Tidal Diamond 347 – Nominations, Invoices, Dinghy meeting, Photo competition

Tidal Diamond No. 347

Nomination Meeting – Friday 8th November at 20:00 – Nominations required

The Nomination meeting, to nominate club officers and committee members to be elected at the AGM in January, has been moved to a Friday evening this year.

As always, ALL elected Executive committee and other committee posts (with the exception of the Commodore and Rear Commodore this year) are up for re-election at the AGM in January and all members are welcome and encouraged to stand for any post, as long as they have been members for 12 months or more and live within 40 miles of the club. It would be nice to have some contested posts again this year.

Executive Committee members nominations are required for:

Vice Commodore – Executive committee, Derek Beaves has advised that he does not wish to stand for a further 3 year term of office.

Hon. Secretary – Executive Committee, current Secretary, Mo Clark has indicated that she is prepared to accept nomination for another year.

Assistant Secretary – Executive committee, current Assistant Secretary, Jan Sobey has indicated that she is prepared to accept nomination for another year.

Maintenance Officer – Executive Committee, current Maintenance Officer, Dick Clark has indicated that he is prepared to accept nomination for another year.

Bosun – Executive Committee – current Bosun, George Thomson has indicated that he does not wish to stand again.

Social Secretary – Executive Committee, current Social Secretary, Steve Francis has indicated that he is prepared to accept nomination for another year.

Sailing Secretary – Executive Committee, this post is currently vacant.

Committee members nominations are required for:

Sailing Committee

Social Committee – two vacant posts

Bosun’s Committee – three vacant posts (Secretary, Engineer and Hoist Manager)

Maintenance Committee – possibly one vacant post

Wine Committee

As you can see, there are a number of committee positions that are definitely vacant, so please support your club and if possible come prepared to offer your services or to nominate another member and do not just rely on someone else to do it.

Richard Gunn

Cruiser Hoist and Compound invoices

To confirm, the invoices for the hoist and cruiser and tender compound fees were posted out last week. If you have not received yours, please let me know as soon as possible.


Mo Clark
Hon Secretary
maureenclark.tsc or 07712309822

2013 End of Summer Season Dinghy Meeting – TSC Clubhouse

This coming Saturday (19th October) we will be having the end of season Dinghy Meeting to discuss the summer events and the forthcoming 2014 series calendar. The meeting will directly follow the Compound Clearance which starts at 9 am. Apologies for not being more accurate on the timing – the last time I gave a specific time there was a lot of hanging around for everyone. Perhaps it’s gentle encouragement to come and assist with the Compound Clearance first then attend the meeting, many hands make light work as they say.

A loose agenda is bulleted below, but it will be your meeting and I’m more than happy to take any questions and give as much information as I possibly can.

  • What went well/what perhaps didn’t go so well for the 2012/2013 season
  • Saturday Series (down harbour starts)
  • Sunday Series
  • Sunset Series (including the two night races opening and closing the series)
  • All dinghy cruises
  • Trophy races (some of which are included in series racing and some have their own dedicated events)

2014 Dinghy Calendar Planning

  • It’s at this point I would have normally said what do you, the members, want to see more of? However in this case I’m more likely to be discussing potential programme reductions. This is due to resourcing issues which I will elaborate more on the day. It’s for that reason I heartily recommend your attendance.

Race Officer Information Evening (Wednesday 13th November)

  • An early discussion to encourage attendance from all our sailors, who may or may not race, and give an outline of what that evening will entail.

Finally the election of the Dinghy Captain for the following year

  • The role is that of a conduit from the dinghy membership to the Sailing Committee and fulfils a full maintenance duty for the year. Terms of Reference for the post are available on the club website

Very many thanks,

Phil Bryant
Dinghy Captain