Category: Tidal Diamond

Tidal Diamond 957

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 957 Social Update Round Hayling Dinghy Cruise 28th July The Round Hayling Rowing Race Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Social Update Friday 26th July This Friday (26th July) … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 956

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 956 Save the Dates: Socials with Food Round Hayling Dinghy Cruise 28th July Club Development Planning Research into Conservation in Langstone Harbour Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Save … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 955

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 955 Quick Reminder – 2 Ways to Advertise Tudor Dinghy News Dinghy Sailing – Locks Regatta Debrief Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Quick Reminder – 2 Ways to … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 954

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 954 Quiz Night Friday 5th July Recent Rowing Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Quiz Night Friday 5th July Tudor it’s time to test your brains. Do you know … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 953

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 953 Social Dates for Your Diary Family Fun Day Kayaking FSMBC Regatta Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Social Dates for Your Diary Hi everyone, Remember Friday 28th June … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 952

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 952 Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Ebb & Flow Just the Ebb & Flow section this week, but that doesn’t mean there’s no news. First item of interest … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 951

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 951 Friday Night Food Ferryboat Inn Cruise Dinghy Calendar Changes Cruise Leaders Needed Patrol Boat Training Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Friday Night Food – 14th June We’ve … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 950

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 950 Games Night Booking and Paying to use Club Boats Friendly Friday Rowing Race Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Games Night Friday 7th June Don’t forget Friday is … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 949

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 949 Social News The Vogalonga 2024 Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Social Update Hi everyone, please do put the following dates in your diary and join us. As … Continue reading

Tidal Diamond 948

Tudor Sailing Club My TUDORSC Account Powered by Tidal Diamond 948 Kayak News Gould Trophy Ebb & Flow Useful Links Diary Dates Kayak News Basingstoke Paddle For a variety of reasons the Basingstoke Paddle didn’t go ahead but we are … Continue reading