emergency Provisions
  • Tudor Challenge Lives up to its Name
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Club Development Survey

There is one week remaining to complete the club development survey if you have not done so already.

The survey will close at 17:00 on Tuesday 13th August.

The link to access the survey is below.

As a member run club your views and opinions on Tudor’s future strategy and development are important to us.

Thank you to everyone that has already completed it.


Jane Dare
Rear Commodore

Social Update

Friday 9th August – Sunset Series 7 Dinghy Race Supper

Come and join us to watch the Sunset series 7 Dinghy race and enjoy a Pulled Pork Burger with salad. We also have a Vegetarian Burger option. Booking is essential so we know how many to cater for on the evening. The Bar will be open. We need help in the galley please. Let me know if you are available.

Friday 30th August from 7pm – **NEW DATE** – Gin & Rum tasting with Portsmouth Distillery

Join us on *Friday 30th August from 7pm* for an evening with local premium artisan spirit producer, *Portsmouth Distillery* as they take us through a selection of their gins and rums.

A payment of £10 p/p will need to be made on the day to Portsmouth Distillery (cash is preferable). They will also bring some bottles on the day to purchase (card machine available).

Booking must be done in advance so that we have an idea of numbers. *_If you previously booked this event, please rebook on this new event!

As a reminder, 1 member can sign in up to 4 guests.


Sat & Sunday 7th & 8th September – Tudor’s 75th Birthday Regatta

Don’t forget to save this date in your diary.

You’ll be seeing more information from me, Alex and Hannah as the date approaches.. here and on WhatsApp, Facebook/Instagram telling you about the food, entertainment, races and fun on the water we’ve got planned.

Friday 18th October – Knotty Night

Save the date.

An informal evening to learn and practice all the knots you’ll ever need on the water.

This is always a popular evening at the club so this year we’ll have a knotty guru on each table to help you tie yourselves up in knots.

Web collect not up yet, but put the date in your diary. There will be the chance to try the fantastic pies from local kitchen Mad K.

Keep an eye out for more shore side talks as we enter Autumn and Winter.

Thank you

From all of us on the social committee, thank you to those that helped in the galley on Saturday at the clubs Tudor Challenge. Great teamwork.

Also thanks to Jools B for the beautiful cupcakes and Sue Woodbridge for all the delicious cake and desserts. Everyone loved them. Thank you Rich B for those wonderful sausage rolls.

Inga Lambert
Social Secretary

Emergency Provisions

Just for info “Emergency Provisions” will now be available in the female changing rooms (probably from Thursday) as per the attached picture.

Jane Dare & Kirsty Stark
Rear Commodore

The Tudor Challenge lives up to its Name

Last Saturday Tudor Sailing Club hosted its 3rd Tudor Challenge, with 27 boats from 16 clubs taking part.

With a Force 4 gusting Force 5 westerly, the conditions were borderline for running the full 10-mile course, and competitors found the return leg from the Bridge to Rod buoys very challenging as the wind over the tide caused very choppy conditions on the Hayling side of the harbour. Despite this, all boats completed the course with the Tudor crews finishing in 4 out of the top 5 places on handicap. For some crews, this was the 1st rowing race that they had competed in, which was demonstrated by the spread of times, with the fastest boat completing the course in 1hr 51 minutes 11 seconds, and the slowest boat completing the course in 4hr 42 minutes 12 seconds. Congratulations go to the winning crews, a full list of the results can be found on the event website https://tudorchallenge.com/past-results/

Off the water club, volunteers helped lay on a great event for competitors and spectators with nautical-themed entertainment provided by the Force 10 Shanty Band and the well-stocked bar and BBQ providing after-race refreshments, with Portsmouth Distillery also providing a Gin bar.

A big thank you to everyone involved in helping with the planning and organisation of this event which is going from strength to strength each year. The reputation of the Tudor Challenge is growing and the feedback from visiting clubs is that the Tudor Challenge is now becoming one of the premier events in the local rowing calendar.

Thanks Team Tudor!

John Elson
Rowing Captain

Ebb & Flow

To quickly round off this weeks Tidal Diamond I will draw your attention to the attached poster (so it doesn’t get lost in all the other attachments!). On 31st August from 10am to 4pm Porstmouth Lifeboat Station have an Open Day. The station is on Ferry Road (past Southsea Marina, past ECA and there you are – for those that don’t know it by land). If you are on the Hayling side why not use the Hayling Ferry.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Hosting Our First PSTT Careers Day

Explore the latest updates from the Portsmouth Sail Training Trust, where we share inspiring stories, important announcements and celebrate successes.

Hosting Our First PSTT Careers Day

On March 6th we were delighted to welcome over 40 young people from 5 schools across Portsmouth to the first Portsmouth Sail Training Trust (PSTT) Careers Day, hosted by the Andrew Simpson Centre Portsmouth in partnership with Maritime UK Solent.  

 The day kicked off with talks from Maritime UK Solent, Just Be Maritime and Portsmouth College, along with a workshop from James Ward, Marine Resources, on ‘How to Make a Good First Impression’. 

