Tidal Diamond 969

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

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Tidal Diamond 969

  • Cruiser Recovery
  • Club Roles
  • Social Events
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Cruiser Recovery

Thank you again to everybody involved in cruiser recovery for making this another successful operation.

Just a reminder – sails must be removed from your cruiser to comply with our insurance. Ladders must be locked, and jet washing can only be done until the end of December.

Colin Thorpe



Club Roles

We still need somebody to take on the bar officer role.

We are also looking for nominations for Dinghy and Rowing Captains.

Please let me know if you are able to take on one of these.

Colin Thorpe



Social Events

Friday 1st November – Celebration & Presentation Evening

We’ll be serving chilli and rice at the beginning of the evening celebrations. Please book here.


Friday 8th November – Bird Aware Solent

An opportunity to hear about the work Bird Aware Solent undertakes during the winter months to educate the public and help mitigate bird disturbance on our coastline. Increase your knowledge of the wonderful array of overwintering birds that call the Solent home during the winter months.

Family and Friends very welcome. Please book a space for each person coming.


Inga Lambert

Social Secretary


Ebb & Flow

From Saturday 19 October to Sunday 3 November 2024 Bird Aware Solent are running The Great Coastal Birdwatch 2024. To find out more and how to take part visit: https://birdaware.org/solent/great-coastal-birdwatch-2024/.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor


Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

October 19th 1230hrs: Frostbite 1 (short course)

October 20th 1330hrs: Trafalgar Pursuit

October 27th 1200hrs: Frostbite 2

Social (Calendar)

October 17th: WOW End of Season Social

October 18th 1900hrs: Knotty Pie Evening

October 18th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting

October 28th 1900hrs: 3 Harbour Rowing Meeting

November 1st 1930hrs: Presentation & Celebration Evening

November 8th: Tudor Talk – Bird Aware Solent

November 15th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor

Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 968

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 968

  • Cruiser Recovery
  • Social Events
  • Rear Commodore’s Notes
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Cruiser Recover

There will be a Cruiser Recovery Briefing on Wednesday 9th October at 2000hrs. We will talk through arrangements for this year, take any questions and provide tips for those new to the recovery operation. Jane Dare will also be there to take any additional food bookings for the Recovery Weekend. Please make every effort to attend.

Cruiser Launch will begin at 0600 on Saturday 12th October, please park in Kendall’s car park. All cruiser owners, whether launching are not, are expected to be at the club from 0600 to assist with the launch. This has long-since been part of the arrangement for having a cruiser at Tudor.

Colin Thorpe



Social Events

Friday 1st November – Celebration & Presentation Evening

We’ll be serving chilli and rice at the beginning of the evening celebrations. Please book here.


Friday 8th November – Bird Aware Solent

An opportunity to hear about the work Bird Aware Solent undertakes during the winter months to educate the public and help mitigate bird disturbance on our coastline. Increase your knowledge of the wonderful array of overwintering birds that call the Solent home during the winter months.

Family and Friends very welcome. Please book a space for each person coming.


Inga Lambert

Social Secretary


Rear Commodore’s Notes

Cruiser Recovery Catering

Please find attached the menu for Cruiser recovery weekend. It’s really helpful and appreciated if you book your food as soon as possible to help Nicola, Sheri, and me with numbers. As the saying goes, if you snooze you lose and you’ll have to take pot luck on the day 🙂. Also if you’d like Dave & Pete to serve a vegetarian breakfast option please let me know as soon as you’ve ordered on web collect. I’ll be at the recovery briefing on Wednesday evening and you can place orders with me then. Please bring a payment card.

Friday 1st November

Please keep this date free and join us for an evening of celebration and presentations. The link to book food is in Inga’s piece above. Or pop onto web collect.

Friday 22nd November

Newish Members get together.

If you’ve joined Tudor this year the flag officers and class captains would love to see you and chat about how your year has been so far.

A very informal evening. Bring family. Bring your supper if you wish 😄. No booking required.

Naturally all members are welcome too, however long you’ve been a member it’s always great to see the club house busy.

Jane Dare

Rear Commodore


Ebb & Flow

Having attended the LHB Open Forum tonight I can recommend the Bird Aware Solent talk on 8th November as they were one of the speakers there.

On which note, I will call it a night and send this out without further delay.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor


Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

October 12th / 13th: Cruiser Recovery

October 19th 1230hrs: Frostbite 1 (short course)

October 20th 1330hrs: Trafalgar Pursuit

October 27th 1200hrs: Frostbite 2

Social (Calendar)

October 12th / 13th: Cruiser Recovery

October 17th: WOW End of Season Social

October 18th 1900hrs: Knotty Pie Evening

October 18th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor

Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.


Tidal Diamond 967

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 967

Social Events

Commodore’s Notes

Rear Commodore’s Notes

General Dinghy Sailing Intentions for Winter 2024

Ebb & Flow

Useful Links

Diary Dates

Social Events

Friday 4th October – Live Music from The Beat Collective

Join us for live music from *The Beat Collective* for a set of melodic rock and pop covers spanning a period of over forty years.

From 7.30pm.

Band starts at 8pm

Ticket includes a hot dog!

Tickets must be booked on Web Collect

Family and friends are welcome 💃🏾🕺🏾


Friday 18th October – Knotty Night

Come along and bring some old bits of rope for learning and practicing all the knots you’ll ever need. We’ve lined up 8 knotty masters (thank you).

Booking is available now on web collect with a choice of delicious pie from local kitchen MadK. Friends and Family welcome.


Please also keep an eye out as we’re finalising an Autumn date for Bird Aware Solent to come to the club and give a talk about all the species that call Langstone Harbour home.

Inga Lambert

Social Secretary


Rear Commodore’s Notes

Cruiser Recovery

Cruiser Recovery is on 12th and 13th October. The slipway will be closed to all members until it is communicated that recovery is complete.

All cruiser owners should be on site by 6am.

Blocks for standing your cruiser on should be brought down the week before, clearly marked with your boat’s name, and left inside the North Gate.

The briefing for all cruiser owners is at 20:00 on Wednesday 9th October.

Compound Works

We have completed the surface improvements in the north of the compound. Thank you to those who turned out to lend a hand, and in particular to Kevin for his expert digger work. 100 tonnes of aggregate has been laid.

We have left a pile of Type 1 inside the north gate. This can be used through the winter to level any areas that need it as the surface settles.

Club Fences

It is a term of our lease that we keep the compound fences and gates in good repair, and these are overdue painting. There are plenty of duty hours available to do this.

Colin Thorpe



Rear Commodore’s Notes

Cruiser Recovery Catering

Please find attached the menu for Cruiser recovery weekend. The web collect to order food will be available by the time you read this. It’s really helpful and appreciated if you book your food as soon as possible to help Nicola, Sheri, and me with numbers. As the saying goes, if you snooze you lose and you’ll have to take pot luck on the day 🙂. Also if you’d like Dave & Pete to serve a vegetarian breakfast option please let me know as soon as you’ve ordered on web collect.

Friday 1st November

Please keep this date free and join us for an evening of celebration and presentations. More information to follow.

Friday 22nd November

Newish Members get together.

If you’ve joined Tudor this year the flag officers and class captains would love to see you and chat about how your year has been so far.

A very informal evening. Bring family. Bring your supper if you wish 😄. No booking required.

Naturally all members are welcome too, however long you’ve been a member it’s always great to see the club house busy.

Jane Dare

Rear Commodore


General Dinghy Sailing Intentions for Winter 2024

Dear TSC Dinghy sailor,

the summer season has now ended and the Compound reorganisation will prepare the Club premises for the winter routine.

