Tidal Diamond 444 – Cadets, Tidy Up

Tidal Diamond No. 444

Diary Dates

Launch Weekend April 11th / 12th
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend May 2nd, 3rd & 4th
Wanderer National Championship May 2nd, 3rd & 4th
RYA Push the Boat Out May 17th
Regatta July 4th / 5th
Family Fun Day July 18th
Sword Sands Fun Day July 26th

Cadets on the water

The first cadets on the water evening will be Wednesday 22 April. The printed diary has the 15th April listed but this is wrong.

Rob Nicholson
Cadet Captain

Pre-Sailing Season Tidy Up

As part of the clear up effort that culminates in the compound reorganisation on 25th April we need to look at other areas of the club that have built up unwanted bits and pieces over the winter period. As Dinghy Captain I tend to make use of most areas of the club and have identified a series of items of that need to be removed before the start of the season.

We’ve allowed a large amount of unidentified clothing to build up in a few areas and it will be removed and disposed of unless collected by the Saturday of the compound clearance.

Without going too deeply through the damp and occasionally mildew clothing it consists of the following items listed below. Please feel free to reclaim them, as I said they will all be disposed of if not reclaimed.

  • Gents Changing Rooms – there is a pile of clothing in the south west corner of the room. Its consists of two child’s buoyancy aid, one rather ripped and torn along with a pile of damp tops and a child’s coat.
  • Race Box – there is a Musto sail bag just inside the door that has assorted shorts, clothes and a zip front pullover. There is also a pair of very small green wellies (size 3/36) tucked under the radiator. In the far corner there are three very old and tatty helicopter immersion suits, a wetsuit long john (circa early 1980’s) more clothes and a bouncing baby cradle! There is so much detritus it is hard to walk around the table without tripping over it…

I realise that in our busy lives it can be easy to overlook items that may have been left behind in the rush to de-rig our dinghies, tenders and the like. But these items appear to have been unwanted for over six months at a minimum and they need to be removed promptly. I’d be very grateful for your understanding and cooperation.

Phil Bryant
Dinghy Captain – or in this case “Stig of the Dump”