Tidal Diamond No. 352
The cruiser recovery will now go ahead on Saturday/Sunday 2-3rd November. We will be recovering boats on Wed/Thu/Fri to reduce the amount of work load over the weekend. We need to manage carefully how many we can handle during the week, so please turn up to help and crew and you may also be lucky and be recovered. Contact is Ian Smith 07884 440505 or myself 07825 665651.
We are without a number of key personnel at the weekend, which coupled with 5m Spring tides and high winds will slow things down considerably.
We are in desperate need of volunteers for water babies, so if you have a dry suit and think you can help, then please contact Linda Vacher.
We will be starting at 0700 on Saturday (LW is 0522).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved for the hard work that has gone on behind the scenes to get the tractor and hoist operating to a safe standard. Also big thanks to the team (Rib Crews, Shore Co-ordinator and Galley) for providing an excellent service on Saturday enabling owners to make some provision against the recent storm we experienced.
Apologies to the Dinghy Section for the cancellation of the frostbite race on Sunday. I appreciate the disruption this has caused in the winter racing calendar.
If your boat is already ashore – please turn up at the weekend and help those who helped get you ashore.
George Thomson