Tidal Diamond No. 416
End of season dinghy section meeting
There will be an end of season dinghy section meeting on Saturday 4th October, immediately after compound reorganisation. This will include a review of the season, discussion on the club’s sailing development plan and training needs plus appointment of dinghy and cadet captains. All are welcome.
Janice Bell
Compound Reorganisation
Sadly it is the time of year that we have to think about reorganising the compound for the winter and bringing the cruisers in for their time ashore.
There are a number of things that need to be done.
- take your dinghy home if you have paid for a ‘Summer space’ only or if you are willing to take it home anyway. Let me know by email when you do this.
- let me know if you intend to race regularly in the winter series (I will put Lasers in the Inner compound as we did last year).
- let me know by email (address in front of calendar) if you will need access to your dinghy over the winter.
- check that your boat launching trolley is named – it causes no end of frustration if it is not!!
- check that your dinghy is moveable – again, this is a real problem if it is not. Boats should not be locked up.
- bring along gardening gloves and a bag for rubbish.
- come and help with the dinghy re-org – it is on the 4th October at 09:00 hours.
I have noticed that the edges of the fence, especially where the cruisers are going to go, is very overgrown with nettles, so if anyone is able to help to get these cut down and bagged up I will dispose of them. I am very pleased to say that the area just inside the North gates of the main compound has been kept clear of rubbish, however there are various bits of rubbish (old mooring tackle etc) around the rest of the compound especially down the south end. If this is yours please clear it up as this will hamper the work of the compound crew on the ‘Recovery weekend’.