It is my commitment to try to ensure a convenient and handy arrangement for the dinghies on our compounds to meet as much as possible needs and expectations of all the Members. Your help would be extremely useful, and I would appreciate it if you could let me know what your general sailing intentions are for the winter season filling this google form:


Please be reassured that minor rearrangements are possible at any time, should you change your mind at any point during the winter.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Martino Pani

Compound Bosun


Ebb & Flow

Well after a bit of a challenge adapting the format to the new WebCollect email editor, which has unexpectedly removed some features and modified the rest, I think I will send this out and hope I’ve managed to adapt things to the new way of working and still keep things readable.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor


Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

October 5th 1300hrs: Gould / Challenge 3

October 6th 1000hrs: Compound Reorganisation / Work Party

October 6th 1330hrs: Novice / Endeavour / Ladies Tray / Sophie Ludford (short course)

October 12th / 13th: Cruiser Recovery

October 19th 1230hrs: Frostbite 1 (short course)

October 20th 1330hrs: Trafalgar Pursuit

October 27th 1200hrs: Frostbite 2

Social (Calendar)

October 4th 1930hrs: First Friday Family Friendly Takeaway Night

October 12th / 13th: Cruiser Recovery

October 17th: WOW End of Season Social

October 18th 1900hrs: Knotty Pie Evening

October 18th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor

Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 966

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 966

  • Compound Work Parties
  • Cruiser Recovery
  • Cruiser Dates 2025
  • Southsea Rowing Club
  • Vacancies
  • Nominations Meeting
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Compound Work Parties

Please let me know if you can help with any of the following. In particular, do come along on Thursday evening, 5pm, to help move dinghies around.

Thursday 26th September, 5 – 7pm – clear the north end of the compound of boats. Cut back weeds.

Friday 27th afternoon, Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th – use excavator and dumper to spread 80 tonnes of Type 1 aggregate.

Week of 30th September – finish off levelling the surface.

Sunday 6th September 10am – Dinghy reorganisation and garage tidy.

Cruiser Recovery

  • Recovery Briefing – Wednesday 9th Oct, 20:00
  • Recovery – Saturday 12th Oct, 06:00
  • Recovery – Sunday 13th Oct, time confirmed at end of Saturday.

This is weekend is only able to take place by all cruiser owners helping each other in the many tasks that need doing. As such, all cruiser owners are expected to be on site to help for the duration of cruiser recovery.

Please let Jane or me know if you are able to help in the bar or galley.

Cruiser Dates 2025

  • Cruiser Relaunch – 5/6 April 2025
  • Cruiser Recovery – 18/19 Oct 2025

Southsea Rowing Club

The Exec have provisionally agreed with Southsea Rowing Club that they can use our slipway while the sea-defence works are in process along the Southsea Seafront. This requires a byelaw change to allow us to grant them Group Members. Please take a look at the email that has been sent out and let me know if you have any comments.


We have the following vacancies – please contact me for more information

  • Bar Manager – no applicants so far. The bar cannot open without a bar manager.
  • WebCollect Administrator – working with the Membership Secretary to keep our records up to date; manage renewals and subscriptions.

Nominations Meeting

Yes, it’s getting to that time of year again!

The Nominations Meeting is at 14:00, Sunday 3rd November. This is a short meeting at which we take nominations for our flag officers and Committee posts, and accept proposals for any Constitution changes.

Please consider if you would like to join and of the committees or stand for one of the officer roles. I will give more information in due course as to which committee posts we particularly need to fill.

Colin Thorpe

Ebb & Flow

A busy Tidal Diamond this week so I shall simply round off with a quick link to Sofa to Sailboat. As a past Leisure 17 owner it was nice to have a chat with them at the Boat Show and see the work they have done on their Leisure 17. The plan is to cross 3000 miles of the Atlantic and raise money for four charities, leaving in December. You can read more at https://www.sofatosailboat.co.uk/.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 965

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 965

  • Social Events
  • End of Season Cruiser Get Together
  • Women on Water End of Season Social
  • New WhatsApp Group
  • Bar Manager
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Social Events

Friday 4th October – Live Music from The Beat Collective

Time to swing your pants!

Join us for live music from *The Beat Collective* for a set of melodic rock and pop covers spanning a period of over forty years.

From 7.30pm.

Band starts at 8pm

Ticket includes a hot dog!

