Tidal Diamond No. 361

TSC Christmas Party 2013 will be on Saturday 14th December
There will be a cadet’s party (with family) starting at 5.00pm.
Make sure you’re good as there will again be a special visitor to the club that day…………
There will be burgers and chips and a pressie included in the ticket price.
If you need a vegetarian option please let me know.
You are all then very welcome and encouraged to stay on into the evening for the main party.
The more the merrier !
CADETS PARENTS : Please let me know asap if you are coming so
I can let Santa know who and how may to expect ! Thanks
Then at 7.30pm we will have the main TSC Christmas party.
There will be a curry and rice available (chicken and also a vegetarian option)
There will be party games, music, food and the bar will be open
Cadets tickets £5.00 each
Adults tickets £5.00 each
(one ticket will cover you for both parties)
Please pre-book your tickets as soon as possible so we can plan numbers for the evening.
It is really helpful to know numbers more than a week in advance to plan food requirements.
Tickets will be available (Friday 15th onwards) from the galley, bar or any member of the social
committee or you can book by emailing me socialsec
It really would be good to see as many people there as possible to make it a fun evening.
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
TSC Christmas Carols 2013 will be on Friday 20th December starting at 8.00pm
Come along to sing a carol or two and enjoy a Christmas drink with your friends at the club
Steve Francis
Social Secretary
Cadet Captain
The election of the cadet captain for 2014 will take place during the cadets monthly meet up on Wednesday 29 January. The cadet captain is a co-opted member of the sailing committee, responsible for organizing cadet sailing activities, aided by a very able and willing posse of volunteers. Please note that the current incumbent would be contented if someone else wanted to take over the job but would be willing to continue if not.
Rescuing the Icicle Series
The Icicle Series comprises 6 races. Half these races were assigned to a Race Officer who has been forced to stand down due to a health issue. 3 alternative race officers have now offered to help and the first race, on 5th January, definitely has a new race officer. At its recent meeting the Sailing Committee resolved to reduce the Series to 5 races, so as long as a willing race officer can cover (specifically) one of the other dates (2 Feb or 16 March) we could still have a viable series BUT …..
Until recently there was only 25% cover in place on the patrol boat. Members of the Sailing Committee have rallied round to push this up to at least 50% but this still leaves 4 duties to fill + one on Boxing Day (not Icicle Series, but still an event which is short of PBC).
THEREFORE, the Committee is looking for 4 trained crew to plug the gaps, 5 including Boxing Day. All the available duties are set to ‘tba’ in Dutyman so you can volunteer on line (or via me, if you prefer). A part-trained person can volunteer, subject to being partnered by a fully-trained helm – if in doubt, ask me.
The opportunity to volunteer will remain in place until 15th December. Thereafter if there are still insufficient volunteers the Committee will consult but the most likely (possibly inevitable) outcome will be to cancel the entire Series.
Alan Saunders
Dutyman Administrator
pp. TSC Sailing Committee
Note. The SC is cutting back the sailing calendar for 2014/15 due to the continuing shortage of wetside volunteers. Even the reduced programme calls for one or two new Race Officers and around half a dozen new PBC (8 people are currently showing interest). The Committee is not expecting to keep appealing for existing volunteers to do more, once the present difficulty has been overcome.