Tidal Diamond No. 358
Ebb & Flow
Deadline for the December issue of Ebb and Flow – this is Sunday, 1 December 2013.
As usual, we need your input to make Ebb and Flow interesting so please let us know all about your sailing adventures and activities over the summer. If you are writing an article (and please do), a few photos if you have them help to make it even more interesting (and make it easier to adjust it to fit in the space available).
I’m sure you must have some sailing thoughts or experiences that we can all learn from or enjoy. Cruising tips – or trips, race training ideas, cooking in confined quarters, whether you achieved your plans and ambitions for 2013 and what are your sailing plans for 2014? What made you want to get afloat in the first place. Sailing trivia, book reviews, your favourite nautical film or poem? What about a seasonal sailing story or are there any sailing cartoonists or comic strip artists out there? Would you recommend your type of boat to others and why? Contributions are welcomed for our next issue. Don’t be shy, start to write!
If you have an idea and aren’t too sure, please get in touch and send your contributions to ebbnflow
Richard Curtis
TSC Winter Dinghy Calendar
The winter dinghy racing calendar resumed last Sunday with the completion of the cruiser recovery. Sunday’s race was very well supported with a 14 dinghy entry, a great showing for winter racing and I thought I’d take the opportunity to see if we can build upon the numbers for the next few races of the Frostbite series.
Firstly the water is still almost warm. You see start with a positive and as one of the foremost capsizers in the fleet I take it on myself to measure the water temperature so that others don’t have to suffer. I say this as a gentle encouragement to those that may have a dinghy wintering in the compound but have yet to find the right “opportunity” to take it out and sail in company. This coming Saturday 23rd November is the Frostbite 4 of 6 commencing at 13:30. I will be in the Patrol Boat as part of the duty team so the opportunity for me to enter is curtailed; it would good to ensure that the club can keep this current level of interest and enthusiasm throughout the series.
If you have any thoughts or interest at dipping a toe in the racing world then please don’t hesitate to contact me on the email below. We have a great group of dinghy sailors who are most welcoming to anyone who would think of taking their sailing a little further. Try it you’ll like it.
Dates for Frostbite Series:
- Frostbite 4 Saturday 23 November – 13:30 start
- Frostbite 2 Sunday 1 December – 09:30 start (Please note this race has been re-scheduled from Sunday 3 November after the recent weather hit cruiser recovery)
- Frostbite 5 Saturday 7 December – 13:30 start
- Frostbite 6 Sunday 1 December – 09:30 start
Phil Bryant
TSC Dinghy Captain
A reminder of the crime prevention advice given out by Hampshire Police Marine Unit
Now the boats are ashore, where practical please take all valuables home and secure any other items out of sight. It is now a good time to ensure that your property is security marked with your postcode and house number or that you have recorded the serial numbers of your electronics/outboards.
Members are reminded to ensure that the gates to the compound are shut and locked behind them at all times. Thieves will often take advantage of busy times and open access to look around and then return when it’s quiet to remove items, as a club member found to his cost earlier this year when he had expensive gear stolen from his boat in the club compound.
Do not assume that others members will lock the gates, you are protecting your property as well as everyone else’s. If you do have anything stolen please ensure that you report it by telephoning Hampshire Police on 101 or if you witness the theft happening please call 999 straight away. If you see anything suspicious on the water please call 101 and quote Project Kraken.
PC Mark Webb
Hampshire Police Marine Unit.
New Bar Manager Needed
After 7 years, Mark Tranter would like to relinquish the post of Bar Manager and so the Exec Committee would like to invite applications for this post (which is an Exec appointment not elected by the AGM).
- To attend the monthly Executive Committee Meeting
- For ensuring the Bar Duty Rota has a full complement of trained staff and to monitor and manage attendance
- For checking the bar stock level once a week to ensure that the bar is fully stocked with food and drink
- For checking the Club social diary and with the Club Social Secretary to ensure the stock is adequate for Club and
- private functions
- For providing additional Bar provision at the two annual “lifts” and Regatta events
- For ordering bar stock to meet the above requirements
- For checking the bar gas bottles and ordering accordingly
- For checking the glass washer cleaning liquid and bar cleaning equipment and ordering accordingly
- For checking that the pipe cleaners rota is written and adhered to
- For ensuring that the bar waste is recycled
- For performing two stock checks per annum
- For submitting an annual budget to the Honorary Treasurer
- To liaise with the Club Social Secretary on staff for private functions
- To provide annual confirmation to the Commodore of Bar duties performed in advance of renewals
If you are interested, please apply to the Hon. Secretary, Mo Clark by Friday 13th December. To discuss the post, please contact Mark Tranter.
Richard Gunn
Christmas Greetings in Ebb & Flow
Once again we are offering members the opportunity to save writing Christmas cards and at the same time help the RNLI by putting your Christmas greetings to members in the December Ebb & Flow.
Please send your message to ebbnflow by the 30th November and pass your donations to me next time that you see me. The acknowledgement letter with the total raised will be put on the social noticeboard in the new year.
Richard Gunn

TSC Christmas Party 2013 will be on Saturday 14th December
There will be a cadet’s party (with family) starting at 5.00pm.
Make sure you’re good as there will again be a special visitor to the club that day…………
There will be burgers and chips and a pressie included in the ticket price.
If you need a vegetarian option please let me know.
You are all then very welcome and encouraged to stay on into the evening for the main party.
The more the merrier !
CADETS PARENTS : Please let me know asap if you are coming so
I can let Santa know who and how may to expect ! Thanks
Then at 7.30pm we will have the main TSC Christmas party.
There will be a curry and rice available (chicken and also a vegetarian option)
There will be party games, music, food and the bar will be open
Cadets tickets £5.00 each
Adults tickets £5.00 each
(one ticket will cover you for both parties)
Please pre-book your tickets as soon as possible so we can plan numbers for the evening.
It is really helpful to know numbers more than a week in advance to plan food requirements.
Tickets will be available (Friday 15th onwards) from the galley, bar or any member of the social
committee or you can book by emailing me socialsec
It really would be good to see as many people there as possible to make it a fun evening.
Steve Francis
TSC Social Secretary
TSC Christmas Carols 2013 will be on Friday 20th December starting at 8.00pm
Come along to sing a carol or two and enjoy a Christmas drink with your friends at the club
Steve Francis
TSC Social Secretary