Tickets must be booked on Web Collect

Family and friends are welcome 💃🏾🕺🏾


Friday 18th October – Knotty Night

Come along and bring some old bits of rope for learning and practicing all the knots you’ll ever need. We’ve lined up 8 knotty masters (thank you) but could always use more. If you’ve already had a chat with Jane, please consider yourself ‘booked’ as a knot master and please pop Jane a message if you want to be part of the knotastic team and haven’t ‘volunteered’ yet.

Booking is available now on web collect with a choice of delicious pie from local kitchen MadK. Friends and Family welcome.


Friday 1st November – Presentation & Celebration evening

Join us for chilli, chat, and a chance to chat about the memories we’ve made on the water this year. Save the date as it’s not on web collect just yet. As always, amongst the more ‘serious’ presentations we’ll be awarding the Flounder Trophy and the Should’ve Gone To Specsavers Trophy. Nominations of your fellow members to Hannah B are appreciated.

Inga Lambert
Social Secretary

End of Season Cruiser Get Together

Join us this Friday, September 20th, at the club for an evening to celebrate the highlights of the 2024 cruising season as it draws to a close.

This gathering is a wonderful opportunity for both seasoned cruiser sailors and newcomers to share stories, exchange tips, and offer suggestions. Everyone is welcome, and we look forward to a fun evening of camaraderie and conversation.

Let’s remember, the season isn’t over just yet:

Sunday, 29th September, brings an exciting chance to participate in the Nab Tower Trophy race, a great sail out to the Nab Tower and back.

Additionally, I’m planning a final cruise starting on Wednesday, October 2nd, for a few days. If you’d like to join or meet up along the way, feel free to let me know!

Lastly, we’re gauging interest in a meet-up at the Folly Inn on the Isle of Wight on Saturday, October 5th. Let’s see who’s up for a last hurrah!

Hope to see you there!


Brian Kinsley
Cruiser Captain

Women on Water End of Season Social

We are holding an end of season get together at the Club on Thursday 3rd October at 6.30pm.

All women are welcome; kayakers, rowers, dinghy and cruiser sailors, paddle boarders, or those women who love to watch the water from the club garden and get out less often.

It will be an opportunity to get together on dry land and celebrate some fantastic times over the last year or memories – maybe fun, hair-raising or personal or team achievements.

The theme will be a TexMex one, meat or veggie/vegan chilli alongside rice, tortillas, sour cream, guacamole and salsa.

Please can you book on WebCollect by midnight on Tuesday 1st October for catering purposes.


We look forward to seeing you.

Terri Johnson
Kayak Captain

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

New WhatsApp Group for Club Announcements and Advertising Events

The new group is now live and ready to join. If you haven’t already joined please do as going forward this new group will be where the flag officers, our social committee, & class captains post important notices and information about events of interest to all members. If you don’t join you’ll miss important information as we plan to not spam everything out across all WhatsApp groups now. (Naturally information will still be put in emails, TD and on our members lounge as appropriate)



Jane Dare
Rear Commodore

Bar Manager

We need to appoint a new Bar Manager from amongst our membership. The main tasks are keeping the bar stocked, training new bar volunteers, ensuring that duties are covered, and generally ensuring that the bar operates smoothly. There is a small team that helps with this. It also comes with a seat on the Executive Committee, and covers all duty hours.

Please let me know if you are interested – the bar won’t be able to operate unless we can fill this role.

Colin Thorpe

Ebb & Flow

To round off this week a link to an article from the Solent Protection Society on the ‘Solent CO2 Pipeline’ consultation that may be of interest: https://solentprotection.org/2024/09/02/exxonmobil-pipeline-a-deeper-look/

Next, a quick note of the cruiser dates for next year:

  • Cruiser Relaunch – 5/6 April 2025
  • Cruiser Recovery – 18/19 Oct 2025

..and finally, if anyone is wanting to go to the Southampton Boatshow and needs a ticket, I have a spare half price one – just drop me an email.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)
September 18th 1200hrs Cruise in Company Dinghy
September 19th 1745hrs Women on the Water Dinghy
September 21st Wild Goose Chase (TBC) Dinghy
September 22nd 1430hrs RNLI 200 Binness Dinghy
September 26th 1745hrs Women on the Water Dinghy
September 28th 1000hrs Supported Recreational Sailing Dinghy
September 29th 1030hrs Gould / Challenge 2 Dinghy
September 29th 1300hrs Nab Tower Trophy Dinghy
October 5th 1300hrs Gould / Challenge 3 Dinghy
October 6th 1000hrs Compound Reorganisation / Work Party Dinghy
October 6th 1330hrs Novice / Endeavour / Ladies Tray / Sophie Ludford (short course) Dinghy
Social (dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

FOR SALE – Jaguar 22 – ‘Nauti Girl’ £2495

Jaguar 22 – Nauti Girl 

Year approx – 1976

LOA – 21.50 ft / 6.55 m

LWL – 19.33 ft / 5.89 m

Beam – 7.64ft

Displacement – 2,250.00 lb / 1,021 kg

Max Draft – 3.80 ft / 1.16 m

Builder – Russel Marine Ltd (UK)

Designer – Frank Dixon

Also known as a Catalina 22, Alacrity 22

  • Nauti Girl has gone through an extensive refurbishment, removing layers of old paints and coatings and returning her to an original condition. The polished GRP hull, new boot-top, new graphics, repainted gunwale and coach roof all using hempel or teamac paints. New grey deckpaint. Anti-fouled a few years ago but never launched so its still fresh.
  • Brand new Fulton lifting keel winch, with dyneema cord hard fastened to the keel.
  • Any exterior fittings have either been removed or refurbished.
  • 2x mainsails, with reefing points, 1x furling genoa. The genoa has a few patches but is clean. Running rigging replaced where needed; i.e. new main and genoa sheets & kicker. Boom is a rotating reefing type for original simplicity. 2x deck halyard clutches .Fair condition mainsail boom cover.
  • Mast has not been lowered but appears in good condition, all halyards present, vhf aerial, tricolour masthead light and wind indicator. Shroud lowers all good, roller genoa reefing.
  • Self draining cockpit, 2x good sized clean cockpit lockers.Few spare ropes and fenders.
  • Refurbished wooden rudderstock, rudder blade and tiller.
  • St.St boarding/swim ladder on the transom.
  • Large kedge anchor & chain on the foredeck.
  • The interior was stripped back to basics and repainted with Teamac gloss white, woodwork stripped and varnished, new EPVA teak effect flooring added to the cabin sole and forward berth sides.
  • A galley unit has been refreshed with new tile effect surfaces, a new single burner propane canister burner, new wash bowl, fresh cutlery, plates and cups etc.
  • Several lockers have been painted inside with specialist bilge paints.
  • Interior windows are dry, no leaks and have a new dark tint added to reduce the UV in the cabin and add some privacy.
  • Minimal cabin cushions exist (original long gone), but provide enough comfort where needed.
  • Simple electrics using a 12v battery, topped with a roof solar panel and controller.
  • Brand new Nasa Depth sounder and transducer using existing hull fixing.
  • Advansea T50 GPS chart plotter with c-map sdcard for the solent area.
  • Standard Horizon Marine basic VHF radio with distress features.
  • Engine – Yamaha 6hp long shaft outboard, manual start, kill-cord, brand new prop, recent service, repainted leg. Complete with a yamaha steel fuel container.
  • Tender – simple but sound hard 8ft dinghy with oars and oarlocks, small kedge anchor, and launching trolley. May include outboard for £250 if required.
  • Custom wood compound storage cradle in strong condition.

Nauti Girl is for sale due to replacement yacht. She is ready to sail, she is a safe and forgiving yacht with the essentials all done, she is an idea day-sailer /weekender for a new person coming into the scene, with a huge online resource available for tips and owner support. Over 18000 were built worldwide.

Please get in touch with her owners Sheri & Hannah who have kept a log of all the recent work and for further information. She is currently in the boat storage compound at Tudor Sailing Club.


