Tidal Diamond No. 398
Regatta Saturday BBQ confirmed
Jane and I will start the BBQ and many thanks to Richard and Kathy Gunn, Sarah Bryant, Jo Nicholson and Mark Brain for offering to takeover and help run the BBQ on Saturday afternoon.
The BBQ will start at approx 2.30pm with burgers , hotdogs, a vege option and salad.
Ice lollies are also on sale from the galley.
The bar will be open and don’t forget the live music as well!
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Sewage Outfall Marker Missing
Please be aware that the port hand marker on the old sewage outfall just outside the harbour entrance is currently missing. Please take care to give plenty of clearance to the outfall.
Photos are attached showing what the end of the outfall is like at present and the Harbourmaster has informed me that Southern Water will be attending soon to establish a temporary marker.
Richard Gunn