Tidal Diamond 493 – Presentation Evening, Bosun’s Tender, Volunteers, Immobilise, Open Meeting, Charts, Antifoul, Gig

Tidal Diamond No. 493

Diary Dates

Social Events Sailing Events
Cadets monthly social January 27th Icicle 2 January 24th
Darts Match (at Langstone SC) January 29th Icicle 3 February 7th
Presentation Evening February 6th Icicle 4 February 21st


The Bosun’s Tender has been declared unseaworthy and is not to be used with immediate effect. It is planned to repair the tender as soon as possible but, due to the nature of the work, we will have to wait until we have warmer weather.

Steve Jones

Galley Volunteers Required 24th & 31st January

There are 2 remaining duties in this membership year that require volunteers. Do you need maintenance hours? If so, and even if you’re not galley trained, please contact me socialsec as soon as possible.

2016-2017 Duties: If you would like to volunteer for galley or BBQ duties for the numerous events to be held this year please contact me in the next 2 weeks please. socialsec


Steve Francis
Social Secretary

Vacancy for Club Welfare Officer

Fiona Bowles, our current Club Welfare Officer has decided to step down due to the imminent arrival of a new baby. Thank you to Fiona for her work as Welfare officer over the last year. We now need to appoint a new Club Welfare Officer, whose main responsibility is the safeguarding of our cadets. The job description, child protection policy and good practice guidelines are attached but please contact me if you need any more information. Please send applications to me by Wednesday 27th January, so that the appointment can be considered at the February Exec Committee meeting.

Hannah Barnes


Immobilise is the world’s largest FREE register of possession ownership details and together with its sister sites the Police’s NMPR and CheckMEND, forms a very effective tool in helping to reduce crime and repatriate recovered personal property to its rightful owners. Immobilise can be used by members of the public and businesses to register their valued possessions or company assets, and exclusive to Immobilise all account holders registered items and ownership details are viewable on the Police national property database the NMPR.

Mark Webb
Hampshire Constabulary Marine Unit

Open Meeting on Fish and Wildlife of Langstone

PLSA has organised an open meeting to discuss The Deterioration of the Marine Fish and other Wildlife in Langstone Harbour. It is on January 25th from 7:30 to 9:30 in the ECA clubhouse. There are some space limitations so if you are interested in attending could you please let me know at secretary.east.

Paul Tansom

Charts of the Solent & Langstone Harbour Friday 22nd January 2016

I’ve the following charts which TSC members might like to compare with reality today; there have been some interesting changes in the last 60 years.

Publisher Chart Date
Stanfords Chart 10 Eastern Solent Harbours & Approaches 2005
Chart 24 The Solent and Approaches 2005
Imray Langstone & Chichester Harbours 2003
Langston [sic] & Chichester Harbours 1954

Also two books:
How to Read a Nautical Chart, Nigel Calder, 2003.
Creeks and Harbours of the Solent, K.Adlard Coles, 6th Edition, 1959.

They’ll be layed-out in the Club between 20:30-21:30, Friday 22nd January 2016.

Terry Smith

Antifoul Removal Service – are you interested?

This year, my intention is to have Basil, my Westerly Griffon, soda blasted to remove unknown numbers of antifoul applications. This will probably lead to a new epoxy coating system being applied before I antifoul again. Having approached the Bosuns’ Committee, the suggestion made is that I wait until all other boats are launched (after launch weekend, the 2/3 April 2016) to have the works carried out. This would mean easier access for the company doing work, less mess within the compound, longer evenings to finish working and hopefully better weather!

So to assist in reducing the costs of the blasting, is there anyone else interested in having their hull prepared in the same manner? The more boats which are done, the cheaper the whole process becomes for everyone having the blasting carried out. At the time being, my thoughts are to go with a company called Symblast (mickywillis or call me on 0208 337 1259 evenings and we can discuss. I currently have one other boat keen to have antifoul removal carried out, so if you are tired of scraping, fed up with the mess and your back is aching, message me!!


Micky Willis

Ref. Ian DuCane Gig purchase

I would like to thank all those supporters of the rowing Gig idea who turned out on a “Grotty” Sunday morning. Although there are enough people in support to take the idea forward it appears that others are considering the situation. I am minded therefore to allow the situation more time to develop and I am prepared to personally carry the costs of insurance etc. for a few weeks to give time for reflection. All those who would like to support this venture in whatever capacity please ensure that I am made aware of your interest by phone, text or email. I will report on the situation as it unfolds.

Ian DuCane