FOR SALE – Road Trailer £275

Road launching trailer , suitable for a boat 15’-0” in length.( can be adjusted )

New wheel bearings and tyres, wheel lock and hitch lock included.

Can be viewed in TSC main compound.

£275 Ono

Contact Bill on 07801299636 

Tidal Diamond 964

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

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Tidal Diamond 964

  • Commodore’s Update
  • New WhatsApp group
  • Social Update
  • Sailing Update
  • Photos Needed for the Website
  • 75th Anniversary Regatta
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Commodore’s Update

75th Regatta

A massive thank you to everybody who supported the Regatta weekend – whether helping with the mostly successful (shame about Saturday’s wind!) racing and on-the-water fun, helping feed and water people in the clubhouse, making cakes for the Bake-Off, or simply turning up and enjoying the event. It was a fitting way to celebrate our 75th Anniversary, probably summed up by a member who popped in with his kids at 2pm on Saturday and was just about leaving gone 9pm!

Congratulations to those who won, both on and off the water.

Also well done to our rowing crews who successfully defended 2 out of 3 trophies at open meetings on Saturday.

Cruiser Recovery and dates for next year

Cruiser Recovery Weekend is 12th / 13th October. All cruiser owners are expected to attend. We will be recovering some of the larger boats outside of this weekend in order to prevent the tractor being submerged; we’ll communicate with these owners in due course.

  • Relaunch will be 5th /6th April 2025
  • Recovery will be 18th/19th October 2025

We will be doing Phase 2 of compound improvements in the fortnight prior to recovery.

Moorings Refurbishment

Plans are progressing with Langstone Harbour Board to relay a proportion of our moorings to make them fit for the future. We will communicate more details in the next couple of weeks. If you would specifically like your block brought ashore to refurbish (particularly those which are buried or in deep water), please let John, Moorings Bosun, know asap. moorings

Southsea Rowing Club

Plans are also progressing to accommodate Southsea Rowing Club while their clubhouse is out of action during coastal defence work. They plan to store their boats at Andrew Simpson and use our slipway for launching.

Bar Manager

Maggie is standing down as Bar Manager after 2 years’ excellent work. Thank you Maggie!! If you are interested in taking on this role, please let me know. The main tasks are keeping the bar stocked, training new bar volunteers, ensuring that duties are covered, and generally ensuring that the bar operates smoothly. There is a small team that helps with this. It also comes with a seat on the Executive Committee.

Colin Thorpe

New WhatsApp group for club announcements and advertising events

The new group is now live and ready to join. Going forward this new group will be where the flag officers, our social committee, & class captains post important notices and information about events of interest to all members. Please join so you don’t miss anything important. It will now be easier to scroll back to find links to book events and check start times etc. (Naturally information will still be put in TD and on our members lounge as appropriate).

There will be a crossover period of a week or so where info will be posted in all the main WhatsApp groups to avoid confusion or loss of info while people join. New members will be automatically added when they join the club.



Jane Dare
Rear Commodore

Social Update

Friday 4th October – Live Music from The Beat Collective

Join us for live music from *The Beat Collective* for a set of melodic rock and pop covers spanning a period of over forty years.

  • From 7.30pm.
  • Band starts at 8pm
  • Ticket includes a hot dog!

Tickets must be booked on Web Collect

Family and friends are welcome 💃🏾🕺🏾


Friday 18th October – Knotty Night

Come along and bring some old bits of rope for learning and practicing all the knots you’ll ever need. We’ve lined up 8 knotty masters (thank you) but could always use more. If you’ve already had a chat with Jane, please consider yourself ‘booked’ as a knot master and please pop Jane a message if you want to be part of the knotastic team and haven’t ‘volunteered’ yet.

Booking is available now on web collect with a choice of delicious pie from local kitchen MadK. Friends and Family welcome.


Finally. .. thank you! To everyone who answered the appeal for more help for the Regatta weekend. To everyone that helped in the bar and galley, shopped, cooked, served, washed up, the list goes on. Thank you, you are the BEST.

