Tidal Diamond 439 – Volunteers, Ebb & Flow

Tidal Diamond No. 439

Diary Dates

Quiz + Fish & Chips March 13th
Launch Weekend April 11th / 12th
LHRW May 2nd, 3rd & 4th
RYA Push the Boat Out May 17th
Family Fun Day June 20th

Wanted – patrol boat helm and crew for the Asymmetric Coaching Day on 14th March

Calling all wetside volunteers.

Thank you to those who have made selections on Dutyman. For those who have not yet done so, we have a number of early season gaps on the roster. If you have not yet selected your duties, please could you make your selections as soon as possible, paying particular attention to events over the next month or so.

Most pressing is the Asymmetric Coaching Day on 14th March, which needs a patrol boat helm and 2 crew (one to drive the instructor). This event will have to be cancelled if we can’t staff it – which will be a great pity not just for our own sailors but for the visiting instructor and visiting sailors who are attending. If you don’t currently sail an asymmetric, this could be a good opportunity to pick up some tips whilst supporting the event. Even if you have already selected 5 events, please consider volunteering for this event as well.

Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary

Ebb & Flow

Deadline for the next issue of Ebb & Flow – Monday, 2 March 2015.

Get into print!

No doubt, we are all looking forward to getting back out on the water. If you’ve not been sailing so far this year why not at least start thinking and writing about it with an article for the spring issue of Ebb & Flow?

We need your input to make the next Ebb and Flow interesting so please let us know all about your sailing adventures and activities. If you are writing an article (and please do), a few photos if you have them help to make it even more interesting (and make it easier to adjust it to fit in the space available).

We can all learn from the nautical experiences of others so let’s hear about your sailing successes and failures – don’t be embarrassed, pseudonyms can be used if you prefer! Whether cruising or racing, why not let us have some information on your tips and or trips. What about some practical advice or suggestions for this summer. Why not write something on your favourite type of dinghy or cruiser, practical boating advice or cooking in confined quarters – all contributions gratefully received.

Other ideas for articles: what made you want to get afloat in the first place, what was your first sailing experience; what was your worst (and/or best) sailing experience; what boat would you like to own and why; sailing trivia; most useful piece of kit; book reviews; your favourite nautical film or poem?

Sailing stories, cartoons or photos are all welcome? Don’t be shy, start to write – it’s not that difficult. It’s a bit like sailing in fact – once you’ve pushed off, you’ll soon by under way!

If you have an idea, please get in touch and send your contributions to ebbnflow

Richard Curtis
Ebb & Flow Editor

LHRW Breakfast Galley – Volunteer Required (Sunday 3rd May)

The club is looking for a volunteer to cover a breakfast galley duty on Sunday 3rd May 8.00-10.30 please. This will involve providing bacon rolls, sausage rolls so there is no great cooking experience required! Previous galley experience is not necessarily required.

This will count as 1 duty towards your club maintenance.

If you are registered on DutyMan then you can volunteer for this online.

If you can volunteer please contact me asap so I can confirm to the sailing committee the galley will be open that day.


Steve Francis
Social Secretary