This was followed by an afternoon of speed networking where the young people got the chance to speak to individuals from over 20 different organisations and businesses including – boatfolk, Premier Mariners, Royal Navy, Lockheed Martin, Portsmouth International Port, SERCO, Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the MOD Police Outreach Team.  

Chris Hatter from Portsmouth International Port said,

Portsmouth International Port were delighted to support PSTT with their Careers Day. The event was very well organised and led to meaningful and impactful conversations with PSTT students. The students found the maritime world to be inspiring, wide in their breadth and full of opportunity. We can’t wait to get the students over to the port to see behind the scenes here!” 

Ben Standen, a teacher from Miltoncross Academy said,

It was great to see the students engaging with the business and everyone enjoying themselves. All the students come from different backgrounds and traumas and all struggle in mainstream learning. By attending the PSTT Careers Day they got the chance to learn about possible career paths for them in the future”. 

Oscar, a student from Miltoncross Academy said,

“I really enjoyed the day learning what I can do in the future”.  

 The day ended with schoolteachers, staff from Portsmouth City Council, and the PSTT Team participating in the speed networking, enabling them to learn more about the opportunities available to young people in the local maritime sector.  

Thalia, one of our PSTT Instructors said

As a PSTT instructor the speed networking event was a great opportunity to learn more about the career opportunities available to young people in the local maritime sector. I will now be able to share this information with all PSTT participants. A few site visits and work experience opportunities came out of the evening as well which is super exciting. It was also great to hear how the students interacted and engaged with the different companies and to see them so interested in the pathways out there”.  

Thank you to all the businesses, organisations, and friends of PSTT who attended the day and made it such a great success. Together we will raise aspirations for young people. 


More news & updates

Tidal Diamond 958

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Tidal Diamond 958

  • Kayak Update
  • Row to Bembridge
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Kayak Update

Paddle UK

Tudor now has associate membership with Paddle UK which may give you access to certain benefits.

Paddle UK club benefits

If you would like to be linked to Paddle UK via the club please send the following details to me at kayaks:

First name
Last name
Email address

Basingstoke Canal Kayak or SUP paddle Saturday 3rd August

If you are interested in going on a trip to explore the Canal please message Terri via one of the WhatsApp group or via email kayaks. Let her know if you need help transporting your kayak, there are limited places on the trailer.

It is likely that the club SUP’s will available by then so you could hire one of those which would be easier to transport.

Departure time to be confirmed.

This is where we will access the canal:

Canal Centre

If you haven’t already got a licence for example through Paddle UK you’ll need to pay for one £6:

Canal Licence

Future Dates

  • Friendly Friday 9th August approx 6pm
  • Monday Evenings approx 6pm launch
  • 1st September Hayling Island or Southsea Marina brunch paddle TBC. 10.30 am launch
  • 13th September Friendly Friday

Keep an eye on the WhatsApp group for extra dates.

Save the Date

  • WOW end of season social 3rd October 2024. Details to follow

Terri Johnson
Kayak Captain

Row to Bembridge

Last Saturday morning, a bright and promising day greeted the rowers as we prepared the gigs to take us to the Isle of Wight. The fleet of four boats had a gentle start rowing to the harbour entrance before making our way across the choppy waters of the Solent. With Bembridge beckoning in the distance, we gathered near Horse Sand Fort before crossing the channel together. We had the chance to approach some rather large ships (at anchor). We also had the joy of sighting a line of Clipper yachts approaching Portsmouth as they finished their Round the World Race. Calm and clear water appeared beneath us as we rowed the final stretch towards the beach and the café! After a relaxing rest sitting in the sun, and a swim in the sea for a couple, we returned to the anchored gigs and launched back towards Langstone harbour. Another co-ordinated crossing of the shipping channel and we were off on the incoming tide towards the Ferryboat Inn. We had a final stop in the afternoon sun with a drink and a view of the racing tide coming in the harbour mouth. The day was made special by the glorious sunshine and sea conditions, as well as the friendly, welcoming, and fun atmosphere within the rowing community.

Lydia Doyle (new to rowing)

Ebb & Flow

The club has a new Welfare Corner located on the left as you enter the clubhouse. You can find First Aid Kits, a Defibrulator and the Accident and Incident Book. See attached poster for more details.

We are well into the season now (it isn’t nearly August, I didn’t just spot the cruiser recovery when looking at the calendar, I’m not going to think about it yet!), but it is always worth having a mind on safety. On that note, the RYA has a piece on “seven common senses for safe sailing”. Of course these things don’t just apply to sailing, but any water based activity. You can read more at: https://www.rya.org.uk/blog/7-common-senses

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

FOR SALE – Graduate Dinghy ‘Fifty Shades’ £400

Super grad for sale, ready to sail

New Selden Kappa mast in 2019 

New padded toe straps for the helm in 2023

Fly away jib pole

Inboard sheeting system

2 old style mains (one used for cruising the other ok for club racing), Older jib on furler (PY Number 1159)

Launching trolley with brand new wheels and has jockey wheel


New style main and jib from 2015 available for an additional £150. Good for club racing (PY Number 1110)

Mark Swallow 