Inga Lambert
Social Secretary

Photos Needed for the Website

If you have photos from the last few year then please add them to the TSC Flickr group and tag them and then they will appear on the TSC gallery pages.

To make photos appear on the Tudor photos pages please follow the following steps:

  • Create a free account on Flickr if you don’t already have one.
  • Ask to join the Tudor Sailing Club group on flickr.
  • Upload your pictures to flickr ensuring you add them to the group. Ideally giving them a name which describes them including the event and date.
  • Tag the photos in Flickr following the scheme outlined below:

Mandatory Tags: ‘TudorSC’:

  • Year Tag: ‘2024’ etc.
  • Activity Tags: ‘dinghy’, ‘cruiser’, ‘rowing’, ‘wow’, ‘kayaking’, ‘cadets’, ‘social’

Optional Event Tags:

  • These tags are listed on the photos page (e.g. ‘regatta’, ‘outofharbour’, ‘nab_tower’, ‘gig’)

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

Sailing Update

Sunset Race 8

The final sunset race of the season is this Friday, 13th September starting at 7pm. It will involve sailing in low light / darkness so competitors will be provided with glow sticks to attach to buoyancy aid shoulders and also some to attach to the boat (you may also bring your own illumination). Sailors should also ideally carry a compass, a fully charged accessible mobile phone or VHF, a whistle and a head torch. Attached are the light sequences for the harbour marks. If Russells is used it will have glow sticks attached for illumination. The dredger is currently not scheduled to move as is having planned maintenance. We do currently need a Race Officer for this so please volunteer if you can.

Barts Bash

We will be running the Barts Bash race again this year in collaboration with ASWC next door. A donation for entry should be made at the centre on the day. It is a LW race so will be a simple course not venturing far from the club. It is perfect for novices to have a go at racing. As part of this sailing participation and fundraising event, there will be lots of activities taking place throughout the day at the ASWC including taster sessions, helmed boat spaces, gourmet burgers, raffle and visits from our partners here in Portsmouth. All funds raised from the day will be donated to the Andrew Simpson Foundation to help transform lives through sailing.

All participants need to register online by following this link: https://www.bartsbash.com/sign-up/individual, and choose Andrew Simpson Centre – Portsmouth as your venue!

If anyone is able to assist me as Race Officer then please drop me a line as it can get a bit hectic!

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

75th Anniversary Regatta

What a fantastic weekend at TSC! Club was buzzing with lots of members both days and Paul seemed to be having a great time dancing to the Shanty Band. Big thank you to everyone who volunteered, sailed, paddled, rowed or took part in any other way. Photos will appear over the next few days on the website.

If anyone has any feedback (positive or constructive) then please let me know as we will be having a wash up meeting next week.

For those that completed the quiz, the answers are attached. Joint winners were Neil Boyce and Bill / Wendy Jones each with 9 out of 10.

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

Ebb & Flow

With a busy Tidal Diamond this week, and a busy weekend, I shall simply sign off with the usual…

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

  • WebCollect: dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.



Tidal Diamond 963

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 963

  • Tudor Regatta
  • WhatsApp
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Tudor Regatta

Sailing Instructions for the Regatta this weekend are available on the club website in the useful documents section. Link below to access:

Tudor Sailing Club – Langstone Harbour

In addition to our normal Regatta events, we have:


  • Games on the Water – 2:30pm, these will be in kayaks and tenders, perfect for cadets to get involved.
  • Anniversary Parade of Boats – 4pm we need as many boats on the water in all shapes and sizes, if you can’t decorate your boat then why not put on a fancy hat or sparkly top?
  • Kayak Races – 4.30pm
  • History of TSC Quiz – collect the questions and pop your answers in the box and the winner will be announced on Sunday.
  • Cream Teas – from 3pm
  • Bake-Off – 4:45pm
  • Shanties, Hot Food and Disco from 5pm


  • Tug of War – 2pm
  • Friendly Gig Racing – come and have a go from 3:30pm
  • History of TSC Quiz – collect the questions and pop your answers in the box and the winner will be announced at the prize giving.
  • Cream Teas
  • BBQ & Bar – all afternoon

Booking for Saturday evening food is essential, booking closes Friday lunchtime. – Tudor Sailing Club: Regatta Saturday 7th September (webcollect.org.uk)

Advanced booking for Cream Teas is advised to ensure you get one.

