Tidal Diamond No. 451
Diary Dates
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend | May 2nd, 3rd & 4th |
Wanderer National Championship | May 2nd, 3rd & 4th |
RYA Push the Boat Out | May 17th |
Regatta | July 4th / 5th |
Family Fun Day | July 18th |
Sword Sands Fun Day | July 26th |
Compound Re-org
The compound re-organisation was successfully completed last Saturday – 25th April. Many thanks to all those who turned up to help with this job. A special thanks to two members who continue to cut back brambles and weeds that constantly invade our approach road. The road now looks about a metre wider! Unfortunately, some members have not kept their trolley in a usable condition, have not put this years plaques on and have not named their boat trolley. This did cause a lot of unnecessary time wasting for all concerned and is always the ‘down’ side of the job! If this applies to you then please rectify asap. If you have a problem in some way please let me know.
I often have requests from regular racers / sailors to move closer to the gate. I can only do this if other boats are moved further away. I do try hard to be fair in this matter and hope that member’s boats that have moved further north, including my own (I have only used ‘Second Wind’ 3 times this winter) will appreciate this.
I was very disappointed that here were cruiser blocks and rubbish left in the dinghy area after cruiser re-launch. This area has now been cleaned up and any decent blocks have been put just inside the North double gates. If these belong to you and you want to keep them please remove by 4th May. I will be disposing of these after this date.
On a more cheery note, it is really lovely to see our boats, big and small enjoying sailing in our beautiful harbour!
Linda Vacher
Compound Bosun.
Race Tactics and Patrol Boat Refresher Evening
Please come along to the club on Friday 8th May at 7:30pm for a Race Tactics Discussion and Patrol Boat Refresher session hosted by Paul Rivington. The attached poster has more details.
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
Available Bar Duties
We have a few gaps in the bar duty calendar over the next few months that need volunteers! If you are available to cover one or more of these duties please let me know by emailing me at barmanager and I will assign you via Duty Man. The dates are:
- Friday Bar on 8 May from 20:15
- Sunday Bar on 10 May from 11:45
- Friday Bar on 22 May from 20:15
- Friday Bar on 12 June from 20:15
- Friday Bar on 26 June from 20:15
- Regatta Saturday 4 July from 20:15
- Sunday Bar on 26 July from 11:45
- Sunday Bar on 9 August from 11:45
- Sunday Bar on 23 August from 11:45
- Summer Ball on 5 September from 20:15
Full training can be provided if you are not currently bar trained.
Jason Chipper
Bar Manager
Forthcoming Treasurer Vacancy
In November this year, Steve Yoxon will have completed four years as club Treasurer and, with a lot of hard work, he has managed to get the club accounts and financial systems into a very good state. However, he now finds that his work is competing too much for his time and would like to hand the role over to a successor.
We have decided to advertise for a replacement Treasurer now, so that the successor can shadow Steve for several months, including preparing the end of year accounts.
For details, please see the attached Job Description.
To apply for this post, which will fulfil Club Duty requirements, please apply to the Hon. Secretary, Jan Sobey, secretary by 15th May 2015.
Richard Gunn
Summer Dinghy Cruises – Cruise Leader required for High Water Cruise
Last Sunday saw the first cruise of the year with ten dinghies and two patrol vessels on the water with a great mix of skills and dinghy types. We had Lasers, Wayfarers, Wanderers, families, friends and solo sailors taking part.
True to form the recent glorious sunny weather blinked out to be replaced by a NNE breeze and overcast gloom. It didn’t dampen spirits and a brisk run down the harbour brought us to the sandy beach outside the Ferry Boat Inn. The cooler weather sent me in search of hot food and a quick jaunt led me to a beach front chip shop (proper food). To my surprise I was followed by a horde of sailors; we had warm food and the gentle banter that a great shared experience brings to everyone. But then all too soon it was time to depart for the two mile beat northwards. Shepherding the fleet off the beach it was a good time to go with the breeze just starting to increase. The fleet got back safely and some were even back in time to beat the closing of the bar. What better way to spend a day…
The next outing is the High Water Cruise planned for Saturday 23 May. However I’m unable to lead this one and I’m looking for a volunteer to lead on the day. I’ve yet to request a duty swap on line, but suffice to say I can’t make it and would hope that someone comes forward to ensure that event takes place. If you need details on what the role involves please call or email me. I’m at the club all Bank Holiday Weekend (well actually out on the patrol boat – but will be about) and would hate to have to cancel the event. As without a nominated lead we can’t run the cruise.
Phil Bryant
Dinghy Captain
Dinghy Events 2015
For those who missed the dinghy start of season meeting, here is a copy of the slides I briefly discussed, they cover the club’s policy on ‘high risk’ and ‘family friendly’ events, and considerations for race officers / patrol boat teams.
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
Racers and Race Management – RYA Guidance on Outside Help
The RYA has issued the following guidance on the outside help that can be provided during a race.
Also attached.
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
RYA Guidance – Outside Help.pdf
Dinghy Events 2015.pdf
Treasurer Job Description.pdf