Tidal Diamond 402 – Racing info, Summer Ball

Tidal Diamond No. 402

Horse Sands Fort dinghy race

I am pleased to confirm the Horse Sands Fort dinghy race has been rescheduled for 19th July at 9:30 am. Please come along and sail this iconic event. The event is, as ever, subject to suitable wind and our patrol boats being in serviceable order on the day. The race goes out of harbour, using the Fairway Beacon, Horse Sands Fort and submarine passage marks, and is suitable for experienced sailors with dinghies that are in good condition.

Janice Bell
Sailing Secretary

Forts and Fairways

Please find attached a copy of the Sailing Instructions for leg 2 of this Saturday’s Forts and Fairways series. Copies will be available on the Cruiser Notice board together with a signing on sheet. The Instructions have also been updated on the website.

Andrew Healey
Sailing Committee

Tudor Sailing Club Summer Ball Tickets now on sale!

Saturday 6th September 7pm-Midnight
Reception Drinks, Live Band (Fay Wray) & Finger Buffet

Tickets £25.00 per person (60 tickets available and 26 sold already). Tickets will be on sale to club members only until August 1st and then will be made available to members guests. Contact any member of the social committee to purchase your tickets which will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Dress Code : Ladies Cocktail Dress or Ball Gown : Gents Black Tie or Lounge Suit

Lets make this the event of the year !

Book via email


or call me (after 7.00pm please)

07710 941241

Steve Francis
Social Secretary

SailInsts Forts and Fairways leg 2. 2014.pdf