BBQ can be pre-booked or turn up on the day.

Tudor Sailing Club: Regatta Sunday 8th September (webcollect.org.uk)

Hannah Barnes
Dinghy Captain

WhatsApp – Club Announcements and Social Events Advertising

One of the quick wins coming from the club development survey you recently completed is that members would like a club WhatsApp group just for announcements, important information and social advertising.

The key point being requested is you would like Admins Only to have access to post. Every other member will be read only.

The Objective being to provide a place to quickly receive and retrieve key information and important stuff so it doesn’t get lost in the general stream of the individual groups. Plus the ability to scroll back easily to locate information. It will, hopefully, resolve recent feedback from members that they have missed key information.

To that end at some point early next week a link will be sent to every WhatsApp group so people can add themselves to the new Announcements group. I will also display the QR code on the social committee notice board and advertise via email and here in Tidal Diamond.

This new group complements existing communication avenues: TD, the members lounge, email communications and means important info and Ads won’t need to be repeated or get lost across numerous busy groups. A crossover communication period will ensure everyone has plenty of notice. I won’t do it this week to avoid confusion / lost information ahead of the Regatta.

This new group will not replace class captains posting announcements in their section relevant to their section, but it will enable them to reach everyone with events or information that is of interest club wide.

If you have any questions please let me know and look out for the link to the new group early next week.

Jane Dare
Rear Commodore

Ebb & Flow

I have attached a copy of the flyer for the Langstone Harbour Board Advisory Committee Open Forum. It isn’t exactly the snappiest title, but we have talks on Seaweed Aquaculture, Project Portunus, 3 Harbours Partnership & Wetland Works, and Helping Share Our Shores with Wildlife. It will take place at ECA on Tuesday 8th October from 7 to 9pm. Please see the flyer for details of how to let us know you are coming so we can get an idea of numbers.

A couple of items that came up at last weeks LHB Advisory Committee meeting that may be of interest:

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor

Useful Links

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)
September 4th 1300hrs Cruise in Company Dinghy
September 4th 1800hrs Cadets on the Water Cadets
September 5th 1800hrs Women on the Water Kayak/Dinghy
September 6th 1800hrs Friendly Fridays Dinghy
September 7th / 8th 75th Aniversary Regatta Cruiser/Dinghy/Rowing/Kayak
September 9th 1800hrs Paddle Mondays Kayak
September 11th 1000hrs Cruise in Company Dinghy
September 12th 1800hrs Women on the Water Kayak/Dinghy
September 13th 1800hrs Gales Series 10 Cruiser
September 13th 1900hrs Sunset Series 8 Dinghy
September 14th 1300hrs Barts Bash – TBC Dinghy
Social (Calendar)
September 6th 1930hrs First Friday Family Friendly Takeaway Night
September 7th 1400hrs 75th Aniversary Regatta Cream Tea
September 7th 1700hrs Regatta Evening Food
September 8th 1400hrs Regatta Cream Tea / Regatta BBQ
September 8th 1715hrs 75th Anniversary Regatta Prizegiving
Club Activities
Dinghy sailing Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us;
contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire here.
Women on the Water Weekly; contact wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

Dinghy, Sailing, Cruiser

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.

Paul Tansom

Tidal Diamond Editor
Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.


FOR SALE – RS Feva #1794 £900

Sail no 1794

bought new 2006.

Main sail, Jib and launching trolley.

         One off BRIGHT GREEN HULL.

         Offers £900 o.n.o.

I am putting the boat up for sale because i don’t really enjoy sailing on my own and it is not getting used.

For further information or viewing contact:

Felicity on 07954 147249

Further photos to follow.