Tidal Diamond 463 – Regatta, Summer Ball, Priory Bay, Summer Cruise, Family Fun Day

Tidal Diamond No. 463

Diary Dates

Regatta July 4th
Family Fun Day July 18th
Sword Sands Fun Day July 26th
Summer Ball / Party September 5th
Junior Regatta September 12th
Bart’s Bash September 20th

Reminder – Tudor Regatta – 4th July

As a reminder, The Tudor Regatta will be a one day event taking place on Saturday 4th July. There will be 2 dinghy races and 1 cruiser race on the 4th, with the first dinghy race fast class start at 1pm and the cruiser race at 1:30pm. There will be refreshments afterwards alongside prize giving. An event poster is attached. Sailing instructions will be available on the Tudor website prior to the event.

Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary

Regatta Cake Makers Needed!!

If you are attending the regatta this weekend please could some of you bring along a cake for the prize giving.

Many thanks

Steve Francis
Social Secretary

TSC Summer Ball Saturday September 5th : Tickets now on sale !!

£25 per person (TSC members had priority until July 1st now open to TSC guests)

We have “Groove Monster” doing the musical honours and “Catch a Fire” providing a great buffet selection. Please contact socialsec to buy your tickets (70 available)

It’s sure to be another great fun night !!

Steve Francis
Social Secretary

Priory Bay Cruise and Cruiser Update

With the lovely hot weather we are having at the moment, I hope everyone is looking forward to the Priory Bay cruise on the 11th – see the Dinghy captains notice for more info on the dinghy side.

From a cruiser viewpoint, this is a great day trip and a chance for a good social gathering on the beach with various fun & games and a barbecue to be had. Cinabbar will certainly be going along, and we would like to offer a ride to any dinghy sailors who might not be confident in taking their own boats across or maybe a family who would like to join in. We can take 4 adults with reasonable comfort (maybe more if you are happy to squeeze up a bit). We are also able to give a tow in the event of no wind. It would be great if any other cruiser with space could do the same to make it more like the big social event it used to be. Subject to the weather, even the most nervous of sailors and the smallest of cruisers can join in safely – It is also great if you have limited time or are not keen on sleeping on-board as it is a one day event.

The following weekend is the last before the summer cruise and gives a perfect opportunity to have a pre-cruise scrub-off. Our plan is (weather permitting) to pop round to East Head which makes a great place for any crew who aren’t engaged in the hard work to relax. It is also another great place for a beach barbeque. If for any reason we can’t get round there, it will have to be Sword Sands that weekend.

Roger Smith
Cruiser Captain

Commodore’s Summer Cruise

We are going to hold a final pre-cruise meeting on Monday 13th July at 8pm in the club, all those who are interested in coming on the cruise are welcome to attend. I will be bringing my passage plans for you all to check and you will be pleased to know that our planned itinerary looks doable with only the odd early start.

I look forward to seeing you all on 13th.

Best regards,

Richard Gunn

TSC Family Fun Day 18 July 12:00 to 16:00 – The return of the ducks!

One of the highlights of the social calendar, the Family Fun Day is not to be missed!

This years family fun day will follow the highly successful format from the last few years. The emphasis is on relaxed fun on the water and off and a chance to show the club off to friends and family. Guests are welcome & encouraged although unlike the open day earlier in the year this is aimed at members and their friends rather than an event for the general public to show up to.

We will have patrol boats on the water should you wish to take family members afloat near to the clubhouse. We’ll run some light-hearted games in dinghies and kayaks for children and adults and you can bet on those pesky yellow plastic ducks making an appearance at some point. There will be games ashore for those not venturing out. Bring some empty 2L drinks bottles and build a mini-boat for the Children’s mini-boat race.

The bar will be open and we’ll be running a BBQ.

Rob Nicholson
Cadet Captain
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
