Tidal Diamond No. 326
The Cruiser launch dates for next year are 12/13th April 2014. For those who wish to launch sooner, then there will be the opportunity to be recovered last in this years lift in weekend. The reason for choosing a later date is based on Easter being late, together with the large amount of disruption we had this year as a result of the poor weather.
George Thomson
Regattas Galore
There are two different club regattas advertised below. Unfortunately they are both on the same date, so please ensure you read the correct attached poster and attend the correct club for your chosen racing event!
Paul Tansom
Tidal Diamond Editor
Locks Junior Regatta
Attached is the poster for the locks junior regatta on Saturday 6th July ,the format is much the same as Tudors. There will be a briefing at 1000hrs, followed by 3 races on a triangle course, they will then come ashore for a couple of fun team races whilst the results are being worked out and the food is prepared they will then eat and we will hold the prize giving.
See attached poster.
Langstone Sailing Club Regatta & Junior Regatta
Saturday 6th July
Adults – 10.30am
Juniors – 10.00am
Entertainment all day for non sailors plus evening social. See attached poster for details.
To book afternoon tea and social tickets contact Langstone SC Sailing Secretary Mike Ford – sailingsecretary
See attached poster.
Regatta 2013 poster.doc