Tidal Diamond 977

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

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Tidal Diamond 977

  • AGM
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates


The AGM is 2pm on Sunday 12th January. Please do put this in your diary.


We are seeking nominations in particular for the following. See the email that I’ve sent out separately for more details, but do let me know if you would like more information.

  • Rear Commodore
  • Captains Secretary
  • Maintenance Officer
  • Membership Secretary

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Ebb & Flow

Getting quiet as we approach Christmas, so another reminder of the AGM in the New Year has started things off. To round off this week, more on water quality, but a different issue this time…

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds

Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)


January 1st 1130hrs: Hangover Race

January 4th 1330hrs: Icicle 1

Social (Calendar)

December 21st 1630hrs: Christmas Carols


January 10th: Quiz night hosted by Nicola C

January 12th 1400hrs: AGM

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 976

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

WebCollect Logo

Tidal Diamond 976

  • AGM
  • Christmas Social
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates


The AGM is 2pm on Sunday 12th January. Please do put this in your diary.

New Positions

Congratulations and thank you to the following people who will be taking up new positions:

  • Yvonne Adams: Kayak Captain
  • Rob Taylor: Dinghy Captain
  • Colin Fudger: Bar Manager

Many thanks to John, Hannah and Maggie who are stepping down – you will all be hard acts to follow, but leave your areas very well organised and in good hands!

Thank you also to Katrina who has done an excellent job as Membership Secretary over the last year and will be stepping down in the New Year.


We are seeking nominations in particular for the following. See the email that I’ve sent out separately for more details, but do let me know if you would like more information.

  • Rear Commodore
  • Captains Secretary
  • Maintenance Officer
  • Membership Secretary

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Christmas Social

Christmas Party, 14th December 7pm

Tickets are still available on WebCollect for the Christmas🎄Party We have a great band to listen and / or dance to. A buffet supper is included with a party ticket. Friends and family are welcome.🎄Tickets are £16, head to https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc/event/tudor-christmas-party-1 to book.

Inga Lambert, Social Secretary, socialsec

Ebb & Flow

We’re back after a hiatus last week due to technical issues (thankfully I hadn’t received any new items, hence not sending one when service was restored).

I have repeated the Christmas Party item as there is still just about enough time to book – if you act fast. You may have seen a reminder on WhatApp too.

The sea wall round Farlington Marshes is in poor condition and recently the tidal flaps broke. There have been various discussions by the powers that be over the future of the marshes around managed realignment or defending the marshes as they are, and which is the best environmental and / or economic solution. There is an update on the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust website on the current plans and immediate work. To read more visit: https://www.hiwwt.org.uk/updates-farlington-marshes.

To round off I will mention that both our Commodore, Colin, and Cadet Captain, Daniella, were at the RYA Connected conference the weekend before last presenting a session on the work that Tudor are doing. Whilst I wasn’t in the session as I was involved elsewhere, I did hear numerous positive comments about it, so well done representing and promoting our club.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds

Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

December 15th 1000hrs: Frostbite 8 (Short Course)


January 1st 1130hrs: Hangover Race

January 4th 1330hrs: Icicle 1

Social (Calendar)

December 14th 1900hrs: Band and Buffet

December 21st 1630hrs: Christmas Carols


January 10th: Quiz night hosted by Nicola C

January 12th 1400hrs: AGM

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 975

Tudor Sailing Club
Tudor Sailing Club

My TUDORSC Account

Powered by

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Tidal Diamond 975

  • Health & Safety Update…please read
  • Christmas Social
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Health & Safety Update…please read

The following two signs will be available on the Welfare Board in the clubhouse foyer from Wednesday evening. (Welfare board is immediately left as you enter club house foyer).

1) our club address, postcode and What 3 Words to assist you in the (hopefully) rare occurrence you need to call for the emergency services.

2) a list of equipment currently available in the Welfare area. The first aid kits are now also stocked with high absorbency pressure dressings. Please note the new clean up kits (arriving at the end of the week) are for bodily fluid clean-ups and not to be used for oil spills please. Pop me a message if you have questions.

Also worth a reminder that all accidents should be logged in the Accident & Incident log book also in the welfare area. Major accidents need to be additionally reported immediately to the Commodore or other available flag officer.

Full incident and near miss reporting process available in the ‘all section documents’ area of useful documents on the club website.

