Tidal Diamond 333 – This weekend, Compound storage & cleanliness

Tidal Diamond No. 333

Chichester Marina this weekend

If anyone is thinking of sailing to Chichester Marina this weekend, Bob and Sandra are taking Celtic lady there and have booked a large table in Chichester Yacht Club where any members would be most welcome to join them for dinner on Saturday evening.

Compound Storage and cleanliness

  1. Recently there has been a large amount of rubbish accumulating in the compound. It is not fair to expect other members to clear away rubbish that is left by those who are too lazy to dispose of their own rubbish.
  2. There has been an increasing number of Dinghies being moved from allocated spaces into other members spaces. A lot of effort goes into the organisation of the compound. It is not a free for all! Please also be reminded that when changing ownership of a cruiser or dinghy, you must first complete the appropriate forms and request to the Bosun. There has been a number of instances recently where members are changing dinghies without first adhering to the club procedures/byelaws.

George Thomson