Tidal Diamond No. 368
I would like to confirm that Membership Renewal Documents are now in the post and you should receive yours within the next few days.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about your renewal documents, or if you have not received them by the 31st January.
Mo Clark
Hon Secretary
email – maureenclark.tsc. phone – 02392596711 or mobile – 07712309822
Galley & Bar Feb & March 2014
The galley and bar will be open on Sunday 2nd February. Thanks to Anthony Robbins covering the bar and Kay and Mike Waring in the galley.
As it stands, if there are no volunteers forthcoming the galley will be shut on 9th and 16th February.
It will be open again on 23 February, thanks to Sarah Bryant and again on 3rd March, thanks to Kay and Mike Waring.
If you are trained and volunteering for galley duties 2014-2015 please can you contact me asap so I can put the rota in place.
If you aren’t galley trained and would like to be, again please let me know and we can organise the training. If you can put a pasty and a jacket spud in the oven, microwave some chilli and put together a bit of salad then you could easily cope with a galley duty!
We desperately need more volunteers so please come forward if you are able to.
Many thanks
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Quiz & fish chips evening – Friday 31st January 7.30pm
The first of the TSC quarterly quizzes with fish and chips !!
Quiz entry = £1 per person
Fish and chips = £5 per person (or sausage, pie etc & chips)
I need to know approximate numbers for fish & chips in advance (by Wed 29 January please).
Click image to book your fish and chips
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Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Christmas Raffle
There are still 3 unclaimed Christmas Raffle prizes that need to find their way to the winners:
Jason Chipper – Red wine
Brian McGill – Bottle of champagne & 6 flute glasses
S Gallion – Red wine
If you reply to this Tidal Diamond with contact details they will be passed on so we can arrange collection of the prize (unfortunately email problems necessitate an intermediary contact).
Paul Tansom
pp Gill Howat