Tidal Diamond No. 378
Cruising In Company
With the majority of the cruisers going back in the water on the week before Easter, I guess some of you will be looking at a first trip away over the long weekend – Cinabbar will probably be off to Chichester harbour way, depending on the weather, if anyone wants to join us they are more than welcome. We will confirm details nearer the time, when we have a better idea of the weather.
I am proposing our first “Cruise in Company” event for this year is a short trip over to Bembridge on the weekend of 26th – 27th April. This is great as a shake down run and a chance for smaller boats to join in. If there is interest, I will book moorings and possibly food (choice of pubs / restaurants available). Contact me on the usual address.
I will be putting a “Cruise In Company” calendar on the cruiser notice board for anyone to add their planned destinations if they would like others to join in.
Roger Smith
Cruiser Captain.
Cadet sign on night
Calling all family members with children aged 8 and above.
Cadet sign on night is Wednesday 9th April from 6:30 in preparation for our first “cadets on the water” the following week on the 16th April. I will run a short briefing which will start promptly at 7pm just to describe how cadets will run this year followed by a “key points” run through of the child protection training that we ran this time last year for the patrol boat crews and in fact ideally everyone who helps out with cadets on and off the water.
The meeting must end by 8:15 because the bosons will be running the lift in briefing starting at 8:30.
Whether you are an old hand or your children have not been sailing at Tudor before please come along and get involved.
This year we will also be running a “bring and buy” for items of kids sailing kit, wetsuits, boots etc.. If you have something that your children have grown out of then please bring it along to the club. I suggest you label it with your name and how much you want for it and we’ll put out a table. I’m thinking that we don’t need much more formality than that.
Heads up that the cadet first race is the following week, the 23rd April. Unfortunately the tides have not been especially kind to us this year forcing us to run the first race quite early in the season.
Looking forward to another season of wonderful Wednesday evenings.
Rob Nicholson.
Cadet Captain
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend
The 6th Langstone Harbour Race Weekend is being held over the early May bank holiday weekend (Friday 2nd May – Monday 5th May 2014).
The online entry system for the event is now live and we would like to encourage all entrants to make use of this facility prior to the event to reduce the amount of admin required on the Friday evening.
We will be accepting entry fees at the registration desk prior to the event briefing on Friday 2nd May from 19:00 which will be held at Tudor Sailing Club. There will be a curry available on the Friday evening (included in your entry fee) and the race briefing will be held at approximately 20:30.
If you are unable to attend the race briefing on the Friday evening, please visit Tudor Sailing Club on Saturday 3rd May, where the registration desk will open at 10:00. A second race briefing will be held at Tudor SC on Saturday 3rd May at 11:30 for those who miss the Friday briefing.
More information about the event will be posted on the event website in the weeks leading up to the early May bank holiday weekend. In the meantime, we have attached the event Notice of Race and Promotional Poster for your information.
We look forward to welcoming you for the 6th Langstone Harbour Race Weekend and hope for good sailing conditions!
If you have any queries regarding the event, please email the event co-ordinator:
Hannah Barnes
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend Event Co-ordinator
Email: lhrw