Tidal Diamond 500 – Launch Weekend, Bosun’s Tender, Darts, Galley

Tidal Diamond No. 500

Attention All Cruiser Owners – Launch Weekend

Would all Cruiser owners who are not planning to relaunch their boats during the Launch Weekend (2/3 April 2016) please advise the Bosun. Advance notification greatly assists with the planning for this Club Activity.

Steve Jones
TSC Bosun

Bosun’s Tender

The Bosun’s Tender has been repaired and can now be used again. Please remember to book usage in the Bosun’s Diary which is located in the Bosun’s pigeon hole inside the Clubhouse

Steve Jones
TSC Bosun

TSC Darts Match at Locks SC
Friday 11th March 7.30pm

Come along and support the TSC darts team this Friday at Locks. It’s the 3rd and final leg of the series and we are going for the hat trick!

Hope to see as many supporters as possible.

Steve Francis
Social Secretary

Galley Changes & Volunteers Required

As you hopefully read in last weeks TD, from Sunday April 3rd the galley will be open on the first Sunday of every month only. (March open as usual). There will be an alternative and hopefully more attractive menu offering. We are doing this as an experiment and will open the galley more often if it proves popular. The amount of food wastage on galley Sunday’s over the last couple of years is proving an unacceptable cost to the club.

Sarah Bryant and Moira Barber have very kindly agreed to have the menu offerings fully prepared for each of the new monthly galley Sunday’s but we still need galley volunteers to dish out and wash up during the opening hours.

We also need volunteers to cover the BBQ for the various events (family fun day, regattas etc).

These are simple duties to complete and without volunteers the galley will simply stay closed and events will have no food service.

The club needs you to volunteer for these duties as soon as possible please. Don’t just leave it to someone else.

Steve Francis
Social Secretary

New Galley Opening Times

The galley will be open on 1st Sunday of each month, please see the attached poster for details of food booking and other information.

Steve Francis
Social Secretary

Diary Dates

Social Events Sailing Events
Quizz & Pizza March 18th Icicle 5 March 13th
RNLI evening speaker & life jacket check April 1 Saturday Series 1 & 2 March 26th
RYA Push the Boat Out May 21st Spring Series 1 / Easter Egg March 27th

Galley Change Poster 2016.pdf