Tidal Diamond No. 329
Club Patrol boat users
Following the recent increase in propeller damage to the Club Rib the Sailing Committee would like to advise all crews of the club patrol boats that there has been a change in the manor in which the boats are to be recovered. The boats are to be driven to the side of the slipway and the engine stopped and the crew are to get out and then guide the boat onto the trolley. This is to stop the boats from being driven over the slipway.
After recovery, each engine should be run through with fresh water. The recent problems with the Rib engine were compounded by the state of the cooling system. In an attempt to ensure the longevity of all the club engines we are reminding everyone who uses the boats that this needs to be done.
Thank you everyone for your co operation
Mark Webb
Sailing Committee member.
Gould Trophy
Saturday will see the first leg of the Gould Trophy with the return scheduled for Monday the 6th of May. Please find attached a copy of the sailing instructions, a signing on sheet is displayed on the Cruiser notice board together with additional hard copies of the revised sailing instructions. Note, to save any confusion, there is one list for booking meals at Lymington and another list for signing on for the race.
Andy Healey
Club Security
Could all members please make sure that the club gates and doors are kept shut and locked even if you are working in the compound. There have been recent reports of compound gates left open with nobody visible and also the gents changing room door being propped open with nobody around.
Richard Gunn
Sign writing
If any member has sign writing skills, could they please get in contact with me as I want the get the Commodore name board updated.
Richard Gunn