Tidal Diamond No. 384
Compound re-org
Spring is well and truly here and we’ve been blessed with some fabulous weather already! The ‘summer only’ boats have / are returning for the new season. Please email me when you have returned your boat, thanks. It would be useful if you could tell me if you have NOT brought your dinghy back for this season yet. Email is best way please.
COMPOUND Re-Org Saturday 26th at 08:30 HOURS.
As Easter was late this year just about everything has slipped back – the compound re-org is a full 3 weeks later than last year. Plenty of time for all of this years stickers to be on the boats.
Please make sure your trolley is marked clearly with your surname to make identifying it as quick as possible on Saturday. So many boats are NOT named and this makes identifying boats that should not be in the compound extremely difficult. Obviously boats will have to be moved so it is important that the tyres are pumped up and the trolley is in good order – having looked around in the compound yesterday this is not the case at the moment! A reminder that road trolleys are not allowed to be tied to the fence. We usually have a large number of members helping on the compound on re-org day and it has been suggested that we ‘upgrade’ this event to include clear-up as well. So, if you intend to come along can you please bring along some gardening gloves and together we can shift boats, clear some weeds and generally clear up our compound and the surrounding areas.
The cruiser re-launch went very well with so many members helping each other; I would like to add my thanks to Ian’s to all the people who helped in any way at this weekend.
Thanks very much,
Linda Vacher
Compound Bosun
Saturday 26th April “Dinghy Members’ Meeting”
You’ll by now have seen Linda Vacher’s recent sequence of Tidal Diamonds regarding the forthcoming Compound Re-Organisation this Saturday. If I can just add my support to Linda’s request for boats to be easily identified, and readily able to be moved. We have a great number of willing volunteers and the easier it is to identify and manoeuvre the boats then the quicker we are all finished.
This brings me neatly onto the Dinghy Members’ Meeting. This will be held in the clubhouse after we have finished the compound clearance. Historically we take about an hour and a half to finish the moves and make some effort to cut back the undergrowth on the outside of the fence (willing gardeners always welcomed on the day). So without wishing to constrain myself to a start time I would imagine that once we’re done in the compound I can start the meeting at about 1030 in the clubhouse.
I don’t have a great deal to say but I will touch on the following subjects and of course it’s my role to take members’ views to the Sailing Committee. So please feel free to voice your thoughts in support or perhaps challenging the current dinghy sailing programme.
- 2014-15 Calendar (why reductions in the programme were made)
- Dinghy Cruises for the summer (I will need at least one willing Cruise Leader for the Round Hayling Cruise)
- RYA Push the Boat Out (our LV See Pursuit Race)
- Bart’s Bash (an update so far)
I’m happy to take any items beforehand via email (see below) so that we don’t have a massive AOB at the end. And for those looking to get away smartly I’d like to think we can have our discussions concluded within an hour.
Phil Bryant
Dinghy Captain
Cruiser declaration
Calling all Cruiser members who are looking to participate in this seasons Cruiser Races. Please could I ask you all to check your rig declarations against the 2013 Cruiser Handicap sheet held on the internet. If you are new to racing or wish to change your declaration for “in” or “out” of harbour races from last year’s submission could I ask you to complete the attached form and return it to andy.healey The first race is scheduled for the weekend of the 03/05/14 so your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend – Friday 2nd May – Monday 5th May 2014
With just over a week to go entries are coming in for LHRW 2014, sadly at the time of writing there are only 3 Tudor boats signed up. If you are planning to attend then please enter online as soon as possible.
We will be accepting entry fees at the registration desk prior to the event briefing on Friday 2nd May from 19:00 which will be held at Tudor Sailing Club. There will be a curry available on the Friday evening (included in your entry fee) and the race briefing will be held at approximately 20:30.
If you are unable to attend the race briefing on the Friday evening, please visit Tudor Sailing Club on Saturday 3rd May, where the registration desk will open at 10:00. A second race briefing will be held at Tudor SC on Saturday 3rd May at 11:30 for those who miss the Friday briefing.
We look forward to welcoming you for the 6th Langstone Harbour Race Weekend and hope for good sailing conditions!
If you have any queries regarding the event, please email the event co-ordinator:
Hannah Barnes
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend Event Co-ordinator
Rig declaration form.pdf