Tidal Diamond No. 382
Cruiser Launch
Down now to the gritty stuff!
Please remove all your woods and rubbish by the compound reorganisation on the Saturday the 26th, any left after this date will be burnt (I’m not joking have already a brazier organised) it’s not fair on Bosuns to have to clear up after you and will cost the club if I have to get a skip in!!
Ladders not locked up will be under my lock and key shortly, we have 31 cruisers in the compound so security is an issue, you will need to contact myself if you want them released.
If parking in the compound please ensure you check the Log Book for boats launching during your stay, there is nothing worse than organising drivers, banksmen and crew to find your blocked in by a car!! Up until compound reorganisation there is space behind the cruisers, Easter weekend this is the best place to park.
Ensure you mark all you gear that is staying in the compound, stickers and your name should be clearly displayed, if we can’t identify an owner it will again be disposed off.
Lock the compound gates, just because there are cars around doesn’t mean there are members around, if someone is in the compound they will have a key to get out! The club is regularly found to be open and not a sole in sight. If you have tradesmen in the compound working on your boat then you must also be in attendance do not give them your key to gain entry.
I will endeavour to contact all remaining cruiser owners in the compound to ask for your intentions and approx. launch date. Remember it is your responsibility to organise Driver, Banksmen and Crew for your launch, you must also ensure you book the slip and hoist using the Bosuns Log Book located in the club lounge. Club events take priority over launches so organise around these.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in keeping the compound tidy.
With the gritty stuff out the way I’d like to personally thank everyone for their support over this Launch, this being my first as Bosun I can say it has been a positive experience and for once the weather was on our side, great team effort in all departments.
Ian Smith