Tidal Diamond No. 329
Cruiser Update
Our plans for the coming weekend (29th & 30th, penciled in as East Head day sail / Emsworth cruise), depending on the weather, are probably to go for a sail on Friday afternoon (maybe out round the Nab) and end up in Bembridge for Friday night (high water around 16:30). This may change to Emsworth visitors pontoon if the weather is more appropriate for that.
If we stop at Bembridge, we hope to get up in time to leave with the morning tide and stop off at East Head over low water. You can take your dinghy ashore for a picnic / barbeque or go for a nice walk. Anchoring close in allows drying out if you want to check your bottom or you can stay afloat not much further out.
For the evening, if you fancy a lovely and quite night with only the wild life to wake you in the morning, move on up to the Emsworth visitor’s pontoon. Our current plan is to pick up a mooring buoy in Itchenor Reach and eat in the pub (it’s my birthday on Saturday) – Everyone is more than welcome to join us there – if there is much interest, I will see about booking for the meal.
Summer Cruise Planning
I propose having a gathering to discuss the summer cruise to North Brittany on Wednesday the 10th July, starting around 8:00. The main reason for the choice of destination is the Paimpol Festival on the 9th, 10th, 11th August. How we get there is open to discussion (and subject to the weather!). All are welcome – Please bring any charts, Pilot books or other info you might think useful.
From a personal view point, we would quite like to visit St. Malo again and maybe pop up the Rance estuary a bit, but we would also like to see about getting as far as Morlaix in the west. For those of you less restricted by annual holidays, there are a lot of possibilities along this stretch of coast. For those with limited time, maybe you could just accompany us as far as the Channel Islands (or even just Cherbourg) on the way out, or join us on our way home.
Following the article in the latest Ebb & Flow, about dinghy sailing in this region, who knows – we might even be able to meet up with anyone over for some of that.
Gould Trophy Race – Re-run
At the moment, the weekend of the 14th / 15th September looks the best option (currently listed as a Bembridge cruise). High water on the Saturday is at 0605 which makes an 0600 start ideal, with a mid-day start to come home on the Sunday. I currently propose booking the “Dan Bran” pontoon by the Lymington Town club for the Saturday night to guarantee we are all reasonably together, as the town quay could be rather busy by the time we get there on Saturday. The start and finish lines will be as usual – Full sailing instructions to be issued nearer the time. Lets hope for a nice wind without too much east or west in it for the whole weekend! A meal will be booked on the Saturday night.
Roger Smith
Cruiser Captain
Round Hayling Dinghy Cruise Sunday 30th June 2013
Here I am again canvassing for interest in the next dinghy cruise. This one is perhaps the major challenge for the season and is a full round trip of Hayling Island taking anti-clockwise tour of Hayling. Navigation – visibility permitting – should be simple. If Hayling is on your left you are going in the right direction, but more of that in a moment.
The plan is to enjoy a gentle mid summers sail in company around Hayling Island with several gathering points so that we don’t get too spread out. Once inside Chichester Harbour we have lunch on the sands just to the west of Hayling Island Sailing Club whilst waiting for a favourable depth of water to get under the bridge at Langstone. On that note the general accepted passage is to careen your dinghy to the northern side and walk it through holding the mast tip in the shallows with the hull in deeper water. For those not able to do that we normally get in touch with Langstone to see if there is a road trolley that can be made available to take the dinghy up and over the bridge. If you require that please let me know on the email address below and it can be programmed in. From Langstone we regroup and take a sail through the old disused Hayling Billy Railway Bridge then returning down harbour and up to Tudor. Given that the wind may be a prevailing south westerly the gap through the bridge supports may be as challenging as it was coming the other way into a brisk north easterly for the recent Langstone Dinghy Cruise. Skill, luck and judicious use of patrol boats are to be recommended.
Requirements – we will have the RIB and the Dory shepherding us as Patrol Boats and sensible grouping points are Rustles Lake after we have all launched, then the Fairway Buoy (it’s no longer a buoy but a pole) and then the Chichester Bar Beacon before arriving at HISC for a well earned lunch break. Low water is at 1045 1.40m and high water is at 1802 4.50m. The start time is indicated as 1100 so I would intend to do a briefing by the RIB garage for 1045. We’ll depart at 1100 and this should fire us out of Langstone into a very gentle flood and then the turn of the tide to get into Chichester Harbour entrance. It will be surprisingly shallow along the seafront so we try to stay well out and don’t go inside the first Chichester Beacon – but I’ll cover that on the day. As with all of our ventures outside of the harbour the recommendation is to bring a compass. I would suggest you make yourself familiar with a chart or even Google maps. Perhaps not a recommended sailing method but as long as we adherer to buoyage where needed we will be fine….
Any questions expressions of interest etc please contact me on my email. I’m away this week so may not be able to reply until Friday onwards, but he more the merrier.
Phil Bryant
TSC Dinghy Captain
Tudor Jazz
Will be playing at the club on Friday evening 19th July.
Do come along and support your band (Denise Moore-dinghy sailor on vocals, Frank Sharvill-yachtie on guitar).
From 8.30 onwards (so hurry off the water all you dinghy sailors!)
Hope to see you there .