Tidal Diamond 480 – Nominations, Water Babies, Work Boat

Tidal Diamond No. 480

Diary Dates

Halloween Party October 30th
Laying Up Supper & Quiz November 13th
Christmas Party December 12th
Christmas Carols December 18th
New Years Party December 31st

Nomination Meeting – Friday 6th November at 20:00 – Nominations Required

The Nomination Meeting, to nominate club officers and committee members to be elected at the AGM in January is again on a Friday evening this year.

As always, ALL elected Executive committee and other committee posts (with the exception of the Vice and Rear Commodores this year) are up for re-election at the AGM in January and all members are welcome and encouraged to stand for any post, as long as they have been members for 12 months or more and live within 40 miles of the club.

Executive Committee members nominations are required for:

Commodore –Richard Gunn has advised that he does not wish to stand for further 3 year term of office.

Hon. Secretary – Jan Sobey has indicated that she is prepared to accept nomination for another year.

Assistant Secretary – Paul Megson has indicated that he is prepared to accept nomination for another year.

Maintenance Officer – Bill Jones has indicated that he is prepared to accept nomination for another year.

Bosun – Ian Smith has indicated that he does not wish to stand again.

Social Secretary – Steve Francis has indicated that he is prepared to accept nomination for another year.

Sailing Secretary – Janice Bell will shortly take over as Treasurer and will not be standing again as Sailing Secretary.

Sailing Committee – two vacant posts.

Social Committee – two vacant posts.

Bosun’s Committee – two vacant posts.

Maintenance Committee

Wine Committee

As you can see, there are a number of posts that are definitely vacant, so please support your club and if possible come prepared to offer your services or to nominate another member and do not just rely on someone else to do it.

Richard Gunn

Water Babies

On behalf of all of the cruiser owners, I would just like to express my thanks to all of the Water Babies, most of whom are dinghy sailors who do not even own cruisers, who gave up their weekend for the privilege of standing in cold water. Thanks to you all.

Richard Gunn

Tudor SC Procure new Committee Boat / Working Boat

In my first communication as Dinghy Captain, I thought I would explain the clubs new acquisition.

A proposal was made to the executive committee last month to buy the old tug on Kendalls Wharf for use as a Committee Boat and Work Boat. I am very pleased to announce that the proposal was accepted and the club now own the tug – a bargain at just £1500.

The tug has now been moved to the compound so that a series of planned works can be completed. I have volunteered to oversee these works, but I am looking for volunteers to help transform this boat. A project plan and budget will be submitted to the exec at their next meeting, but in the meantime, I would like to put together a team of volunteers. Time volunteered on this boat can count towards your duty hours, so if you are short of a few, this is a great opportunity. The work can be completed at a time that suits you… the club will supply the materials and tools required to complete the works.

If you are interested in this exciting project, please email me at dinghies or call 07734768211

Richard Barnes
Dinghy Captain