Tidal Diamond No. 477
Diary Dates
Summer Dinghies Out Compound | October 16th |
Cruiser Recovery Weekend | October 17th/18th |
Halloween Party | October 30th |
Laying Up Supper & Quiz | November 13th |
Christmas Party | December 12th |
Christmas Carols | December 18th |
New Years Party | December 31st |
Halloween Party Date change
Please note that the Halloween party at TSC will now take place on Friday 30th October.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Trafalgar Pursuit Race
Saturday 3rd October is our annual Trafalgar Pursuit Race. The race is open to all classes of dinghies, and has a staggered start based on handicaps, with the idea that faster boats chase the slower boats. The race runs for a fixed period of time, and the winner is the leading boat at the set finish time. The first (slowest) boat will start at 3pm from a committee boat start. There will be a briefing onshore at 14:15. This race is great fun, please do come along.
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
Rugby World Cup & Curry Night
Live at TSC, Sat 3rd Oct, 7.30pm
Live on the big screen at TSC. Kick off 8.00pm but come along before hand to order your curry and get a drink before hand.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Cruiser Update
The end of the cruiser season is fast approaching – Only two weekends to go for most of us.
I am proposing that the end of season trip on the weekend of the 10th / 11th is to the Folly as in previous years as I have had no other suggestions made so far.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be attending via e-mail at: cruisers.
I will book a table for 10 (i.e. typically 5 boats) and will increase this if more are interested. I will not book the Folly pontoon as they want quite a big deposit and I can’t see anyone committing to that in advance, given the vagaries of the weather at this time of year. If I get a reasonable number of boats promising to come along, I will reserve a space on the mid river pontoon (much quieter anyway) but normally this is not required at this time of year. The tides make for a nice leisurely trip down on the Saturday and a respectable start to come back on Sunday without getting home too late.
This is also the time of year to elect a Cruiser Captain for next year – this is to be done at the safety brief before lift-out as most cruiser owners should be there.
The other thing to think about is next years calendar – What do you folks want to do in the way of organised trips / rallies? – Cinabbar is off to north Brittany / the Channel Isles for the main trip next summer (hopefully for about 3 weeks) – see the next Ebb & Flow for more details – anyone is welcome to come along with us. After the huge success of this years Commodores Cruise to the bay of Seine, the Channel Isles / Brittany (maybe not quite as ambitious as us) would be a good destination and we would be more than happy to time our trip to meet up with others in that area. There is certainly no shortage of wonderful places to visit and even more laid back than the Channel coast of France.
Roger Smith
Cruiser Captain
Hi everyone,
Given that we are still having beautiful weather it is a shame to think about re-organising the dinghies in the compound for the ‘Winter Lay-up’. I appeal to all the members who have left any of their ‘stuff’ around the compound to clear it up and take it home.
All launching trolley’s need to be named clearly with members surname – please check your trolley is clearly and obviously named! There are a lot of tenders that are either not named or have the incorrect boat name on – this causes confusion and wastes time when dealing with them. We will need to move a lot of the boats around in the compound; the trolley (including the wheels) needs to be in good condition. I really don’t want anyone to damage their backs by having to ‘haul’ boats on trolleys that are in poor condition. Please check your boat / trolley asap.
Many thanks.
Linda Vacher
Compound Bosun
Compound Reorganisation
Date for your diary – Compound re-org 10th October 2015.
We need both cruiser and dinghy members to assist in clearing the whole compound. This includes rubbish / weed clearance as well as actually moving the dinghies to make way for the cruisers over the winter. I will be working in the compound in the week beginning 5th October so if anyone would like to give an hour of two to assist I would be most grateful. I need to know if you plan to sail your dinghy during the winter. I hope that all dinghies will be accessible but some will be easier to get to than others. Kayaks and Toppers may be put onto the rack.
Linda Vacher
Compound Bosun
Election of Dinghy, Cruiser and Cadet captains
It’s that time of year when we elect our dinghy, cruiser and cadet captains for the 2016 season. The respective elections will take place as follows:
- Dinghy captain – at the dinghy section end of season meeting, which will immediately follow compound reorganisation on 10th October.
- Cruiser captain – at the briefing prior to the lift out. This is likely to be on the Wednesday before the cruiser lift out (14th October) but please look out for confirmation of the briefing.
- Cadet captain – at the cadet social on 28th October.
If you would like to put yourself forward for any of these positions, please attend the relevant meeting. If you would like to put yourself forward but are unable to make the relevant meeting, please let the current captain, myself and Hannah know. See the link under the heading ‘sailing committee‘ for a full description of these roles.
These meetings are also a great opportunity for you as members to voice any ideas or suggestions on the shape of the 2016 season.
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
Sailing Committee
As you will know, I am standing down as Sailing Secretary to become the club’s Treasurer. We will therefore need a new Sailing Secretary, plus there will be other vacancies on the committee. If you would like to put yourself forward for these roles, please let myself or Hannah know prior to the Nominations meeting – or come along to Nominations and volunteer then.
Full details of the roles and responsibilities of the sailing committee can be found here: http://www.tudorsailing.org.uk/TudorSailing/05_sailing/documents/upload/Sailing%20committee%20job%20descriptions%202015.pdf
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary