Tidal Diamond No. 362
Tudor Bar to Permanently Close
This could be a real headline very soon, unless we get someone to take on the position of Bar Manager. At the moment the bar is being kept open solely by the goodwill of Mark Tranter, who has gone well past the date at which his replacement should have taken over.
So, what does the job involve, you ask (at least I hope somebody does)?
- To attend the monthly Executive Committee Meeting
- For ensuring the Bar Duty Rota has a full complement of trained staff and to monitor and manage attendance
- For checking the bar stock level once a week to ensure that the bar is fully stocked with food and drink
- For checking the Club social diary and with the Club Social Secretary to ensure the stock is adequate for Club and private functions
- For providing additional Bar provision at the two annual “lifts” and Regatta events
- For ordering bar stock to meet the above requirements
- For checking the bar gas bottles and ordering accordingly
- For checking the glass washer cleaning liquid and bar cleaning equipment and ordering accordingly
- For checking that the pipe cleaners rota is written and adhered to
- For ensuring that the bar waste is recycled
- For performing two stock checks per annum
- For submitting an annual budget to the Honorary Treasurer
- To liaise with the Club Social Secretary on staff for private functions
- To provide annual confirmation to the Commodore of Bar duties performed in advance of renewals
It is not as scary as it might sound. To find out more, please contact Mark Tranter. If you are interested, please apply to the Hon. Secretary, Mo Clark by Friday 13th December.
Richard Gunn