Tidal Diamond No. 415
Deadline for the next issue of Ebb & Flow – Friday, 26 September 2014.
Get into print!
If you are thinking that the weather may mean that your sailing activities are almost over for the summer, why not start telling the rest of us all about them. As usual, we need your input to make the next Ebb and Flow interesting so please let us know all about your summer sailing adventures and activities. If you are writing an article (and please do), a few photos if you have them help to make it even more interesting (and make it easier to adjust it to fit in the space available).
We can all learn from the nautical experiences of others so let’s hear about your sailing successes and failures – don’t be embarrassed, pseudonyms can be used if you prefer! If you’ve been cruising or racing, why not let us have some information on your tips and or trips, race training ideas, where you’ve been, what you’ve seen, what you’ve eaten when you got there (whether France or Hayling Island). What about writing an article on your favourite type of dinghy or cruiser, practical boating advice or cooking in confined quarters – all contributions gratefully received.
Other ideas for articles: what made you want to get afloat in the first place, what was your first sailing experience; what was your worst (and/or best) sailing experience; what boat would you like to own and why; sailing trivia; most useful piece of kit; book reviews; your favourite nautical film or poem?
Sailing stories, cartoons or photos are all welcome? Don’t be shy, start to write – it’s not that difficult. It’s a bit like sailing in fact – once you’ve pushed off, you’ll soon by under way!
If you have an idea, please get in touch and send your contributions to ebbnflow
Richard Curtis
Ebb & Flow Editor
Wild Goose Chase 28th September 14:00
This year’s Wild Goose Chase is organised by Lock’s Sailing Club. The race will be the usual format, the committee boat will be Cruella which will be moored in a central location in the harbour flying an orange flag for a 14:00 first start. There will be 2 fleets fast and medium split as per Langstone Harbour Race Weekend. The course will be displayed on the side of Cruella for each start , there may be a change of course after the 1st start.
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
Cruiser Recovery
Cruiser Owners there is an opportunity for your vessel to be recovered into the compound on 9th and 10th October by Ian Smith who has taken time off work to offer this service. Those wishing to take advantage of this please contact the Bosun Andy Goodyear or Ian Smith via email.
All help on these days would be appreciated.
Andy Goodyear
Compound Reorganisation
Sadly it is the time of year that we have to think about reorganising the compound for the winter and bringing the cruisers in for their time ashore.
There are a number of things that need to be done.
- take your dinghy home if you have paid for a ‘Summer space’ only or if you are willing to take it home anyway. Let me know by email when you do this.
- let me know if you intend to race regularly in the winter series (I will put Lasers in the Inner compound as we did last year).
- let me know by email (address in front of calendar) if you will need access to your dinghy over the winter.
- check that your boat launching trolley is named – it causes no end of frustration if it is not!!
- check that your dinghy is moveable – again, this is a real problem if it is not. Boats should not be locked up.
- bring along gardening gloves and a bag for rubbish.
- come and help with the dinghy re-org – it is on the 4th October at 09:00 hours.
I have noticed that the edges of the fence, especially where the cruisers are going to go, is very overgrown with nettles, so if anyone is able to help to get these cut down and bagged up I will dispose of them. I am very pleased to say that the area just inside the North gates of the main compound has been kept clear of rubbish, however there are various bits of rubbish (old mooring tackle etc) around the rest of the compound especially down the south end. If this is yours please clear it up as this will hamper the work of the compound crew on the ‘Recovery weekend’.
Items Stolen from Boats
If items were stolen from your boat this year, please check the attached Project Kraken bulletin, as you may get your property back.
Richard Gunn
Bart’s Bash 21st September
The Sailing Committee would like to congratulate everyone who took part in or helped support Bart’s Bash on 21st September. Bart’s Bash was supported by 760 clubs in 67 countries and thanks to your support we were one of the leading local clubs with 44 pre-race registrations.
Despite very windy conditions on the day, we had 37 boats prepared and ready to launch, including a good number of cadets of all ages. We set up a nice triangular course close to the club, creating a great spectacle for those who came to watch. We dodged the dredger, survived a number of spectacular capsizes, and got 28 boats across the start line. Of these, 23 completed 2 laps, sailing almost 4km in memory of Andrew ‘Bart’ Simpson, whilst 3 others completed 1 lap. We therefore had more than 25 boats sail at least 1 kilometre, which means Tudor’s race should count towards the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation’s Guinness World Record attempt. A fantastic result!
Congratulations to Neil Boyce, Simon Dowdell and Will Stokely, who (provisionally) took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, respectively, in Tudor’s open handicap race. Congratulations also to our cadets Luke Skinner, who completed 2 laps and was provisionally placed 15th, and to Eliza-Mae Hylands and Zosia Pilsworth, who each completed 1 lap. The full set of provisional results are available in the race box. Certificates will be given to all cadets who took part.
If anyone missed the charity collection on the day, donations can still be made via the Bart’s Bash website www.bartsbash.co.uk
Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary
44140278467 – HAWES and REA stolen items.pdf