Tidal Diamond No. 469
Diary Dates
Summer Ball / Party | September 5th |
Junior Regatta | September 12th |
Bart’s Bash | September 20th |
Commodore’s Reception | October 24th |
Halloween Party | October 31st |
Summer Ball Tickets : September 5th
We have 20 tickets left for the Summer Ball this year.
Tickets are £25 per person and we have a great band booked (GrooveMonster) and an excellent posh buffet organised.
You can bring non member guests as well if you would like to.
If you would like tickets please email me socialsec or contact any member of the social committee. Jane Francis, Sarah Bryant, Stacey Robbins, Kathy Gunn, Moira Barber, Derek Beaves or Jason Chipper (bar manager).
Please note that I will be away from 15th – 30th August so I may not respond to emails during this time. Please assume though that your ticket is booked if you have emailed me and I will respond as soon as possible on my return.
If you have already requested tickets and have not yet paid for them please can you do do as soon as possible please. You can leave a cheque at the club in the social secretary pigeon hole in main club house. Please do not leave cash. If you would prefer to pay by cash I am at the club on Wednesday 5th and 12th for cadets. Or you can pay by BACS , please email me for details.
Many thanks
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
The final Dinghy Cruise of the year…
This coming Saturday departing at 11:30 it’s the Langstone Sailing Club Cruise
Last week’s Round Hayling Cruise was a resounding success in perfect conditions, it would be great to increase the turnout for the final cruise. For those that haven’t been it’s a gentle three and a half miles up the harbour to partake of Langstone Sailing Club’s hospitality for an hour or so before returning to Tudor. I intend to give a very short brief for 11:00 and we depart at 11:30, as a club event it will be run under the auspices of the club’s “Adult Event Policy”.
We should arrive for about 12:30 and usually have lunch (don’t forget your sandwiches) on their very expansive decking. Their bar is also open (always an attraction) and if you intend to use it please take the side door noting that there a walkway to the right that stops us dripping on their carpet.
Just a final note, Langstone are having an RYA training day on our visit so please give all dinghies in the area a wide berth and don’t assume they will keep on a steady heading. It’s a great opportunity to see how one of our neighbouring clubs has achieved accreditation as an RYA training centre.
I look forward to seeing you all on the day.
Phil Bryant
Dinghy Captain
Langstone SC Cruise, 15th August, 11:30
This weekend’s Langstone SC cruise is missing one patrol boat helm and 2 crew. If you can fill any of these positions, please volunteer directly on Dutyman or email me on JaniceBell.codd. The event will be cancelled unless we can fill at least one of these positions. We need all 3 positions filled for the event to be family friendly, as it is currently billed.
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
LNM 7/2015 (ECA Regatta 2)
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
Available Bar Duties
The remaining bar duties requiring volunteers for this membership year are listed below. If you require one or more duties to complete your annual maintenance requirement please let me know which of these duties you can cover by emailing me and I will assign you via Duty Man. The dates are:
23 Aug 2015 | Sunday Bar |
13 Sep 2015 | Sunday Bar |
27 Sep 2015 | Sunday Bar |
31 Oct 2015 | Halloween Party |
15 Nov 2015 | Sunday Bar |
29 Nov 2015 | Sunday Bar |
06 Dec 2015 | Sunday Bar |
12 Dec 2015 | Christmas Party |
13 Dec 2015 | Sunday Bar |
20 Dec 2015 | Sunday Bar |
03 Jan 2016 | Sunday Bar |
24 Jan 2016 | Sunday Bar |
31 Jan 2016 | Sunday Bar |
If you are not yet bar trained please email me with the duties you wish to perform and I will arrange the necessary training for you.
Jason Chipper
Bar Manager
2015 LNM No.7 (ECA Regatta 2).pdf