Phew! Stay safe ⛑🤕

Jane Dare, Rear Commodore, rearcommodore

Christmas Social

Christmas Party, 14th December 7pm

Tickets are now available on WebCollect for the Christmas🎄Party We have a great band to listen and / or dance to. A buffet supper is included with a party ticket. Friends and family are welcome.🎄Tickets are £16, head to https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc/event/tudor-christmas-party-1 to book.

Club Decorations

Thank you to everyone who came to the club to decorate for Christmas🎄It is a great Tudor team effort; pictures attached.

Inga Lambert, Social Secretary, socialsec

Ebb & Flow

Andrew Simpson have a Christmas charity event on 7th December:

This Christmas, we’re making waves for a wonderful cause.

Help raise £10,000 for Andrew Simpson Foundation’s Big Christmas Challenge at our Winter Sail in Portsmouth!

On the 7th December, we’ll set sail from the Centre to Hayling Island, and every penny raised will be matched, doubling our impact.

After our adventure on the water, warm up with delicious cake and hot drinks.

Let’s sail together to make a difference! Are you in?

As an aside, did you know you can buy ASC gift cards? With your Tudor Member discount you can give that Christmas gift a boost!

Finally this week, Sail GP will be in Portsmouth next year on the 19th and 20th July. To find out more visit: https://sailgp.com/races/24-25/great-britain-sail-grand-prix-portsmouth/overview?sfnsn=scwspwa

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds

Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

December 1st 1030hrs: Frostbite 7

December 15th 1000hrs: Frostbite 8 (Short Course)

Social (Calendar)

December 5th 1830hrs: WoW Craft Evening

December 6th 1930hrs: First Friday Family Friendly Takeaway Night

December 7th: Winter Series Rowing Race

December 14th 1900hrs: Band and Buffet

December 21st 1630hrs: Christmas Carols

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 974

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Tudor Sailing Club

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Tidal Diamond 974

  • Cruiser Moorings
  • Sailing Club Manager
  • Anniversary Coasters
  • Dinghy Captain Vacancy
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Cruiser Moorings

We’re moving closer to the point where we can begin to recover a dozen or so moorings to the compound for refurbishing. Please note that this will cause some disruption to slipway usage while the moorings are brought ashore, and then placed back onto the slipway for picking up by the harbour Board for relaying. Dates and times are tide and weather dependant – they will be communicated as soon as we have this confirmed with Langstone Harbour Board.

Affected mooring holders have been contacted directly.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Sailing Club Manager

The Exec has been appraising an alternative system to WebCollect/DutyMan, called Sailing Club Manager. This is a system specifically designed for sailing clubs, and is used by many of the clubs in the area. The main advantage for members is that only a single login is required for subscriptions, bookings, duties, documents etc. From an administration point of view, having a single system simplifies operations considerably, saving a lot of time and improving accuracy. We are currently going through the process of setting this up, hopefully to introduce this for renewals in the New Year. The main website will remain as-is. We will give a full briefing at the AGM.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Anniversary Coasters

If you ordered a coaster and have not yet collected it they are behind the bar. Please tick off your name on the list when you have collected.

Hannah Barnes, Dinghy Captain, dinghies

Dinghy Captain Vacancy

This is a sad note to let you know that we currently have no Dinghy Captain. My term has ended but no-one has come forward to take my place. The 2025 calendar has been drafted and now just needs finalising so the biggest job is done for you. You will have a full committee behind you to support as well. If you would like to volunteer then please drop Alex or Colin a line.

Hannah Barnes, Dinghy Captain, dinghies

Ebb & Flow

Following on from my piece last week (which I have left in below) the following talk may be of interest. “Water Recycling Technologies“, An online talk by expert Dr. Marc Pidou (Senior Lecturer in Resource Recovery, Cranfield University). See the attached poster for more details, or visit https://havantmatters.org/events/.

Effluent Recycling

Southern Water have plans for “Effluent Recycling” and there is a consultation inviting comments by 4th December. This is a separate project to the Portsmouth Water reservoir at Havant Thicket, but will result in mixing the recycled water with the spring water in the reservoir should it go ahead. It also involves building a recycling plant in Brockhampton on the old tip, which involves risks in disturbing whatever has been dumped there over the years and allowing it to leach into Langstone Harbour.

To find out about the project, risks and impacts you can read more at https://havantmatters.org/ which also has details about how to respond to the consultation.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds

Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

November 24th 1030hrs: Frostbite 6

December 1st 1030hrs: Frostbite 7

December 15th 1000hrs: Frostbite 8 (Short Course)

Social (Calendar)

November 26th Time TBC: Christmas Tree Decorating

December 5th 1830hrs: WoW Craft Evening

December 6th 1930hrs: First Friday Family Friendly Takeaway Night

December 7th: Winter Series Rowing Race

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 973

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Tudor Sailing Club

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Powered by

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Tidal Diamond 973

  • New / Newish Member Get Together
  • Bird Aware Solent – Winter Field Trip
  • Social Events
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

New / Newish Member Get Together

Friday November 22nd

Quick reminder about the get together on 22nd Nov. Aimed at new / newish members as we’d love to know how you’re settling in and any help you need….but ALL members are very welcome and the more the merrier. Couldn’t be more informal (unless you turn up in PJs 😁) and you’re welcome to bring supper or takeaway. Bar will be open. Drop in to say hello or stay all evening. See you there.

Jane Dare, Rear Commodore, rearcommodore

Bird Aware Solent – Winter Field trip

Great talk from Rich last night about the birds that winter in our local harbours. I’ll be chatting to Rich next week to get some provisional dates for the local bird ‘walk’ to see and learn more.

The walk will be somewhere local along our shoreline and you’ll be out around 2 hours. It’s not a long arduous walk, in fact Rich said you hardly walk at all. It’s more about binoculars/ telescope and looking / talking.

There’s no charge. About 20 people per walk. And he’s happy to run several if there is interest.

If you’re interested please pop me a quick email or WhatsApp message and I’ll add you to the list and advise the available dates as soon as possible.

Jane Dare, Rear Commodore, rearcommodore

Ebb & Flow

Mooring and Anchoring Survey

I think I may have shared this before, but doing so again won’t hurt so…

The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, working on the Solent Seascape Project – a 5-year initiative to restore and protect vital marine habitats in the Solent. As part of this project, they are gathering insights from boaters about mooring and anchoring practices in the Solent. Your input is crucial to shaping conservation strategies while considering the boating community’s needs. The survey is open until 31st December 2024.

Why Participate?

Influence conservation strategies with your experiences. Help protect marine habitats for future generations of boaters. Win great prizes, including a year’s free membership to the Wildlife Trust, a £20 FatFace Foundation voucher, or a guided marine biology shore walk for up to 8 people.

Survey link: https://hiwwt.typeform.com/boating

Effluent Recycling

Southern Water have plans for “Effluent Recycling” and there is a consultation inviting comments by 4th December. This is a separate project to the Portsmouth Water reservoir at Havant Thicket, but will result in mixing the recycled water with the spring water in the reservoir should it go ahead. It also involves building a recycling plant in Brockhampton on the old tip, which involves risks in disturbing whatever has been dumped there over the years and allowing it to leach into Langstone Harbour.

To find out about the project, risks and impacts you can read more at https://havantmatters.org/ which also has details about how to respond to the consultation.

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds

Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

November 17th 1100hrs: Frostbite 5 (Short Course)

November 24th 1030hrs: Frostbite 6

December 1st 1030hrs: Frostbite 7

Social (Calendar)

November 15th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting

November 26th Time TBC: Christmas Tree Decorating

December 5th 1830hrs: WoW Craft Evening

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 972

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Tudor Sailing Club

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Tidal Diamond 972

  • Commodore’s Notes
  • Southsea Rowing Club
  • Social Events
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Commodore’s Notes

Thank you for supporting the Presentation and Celebration Evening on Friday. It was a great reminder of the wide range of activities and events that go on at Tudor throughout the year, and what a vibrant club it is!

Thank you also to those who attended the Nominations Meeting. We have nominations for the majority of positions. We do still have vacancies for Rear Commodore (particularly looking at the club development plan), Maintenance Officer and Dinghy Captain.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Southsea Rowing Club

Following the recent consultation, to which we received exclusively supportive responses, I am pleased to let you know that Southsea Rowing Club has been given Group Membership Status at Tudor while the sea defence work is in progress in Southsea. They will be storing their boats and equipment at the Andrew Simpson Centre, but using our slipway and changing rooms to access the water. Please give them a warm Tudor welcome.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Social Update

Friday 8th November – Bird Aware Solent

An opportunity to hear about the work Bird Aware Solent undertakes during the winter months to educate the public and help mitigate bird disturbance on our coastline. Increase your knowledge of the wonderful array of overwintering birds that call the Solent home during the winter months.

Family and Friends very welcome. Please book a space for each person coming.


Tuesday 26th November

We’d love help to decorate the club room for Christmas 🎄. Time to be confirmed but please save the date if you’d like to join us.

Saturday 14th December

Time to party. We’ll be joined again by The Beat Collective playing dance tunes to get Christmas started. Band starts playing at 8pm. Party and buffet will start at 7pm. Look out for web collect later this week.

Saturday 21st December

Join us for carol singing and mince pies at 4.30pm on the 21st. Web collect will be available to book later this week.

Inga Lambert, Social Secretary, socialsec

Ebb & Flow

The autumn and winter Tidal Diamonds can get a little shorter with less on the water activity; I say less because we still have the Frostbite and Icicle series for dinghy sailors and there is no stopping the rowers, possibly even if the harbour were to freeze over again (it did in 1963 for those not local / old enough – that’s before my time too just to be clear 😊). See below for the rowing WhatsApp groups to keep up to date with when they are going out.

With that in mind I’ve repeated the Social Update this week. I will also add a quick plug for the Bird Aware Solent talk this coming Friday. We had one of their talks at the recent LHB Open Forum and it was both informative and entertaining. Well worth a visit to the club – as if the bar and the company isn’t in itself 😉

Those new to cruiser ownership, or who would find a reminder helpful, the RYA has an article on “Winterising your boat engine” which may be a helpful read. To find out more visit;https://www.rya.org.uk/blog/winterising-your-engine

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds

Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

November 10th 1130hrs: Frostbite 4 – Remembrance Race

November 17th 1100hrs: Frostbite 5 (Short Course)

November 24th 1030hrs: Frostbite 6

Social (Calendar)

November 8th: Tudor Talk – Bird Aware Solent

November 15th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting

November 26th Time TBC: Christmas Tree Decorating

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

Tidal Diamond 971

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Tidal Diamond 971

  • Nominations Meeting
  • Class Captains
  • Social Update
  • Kayaking
  • Social Events
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Nominations Meeting

2pm, Sunday 3rd November. Please consider if there is a role/committee that you would like to stand for and give your support by attending this meeting.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Class Captains

We currently have no nominations for Dinghy Captain or Rowing Captain. Please do consider if you are able to put yourself forward for these roles – we will not be able to run the range of activities that we currently enjoy without these positions being filled.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Social Update

Friday 1st November – Annual Celebration & Presentation Evening

Food will be served at 7pm and the Presentation ceremony will take place after the meal, around 8pm.

We really hope that you are able to join us for this evening which celebrates all our club sections. Tickets are available on web collect 👇🏼


We would love to see everyone and encourage members and guests to attend either for the whole evening or just the prize giving.

Friday 8th November – Bird Aware Solent

An opportunity to hear about the work Bird Aware Solent undertakes during the winter months to educate the public and help mitigate bird disturbance on our coastline. Increase your knowledge of the wonderful array of overwintering birds that call the Solent home during the winter months.

Family and Friends very welcome. Please book a space for each person coming.


Tuesday 26th November

We’d love help to decorate the club room for Christmas 🎄. Time to be confirmed but please save the date if you’d like to join us.

Saturday 14th December

Time to party. We’ll be joined again by The Beat Collective playing dance tunes to get Christmas started. Band starts playing at 8pm. Party and buffet will start at 7pm. Look out for web collect later this week.

Saturday 21st December

Join us for carol singing and mince pies at 4.30pm on the 21st. Web collect will be available to book later this week.

Inga Lambert, Social Secretary, socialsec


It’s been a lovely season and I’m sad it’s ended but it’s good to see people still going out when there’s a nice spell.

Thinking ahead; if anyone be willing and able to drive the trailer for a kayak trip to Basingstoke please let me know. We can then have a discussion about dates to suit you to go in the calendar for next year. You would be paid handsomely for your trouble in the form of bacon butty’s!

If anyone has any other ideas for kayaking events or how to encourage people on the water please let me know.

