Tidal Diamond 971
- Nominations Meeting
- Class Captains
- Social Update
- Kayaking
- Social Events
- Ebb & Flow
- Useful Links
- Diary Dates
Nominations Meeting
2pm, Sunday 3rd November. Please consider if there is a role/committee that you would like to stand for and give your support by attending this meeting.
Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore
Class Captains
We currently have no nominations for Dinghy Captain or Rowing Captain. Please do consider if you are able to put yourself forward for these roles – we will not be able to run the range of activities that we currently enjoy without these positions being filled.
Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore
Social Update
Friday 1st November – Annual Celebration & Presentation Evening
Food will be served at 7pm and the Presentation ceremony will take place after the meal, around 8pm.
We really hope that you are able to join us for this evening which celebrates all our club sections. Tickets are available on web collect 
We would love to see everyone and encourage members and guests to attend either for the whole evening or just the prize giving.
Friday 8th November – Bird Aware Solent
An opportunity to hear about the work Bird Aware Solent undertakes during the winter months to educate the public and help mitigate bird disturbance on our coastline. Increase your knowledge of the wonderful array of overwintering birds that call the Solent home during the winter months.
Family and Friends very welcome. Please book a space for each person coming.
Tuesday 26th November
We’d love help to decorate the club room for Christmas . Time to be confirmed but please save the date if you’d like to join us.
Saturday 14th December
Time to party. We’ll be joined again by The Beat Collective playing dance tunes to get Christmas started. Band starts playing at 8pm. Party and buffet will start at 7pm. Look out for web collect later this week.
Saturday 21st December
Join us for carol singing and mince pies at 4.30pm on the 21st. Web collect will be available to book later this week.
Inga Lambert, Social Secretary, socialsec
It’s been a lovely season and I’m sad it’s ended but it’s good to see people still going out when there’s a nice spell.
Thinking ahead; if anyone be willing and able to drive the trailer for a kayak trip to Basingstoke please let me know. We can then have a discussion about dates to suit you to go in the calendar for next year. You would be paid handsomely for your trouble in the form of bacon butty’s!
If anyone has any other ideas for kayaking events or how to encourage people on the water please let me know.
Finally, I hope to see kayakers at the awards evening; there will be an inaugural kayak award!
Terri Johnson, Kayak Captain, kayaks
Ebb & Flow
Although we are at the jet washing and scraping end of the winter layup, there is an interesting article on the RYA website on reducing the environmental impact of antifouling. Antifouling is a bit of a quandary given it is intended to keep growth off the hull, but environmentally we don’t want it to impact the same wildlife elsewhere (if nothing else if it is growing somewhere else it isn’t on the hull!). It also has a notable impact on the yards where it is used unless collected and disposed off properly. To find out more visit: https://www.rya.org.uk/blog/protect-collect-dispose
As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.
Let’s be careful out there.
Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds
Useful Links
WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing
Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/
Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php
Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf
Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:
Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338
Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746
Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners
Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices
KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices
National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport
NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/
Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast
Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth
Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy
Diary Dates
Activities (Calendar)
November 3rd 1130hrs: Frostbite 3
November 10th 1130hrs: Frostbite 4 – Remembrance Race
November 17th 1100hrs: Frostbite 5 (Short Course)
November 24th 1030hrs: Frostbite 6
Social (Calendar)
November 1st 1930hrs: Presentation & Celebration Evening
November 8th: Tudor Talk – Bird Aware Solent
November 15th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting
November 26th Time TBC: Christmas Tree Decorating
Club Activities
Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.
Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.
Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.
Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.
New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.
All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.
Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club |