Tidal Diamond No. 371
Urgent maintenance help
Urgently required member with roofing or tiling skills to replace 2 ridge tiles that have come adrift from the clubhouse roof. These need to be re cemented back in place.
Call me on 02392 596711 if you can do it.
Dick Clark
Maintenance Officer
Help Required!
Would anyone know of a company that could build us a Launching Trolley for our new RIB? Sounds odd I know but there are few trailer companies out there and none to date have been able to offer us anything close to what we require. Our other option would be to modify the current trolley, does anyone have the skills to tackle this and fancy taking it on?
Any suggestions welcome, if you would forward them to the ‘bosun’.
Ian Smith
Forming Sub-Committee
At the 2014 AGM the proposal for formation of a sub-committee to look at how we recover the cruisers using the Boat Hoist was approved.
The purpose of this is to take a look at the current method with the idea of preserving the Hoist and Tractor unit. We have encountered in recent years a number of major break downs, as we are looking to keep the current Tractor unit for at least the next five years we need to examine whether we can operate in a different manor, looking into all possibilities.
The committee will be formed of 5 possibly 7 persons and be charged with looking into alternative methods of using our current equipment, input to be sought from whole membership. Once a number of solutions are formed the committee will cost these and report back to Bosun Committee, a decision will then be taken to implement a particular solution. This solution may well incorporate pieces from different ideas, its an open book!
If you wish to be a member of the above committee please forward your interest to myself.
Even if you don’t wish to join the committee we would be interested in your thoughts to alternate methods, so please take a moment and jot any ideas down, all ideas will be considered so they can be as radical as you like, you don’t need to be a cruiser owner to have a thought on this.
Looking forward to your input.
Ian Smith
LNM No.6 (Unmarked obstruction)
Not sure how many may be venturing onto the water, but please be aware of the attached LNM from Langstone Harbour Board. I believe it relates to the sunk vessel in the photograph: http://twitpic.com/dvs2se where you can just see the top of the mast at the state of the tide the photo was taken.
2014 LNM No.6 (Unmarked obstruction).pdf