Finally, I hope to see kayakers at the awards evening; there will be an inaugural kayak award!

Terri Johnson, Kayak Captain, kayaks

Ebb & Flow

Although we are at the jet washing and scraping end of the winter layup, there is an interesting article on the RYA website on reducing the environmental impact of antifouling. Antifouling is a bit of a quandary given it is intended to keep growth off the hull, but environmentally we don’t want it to impact the same wildlife elsewhere (if nothing else if it is growing somewhere else it isn’t on the hull!). It also has a notable impact on the yards where it is used unless collected and disposed off properly. To find out more visit: https://www.rya.org.uk/blog/protect-collect-dispose

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds

Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

November 3rd 1130hrs: Frostbite 3

November 10th 1130hrs: Frostbite 4 – Remembrance Race

November 17th 1100hrs: Frostbite 5 (Short Course)

November 24th 1030hrs: Frostbite 6

Social (Calendar)

November 1st 1930hrs: Presentation & Celebration Evening

November 8th: Tudor Talk – Bird Aware Solent

November 15th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting

November 26th Time TBC: Christmas Tree Decorating

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

We did it… PSTT’s Ed and Carolyn Phillips Win Maritime Legacy Award 2024

Explore the latest updates from the Portsmouth Sail Training Trust, where we share inspiring stories, important announcements and celebrate successes.

We did it… PSTT’s Ed and Carolyn Phillips Win Maritime Legacy Award 2024

Ed and Carolyn Phillips from Portsmouth Sail Training Trust (PSTT) were named the winners of the Maritime Legacy Award at the 2024 Maritime UK Solent Awards.

The award, which is decided after interview panels, goes to an individual who has made a significant impact to the strength of the Solent Maritime Sector, leaving a legacy.

PSTT provides maritime training, qualifications and mentoring for young people who face social, economic or educational challenges that limit their opportunities. The programme offers broad and varied support for young people in all aspects of personal and academic development, both on and off the water.

Ed and Carolyn’s passion for empowering young people through maritime education has made a profound difference in the Portsmouth community. Their commitment to providing life-changing opportunities and nurturing a love for the maritime world truly reflects the spirit of this award.

Reflecting on receiving the award, PSTT Founding Trustee Ed Phillips said:

“The appreciation of all the efforts of a great team who make such a significant impact in bringing young talent into the maritime industry is a special and great honour. 

“Recognising and developing the talents of socially deprived young people is key to all our futures. Enabling young talent to embark on successful careers in the maritime industry powers us all to a better future.” 

The award was presented by Solent Stevendores at the awards ceremony held on October 17th at the Hilton Southampton – Utilita Bowl

Anne-Marie Mountifield, Maritime UK Solent Chair, said:

“This year has been exceptionally successful, with the competition stronger than ever, and a clear reflection of how these awards continue to grow year on year-and will undoubtedly keep growing as our industry flourishes. 

“It has been a privilege for Maritime UK Solent to provide this platform for such prestigious maritime organisations, acknowledging the remarkable achievements and incredible talent within the Solent. Each year, I am inspired by the level of innovation, leadership, and commitment showcased by our winners.” 

Securing income to fund the core PSTT programme remains a key challenge, particularly in the current climate. We hope this award helps create more opportunities to support the young people of Portsmouth and we encourage organisations who may be interested in helping us on our journey to get in touch.  

More news & updates

Tidal Diamond 970

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Tudor Sailing Club

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Tidal Diamond 970

  • Class Captains
  • Bar Officer
  • Nominations Meeting
  • 2025 Cruiser Launch/Recovery
  • Social Events
  • Ebb & Flow
  • Useful Links
  • Diary Dates

Class Captains

I’m happy to say that Brian and Terri have offered to stand again as Cruiser and Kayak Captains.

Unfortunately, we have no nominations for Dinghy Captain or Rowing Captain. Please do consider if you are able to put yourself forward for these roles – we will not be able to run the range of activities that we currently enjoy without these positions being filled.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Bar Officer

We similarly don’t yet have anybody to take over from Maggie as Bar Officer. Maggie has kindly offered to stay on until the end of the year – this will be a good period to have a proper hand-over from her. The bar will be closed from 1 January if nobody comes forward to do this role.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Nominations Meeting

2pm, Sunday 3rd November. Please consider if there is a role/committee that you would like to stand for.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

2025 Cruiser Launch/Recovery

Launch – 5th/6th April

Recovery – 18th/19th October

Reserve weekends will be the following weekends.

