Tidal Diamond 387 – Vacancies

Tidal Diamond No. 387

Vacancies for Vice Commodore and Maintenance Officer

Following the sad loss of Dick Clark, we need to appoint a Vice Commodore and a Maintenance Officer.

Both of these posts are Executive Committee posts and are essential to keep the club running as we would all like it to run.

Job descriptions for both posts are attached but please feel free to contact me to discuss either position.

Please send applications to me at commodore by Wednesday 14th May, so that the appointments can be considered at the next Exec Committee meeting.

Richard Gunn

Vacancy for Club Welfare Officer

Following the recent updating of our child protection procedures, we need to appoint a Club Welfare Officer, whose main responsibility is the safeguarding of our cadets.

The job description, child protection policy and good practice guidelines are attached but please contact me if you need any more information.

Please send applications to me at commodore by Wednesday 14th May, so that the appointment can be considered at the next Exec Committee meeting.

Richard Gunn

Vice Commodore Job Description.pdf
Maintenance Officer Job Description.pdf
Tudor Sailing Club Welfare officer JSv1 .pdf
Tudor Sailing Club Child protection Good Practice Guidlines V3.pdf
Tudor Sailing Club Child Protection Policy and ProceduresV3.pdf