Tidal Diamond No. 410
Just 8 tickets remaining !!!!! THIS SATURDAY !!!!
It would be great to sell the remaining tickets so if you would
like some of these please let me know as soon as possible.
It will be a fun night and the band is absolutely superb !!
Saturday 6th September 7pm-Midnight
Reception Drinks, Live Band (Fay Wray) & Finger Buffet
Tickets £25.00 per person
Dress Code : Ladies Cocktail Dress or Ball Gown : Gents Black Tie or Lounge Suit
Book via email: socialsec
or call me (after 7.00pm please) 07710 941241
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Galley re-opens Sunday September 28th
Thanks to existing and new volunteers the galley will re-open for Sunday lunches on September 28th.
It will then be open as follows :
September 28th 2014 – December 14th 2014
January 18th 2015 – January 25th 2015
If you would like to volunteer for the 2015/2016 membership year please let me know.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Cadets end of season celebration
This will take place on Wednesday 24th September from 6.30pm. This event will take the usual format where parents and cadets will bring along a food dish for sharing. As well there will be the usual fun and games.
Myself or Jane Francis will arrange the details at the next cadets evening on 3rd September.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Gould Series 2014
This year, due to the Gould starting before the end of the Sunday series, it has been agreed by the sailing committee that the cut off date for qualifying races for Gould entry will be 24th August. The personal handicap calculations are in progress and will be posted as soon as they are complete. Don’t forget that the series is run as both the Gould and the Challenge series so everyone will qualify for entry into at least one series so come on down and race.
Ian Tonge
Sailing committee
Deadline for the next issue of Ebb & Flow – Friday, 26 September 2014.
Get into print!
If you are thinking that the weather may mean that your sailing activities are almost over for the summer, why not start telling the rest of us all about them. As usual, we need your input to make the next Ebb and Flow interesting so please let us know all about your summer sailing adventures and activities. If you are writing an article (and please do), a few photos if you have them help to make it even more interesting (and make it easier to adjust it to fit in the space available).
We can all learn from the nautical experiences of others so let’s hear about your sailing successes and failures – don’t be embarrassed, pseudonyms can be used if you prefer! If you’ve been cruising or racing, why not let us have some information on your tips and or trips, race training ideas, where you’ve been, what you’ve seen, what you’ve eaten when you got there (whether France or Hayling Island). What about writing an article on your favourite type of dinghy or cruiser, practical boating advice or cooking in confined quarters – all contributions gratefully received.
Other ideas for articles: what made you want to get afloat in the first place, what was your first sailing experience; what was your worst (and/or best) sailing experience; what boat would you like to own and why; sailing trivia; most useful piece of kit; book reviews; your favourite nautical film or poem?
Sailing stories, cartoons or photos are all welcome? Don’t be shy, start to write – it’s not that difficult. It’s a bit like sailing in fact – once you’ve pushed off, you’ll soon by underway!
If you have an idea, please get in touch and send your contributions to ebbnflow
Richard Curtis
Ebb & Flow Editor