Colin Thorpe, Commodore, commodore

Social Events

Friday 1st November – Celebration & Presentation Evening

An evening to celebrate the summer season.

We’ll be serving chilli and rice at the beginning of the evening celebrations. Please book here.


Friday 8th November – Bird Aware Solent

An opportunity to hear about the work Bird Aware Solent undertakes during the winter months to educate the public and help mitigate bird disturbance on our coastline. Increase your knowledge of the wonderful array of overwintering birds that call the Solent home during the winter months.

Family and Friends very welcome. Please book a space for each person coming.


Tuesday 26th November

We’d love help to decorate the club room for Christmas 🎄. Time to be confirmed but please save the date if you’d like to join us.

Saturday 14th December

Time to party. We’ll be joined again by The Beat Collective playing dance tunes to get Christmas started. Band starts playing at 8pm. Party and buffet will start at 7pm. Look out for web collect later this week.

Saturday 21st December

Join us for carol singing and mince pies at 4.30pm on the 21st. Web collect will be available to book later this week.

Inga Lambert, Social Secretary, socialsec

Ebb & Flow

This week just a quick link to the RYA Environmental and Sustainability page where you can find out about the ‘Boating Pledge’ and how to minimise your impact whilst at the same time enjoying your hobby: https://www.rya.org.uk/about-us/policies/environment-and-sustainability

As ever, feel free to drop me an email at this address, it is always nice to hear from members. Any ideas of things to include in the Tidal Diamonds always most welcome.

Let’s be careful out there.

Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, tidal_diamonds

Useful Links

WebCollect: https://webcollect.org.uk/tudorsc

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tudorsailing

Facebook Members Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380997942212963/

Useful Documents: https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/?r=/05_sailing/documents/body.php

Know the Ropes (PDF): https://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Know%20the%20Ropes%20New%20Edition%20May%202023.pdf

Opportunities for sailing and social related maintenance hours can be found at:

Dutyman for sailing related duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001338

Dutyman for bar and galley duties: https://dutyman.biz/dmmain.aspx?id=T0001746

Langstone LNtM: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/local-notices-to-mariners

Chichester LNtM: https://www.conservancy.co.uk/page/notices

KHM Portsmouth LNtM: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/khm/portsmouth/local-notices

National Coast Watch (Gosport): https://www.nci.org.uk/gosport

NCI Gosport blog: https://ncigosport.blogspot.com/

Langstone Weather & Tides: https://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/weather-forecast

Portsmouth Tide Times: https://www.ntslf.org/tides/tidepred?port=Portsmouth

Southern Water Beachbouy: https://www.southernwater.co.uk/water-for-life/our-bathing-waters/beachbuoy

Diary Dates

Activities (Calendar)

October 27th 1200hrs: Frostbite 2

November 3rd 1130hrs: Frostbite 3

November 10th 1130hrs: Frostbite 4 – Remembrance Race

Social (Calendar)

October 28th 1900hrs: 3 Harbour Rowing Meeting

November 1st 1930hrs: Presentation & Celebration Evening

November 8th: Tudor Talk – Bird Aware Solent

November 15th 1900hrs: Prospective Members Meeting

Club Activities

Dinghy sailing: Racing and sailing in company (WhatsApp group); contact dinghies for more details.

Cruiser sailing: Planning and info (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Cruiser racing: (WhatsApp group); contact cruisers for more details.

Rowing: New and experienced rowers are always welcome to join us. Contact rowing for more details. Gigs are also available for hire wow for more details.

Maintenance Hours: Opportunities to do your club maintenance; to join the WhatsApp group contact maintenance.

New(ish) Members: Ask questions and find out about the club;to join the WhatsApp group contact rearcommodore.

All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by 1400hrs on Tuesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies. Note: all content is automatically published on the Tudor website unless requested otherwise.


Paul Tansom, Tidal Diamond Editor, Tudor Sailing Club

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of Tudor Sailing Club. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 2 Pye Lane, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1UN.

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact Tudor Sailing Club at Tsclangstone or reply to this email.

WANTED – Launching Trolley

Wanted a Launch Trolley for 11foot dinghy

  Call Paul 07746947700