Tidal Diamond No. 426
Diary Dates
Decorate the Club for Christmas !! | 10th December ’14 at 8:00pm |
Christmas Party | 13th December ’14 at 7:30pm |
Christmas Carols | 19th December ’14 at 7:30pm |
Christmas Lunch | 21st December ’14 at 1:00pm |
New Year’s Eve Party | 31st December ’14 at 7:30pm |
Prize Giving Supper | 7th February ’15 at tba |
Evening Speaker – Moira Barber, Solent Swim | 16th January ’15 at 8:00pm |
Launch Weekend | 11th / 12th April ’15 |
Postal Votes
Would all Club Members who are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 11th January and would like to be issued with a Postal Vote, please send your request for a postal vote, in writing, to the Hon Secretary by December 15th 2014.
Many thanks
Mo Clark
Hon Secretary
Sailing News
Boxing Day Race
A highlight of the festive season – our Boxing Day dinghy race – is at risk of cancellation due to lack of ‘wetside’ volunteers. The race needs a race officer, patrol boat helm and crew. If you are able to help with this, please volunteer via Dutyman. If we have not found a full roster of volunteers by Friday 19th December, the race will unfortunately need to be cancelled.
Icicle 2
Please note that Icicle 2 will take place at 9am on Sunday 18th January, not on 11th January as shown in the paper calendar. (The online calendar and Dutyman are correct).
Adult Dinghy Event Safety Policy
The Sailing Committee is delighted to publish a safety policy for adult dinghy events, which will be implemented for the 2015 main season. The policy can be viewed on the Tudor website by following this link:
The policy includes important issues around the management of dinghy races and cruises, including the designation of events into standard, ‘higher risk’ or ‘family friendly’. The 2015 (and subsequent) calendars will identify which events fall into each category. The policy sets some restrictions on the participation of children and young people aged 17 and under in adult events, by category.
The policy also addresses training and standards of ‘wetside’ volunteers, particularly patrol boat helms and crews. The sailing committee will be contacting people currently registered on Dutyman who have not completed 5 duties in 2014, to ascertain their status. We will also be removing from the system those members who have not volunteered in recent times, except those known to be skilled and able to be called upon on a reserve basis. Mandatory refresher training will be organised early in 2015 to ensure volunteers understand the new policy and have had the opportunity to discuss safety scenarios, and incident management / teamwork.
“South Salterns” and “Mallard South” buoys have been replaced with new, moulded plastic buoys. The light characteristics are unchanged but the greater stability and raised focal plane of the lights has improved the visibility of these marks. Both marks are fitted with retro-reflective tape to aid detection in darkness. http://www.langstoneharbour.org.uk/marine-news.php
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
The date for Re-launching cruisers is going to be on the 11th/12th April 2015, this is because it’s Easter the weekend before.