Tidal Diamond 447 – Cruiser Relaunch

Tidal Diamond No. 447

Diary Dates

Launch Weekend April 11th / 12th
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend May 2nd, 3rd & 4th
Wanderer National Championship May 2nd, 3rd & 4th
RYA Push the Boat Out May 17th
Regatta July 4th / 5th
Family Fun Day July 18th
Sword Sands Fun Day July 26th

Cruiser Relaunch Briefing

The briefing for the Relaunch is on Wednesday 8th at 20:00 hours. All cruiser owners to attend in readiness for the weekend. It is vital that you inform the Bosun of anything that will affect the launch / workload over the launch period. Please email crewco (Linda Vacher) with offers of help with any of the jobs over the weekend.

Many thanks,