Tidal Diamond No. 483
Diary Dates
Laying Up Supper and Quiz | November 13th |
Interclub Darts Match | December 4th |
Christmas Party | December 12th |
Christmas Carols | December 18th |
New Years Party | December 31st |
Laying up Supper & Quiz : Friday 13 Nov Starts 7.30pm
Once again this will be an “American Supper ” with everyone bringing a dish to share. Your quiz master will be Rob Waring so get your thinking caps on!
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Interclub Darts Match : Friday 4th Dec 7.30pm
Come along to support your TSC Darts Team for the 1st leg of this years interclub tournament at TSC club house. We will be holding practice evenings on Wednesday 18th and 25th November if you would like to come along for a game.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Galley Survey
As you may or may not know the Sunday galley service is not being used as much as it was a few years ago. We would appreciate as many members as possible complete an online survey which can be accessed via the link below. It takes less than a minute to complete and will greatly assist us with our plans for galley services.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Bar Opening Hours
As a reminder the bar is now operating on winter opening hours:
- Sunday lunchtime from 1200 to 1430
- Last Wednesday evening of month (Cadet evenings) from 1830 to 2100
- Friday evening from 2030 to 2300
Bar trained members are of course free to open the bar outside of these times within the constraints of our licence. Alternatively, please let me know if there is a requirement for the bar to be open in support of a club event and I will arrange cover if possible.
Jason Chipper
Bar Manager
Dinghy end of season meeting feedback.
Thank you to everyone that attended the end of season dinghy meeting and gave us some great feedback and suggestions. This is now being reviewed by the sailing committee and we will report back on actions taken in a future Ebb n Flow. A copy of the feedback document can be downloaded in the secure area of the website.
Hannah Barnes
Rear Commodore