Tidal Diamond No. 244 Water Restrictions With hose pipe bans being introduced next week across the SE of England it is worth being aware of the club’s position on using hosepipes to wash down boats.
Portsmouth Water has not yet introduced a ban but they are asking for users to keep their water usage to a minimum to avoid having to introduce restrictions later in the year. As a club we need to minimise the use of the hose to only essential cleaning, for example when you are taking your dinghy to a different area to sail, to avoid transfer of unwanted sea life.
Where possible members should use a bucket and sponge or brush to remove the majority of mud or salt rather than using a hose. Buckets and brushes will shortly be provided and marked for the purpose.
Members cruising to different harbours and mariners should make themselves aware of the local restrictions. They will be able to fill tanks with drinking water using a hose but where restrictions apply they will not be able to wash down their boats.
For details of Portsmouth Water’s advice, please see
Cruiser Racing Declarations Please could I ask all Cruiser Sailors that are intending to race this season to complete the attached form and either return it by email to myself, or the Sailing Secretary. If you have made any changes to your boat please complete all sections; if all is the same as last season could you just complete the “rig declaration” section detailing your rig preference for in and out of harbour races. The first race of the Gales Series is on the 30/04/12 so your prompt attention to this matter would be very much appreciated. Andy Healey – Cruiser Race Coordinator – andy.healey
Well, after the relaunch comes the
Compound Re-organisation – Saturday 14th April Starting at 09:00
I will split the dinghies into 5 lists – Inner Compound (Cadets who sail very regularly), West Fence, West Middle, East Middle and East Fence.
The lists will have columns to record whether:-
• Boat is clearly (in obvious place on trolley) named with owners Surname
(currently a lot are not)
• Boat has correct stickers in place (currently a lot have not)
• Boat trolley / tyres / wheels are in good order and boat is easily moved
(currently some are not)
If you have not sailed / sailed very little within the last year your boat may well be moved further North to free space for regular sailors including cadets who (on getting older and stronger) are moving from Inner compound to main compound. Please do not take this personally.
As usual I am asking for Gardeners (well actually bramble clearers!), you will need the proper gloves, strong secateurs, tree saw etc. Phil Bryant (I hope) will be organising the Gardeners. If you fancy this please let me know as soon as you arrive.
If you are a new member or your boat has not been allocated a compound (numbered) place please let me know either by email now or see me a.s.a.p. on the day. This is a great opportunity to meet other dinghy sailors. Don’t worry if you are unable to actually move the boats about I have at least 5 ‘admin’ jobs to do – again see me as soon as you arrive.
Maintenance is ‘paid’ for this job but you will need to speak to me when you arrive and have your sheet with you for me (or George T – Bosun) to sign.
This job usually takes us about 2 hours.
Please make sure that it is not your boat that causes us a problem, the sooner we finish the sooner we can go sailing!
Linda Vacher – Compound Bosun
Another successful re-launch weekend
Once again the true spirit of Tudor Sailing Club members pulled together to achieve a safe, enjoyable and incident free weekend. A huge thanks goes out to everyone involved, be it Water Babies, Galley staff, Tug and Taxi Crews, Crew Co-ordinator, Slipway Supervision, Tractor/Hoist Operator(s), Compound Crew, Traffic Marshalls , First Aiders, Tender Co-ordinator, crews and last but not least our welfare team who kept us well supplied with hot drinks and reliefs throughout the weekend.
As always we pick up on any shortfalls and this year is no exception. We had a number of boats requiring a tow, boats starting outboards before being instructed to do so, moorings that were deemed unsuitable to moor up to, shortage of volunteers to man the gate next to Kendall’s (A big thanks to Frank Sharvil who saved the day again), boats not rigging lines for/aft, re-fuelling procedures, and more volunteers required across the board for key responsibilities.
AS you will have noticed, we spent considerable time and effort measuring boats in order to update our data base records. Thanks to Richard Calas and Leon for doing this. Richard Calas also conducted a survey of Anti Foul coatings (brand and how many coats) which will be completed on recovery with a survey of condition of growth (asking how many, if at all, times a scrub off was done). Chris Goodyear was also busy recording and expanding on the information we have for sling positions on the hoist. When used, this will save a lot of time spent debating what the correct sling length /position should be.
A number of boat owners have had it pointed out to them that excessive use of heavy sleepers and concrete blocks are not what we want to see at the next layup. If you require raising your boat up for essential maintenance, please consider the size and weight of the method you intend to use. It has been suggested that we have classes to advise what the preferred and safe method should be.
We have a number of boats still to be launched. Remember, it is your responsibility as the owner to book your slot in the Bosuns Diary, ensuring there is no clash with other club activities. Also, that it is your responsibility to arrange a tractor/hoist operator. Qualified banksman, Suitable Crew and to ensure the hoist, tractor and slings are washed down with fresh water and that tenders are put back into the lines/positions removed from to allow hoist access to lift your boat. The procedure and list of operators is posted on the website, club notice board and in front of the bosuns diary.
Until such time all boats have been launched, will those parking in the compound at weekends please check in the bosuns diary to see if any boat launches are planned. If so, please avoid blocking the access required for the hoist to access to boat(s) being launched.
Once again, a big thanks to everyone who helped out at the weekend.
George Thomson – Bosun
Please note that there will not be a Tidal Diamond next week, the next scheduled one will be on Wednesday 18th April.
All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by noon on Wednesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies.
Richard Gunn
Editor Tidal Diamonds and Ebb & Flow
Tudor Sailing Club
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Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO3 5LY