Tidal Diamond No. 472
Diary Dates
Summer Ball / Party | September 5th |
Junior Regatta | September 12th |
Bart’s Bash | September 20th |
Commodore’s Reception | October 24th |
Halloween Party | October 31st |
Special visitor at Cadets, Wednesday 9th September
We are delighted to tell you that we have a special guest visiting Cadets evening on Wednesday 9th September. He is David ‘Freddie’ Carr, one of the sailors in the racing team at Landrover BAR (Ben Ainslie’s Americas Cup team). http://land-rover-bar.americascup.com/en/team/58_David-Freddie-Carr.html
He will be naming our new club boats – “Ben” (after Ben Ainslie), “Bart” (after the late Andrew ‘Bart’ Simpson), and “Freddie” (after himself) as well as meeting our young sailors. Please be at the club promptly for 6:30 if you would like the opportunity to meet Freddie, you don’t need to be involved in cadets to attend.
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
Tudor SC Junior Regatta
Saturday 12th September
3 short races, 11am for the first start. The bar will be open and there will be a BBQ.
Racing will be near to the clubhouse so there will be great views for spectators.
(poster attached)
Hannah Barnes
Rear Commodore
Junior Regatta BBQ
I would really appreciate some volunteers to assist with the planned BBQ for Junior Regatta on 12th September.
If you can help out please let me know.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Junior Regatta and Bart’s Bash
Our Junior Regatta will take place on Saturday 12th September with the first race at 11am. Bart’s Bash will take place on Sunday 20th September at 3pm. Bart’s Bash will be a family friendly event with a short race course from a club line. We still have patrol boat gaps for both events – if you are able to help. please volunteer directly on Dutyman or contact Janice.
If you would like to get in the mood for Bart’s Bash, the Bart’s Bash team have announced a virtual racing competition. Details can be found on the attached link. http://us3.campaign-archive2.com/?u=3856fb78dc34d7b997752c079&id=489eedc580&e=690919b230
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
Galley Duty Dates Available
13th September (Sunday)
18th October (Sunday)
31st January 2016 (Sunday)
If you need maintenance hours and you would like to be galley trained please let me know.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Deadline for the next issue of Ebb & Flow – Monday, 21 September 2015
Get into print!
Summer’s almost over – so why not tell us at Ebb & Flow all about your sailing activities over the past few months – as well as anything you’ve got planned for the next few as well.
It’s only with contributions from Tudor members that we can keep the good ship Ebb & Flow afloat on the choppy waters of nautical journalism. This is your opportunity to raise the sails on that interesting article you’ve been meaning to write and see it sailing off to a wider readership.
We need your input to keep Ebb & Flow interesting so please let us know all about your summer. If you are writing an article (and please do), a few photos if you have them help to make it even more interesting (and make it easier to adjust it to fit in the space available).
We can all learn from the nautical experiences of others so let’s hear about your sailing successes and failures – don’t be embarrassed, pseudonyms can be used if you prefer! If you’ve been cruising or racing, why not let us have some information on your tips and or trips, race training ideas, where you’ve been, what you’ve seen, what you’ve eaten when you got there. What about writing an article on a particular type of dinghy or cruiser, practical boating advice or cooking in confined quarters – all contributions gratefully received.
Other ideas for articles: what made you want to get afloat in the first place, what was your first sailing experience; what was your worst (and/or best) sailing experience; what boat would you like to own and why; sailing trivia; most useful piece of kit; book reviews; your favourite nautical film or poem?
Sailing stories, cartoons or photos are all welcome? Don’t be shy, start to write – it’s not that difficult. It’s a bit like sailing in fact – once you’ve pushed off, you’ll soon by underway!
If you have an idea, please get in touch Richard Curtis and send your contributions to him at ebbnflow
Richard Curtis
Ebb & Flow Editor
Club boats – free to for all members
The new club boats have been collected and are ready for use. Please look on the club website for more details.
Hannah Barnes
Rear Commodore
Live on the BIG SCREEN at TSC!!
First fixture : England vs Fiji : 8.00 PM Friday 18th September.
Get there early to grab a drink before the contest begins.
If we get enough people at TSC for this match we plan to put additional matches on as well.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary