Tidal Diamond No. 322
Cruiser Update
For the weekend after cruiser launch (Easter weekend), the calendar is showing Chichester Harbour. This is a good shake down run and, if staying at the marina, means there is power available for heating if it is cold at night.
There are also some lovely walks from there for those interested. Good food is available at the sailing club or the marina restaurant. I have put a notice on the cruiser board for names of those interested (I will probably need more details for a final booking as “Premier” normally request this).
It may be possible to book some spaces at Emsworth yacht harbour which is great if anyone fancies some good live music at the Lord Raglan on the Sunday night – again I will need details of those interested.
The traditional start of season Folly trip is down for the weekend of the 13th / 14th April so the weather may be a little bit better and the hours of daylight a little longer. Again, there is a notice on the board asking for names etc.
As we are unlikely be in the water, at least for Easter, if there are takers for this trip, it would be good if someone could act as contact / focal point at the marina (we may cheat and come round by car in the evening for the meal).
Roger Smith
Cruiser Captain.
Could anyone that has borrowed TSC mugs from the galley please return them as soon as possible to the club (and especially before Cruiser Launch on 23rd March). Also, if you have any unwanted mugs that are in tip top condition we would really appreciate them being donated to the club.
Many thanks
The TSC Galley Crew
Cruiser Launch : Galley Opening Hours
FRIDAY 22nd March : 12-2pm
SATURDAY 23rd March
Breakfast 8.00 until 10.30am
Lunch Midday until 3.00pm
Tea and cakes will be served in the afternoon
SUNDAY 24th March
Breakfast 8.00 until 10.30am
Lunch Midday until 3.00pm
Tea and cakes will be served in the afternoon
If you are stuck on the water and would like food to be put aside for later please radio in to request this.
Please note that food serving times will be made as flexible as possible but we will need to prepare for lunches after the breakfast servings.
The galley crew are giving up a lot of their time over cruiser launch weekend so please take time for a smile or a thank you.
TSC Social Committee
Cruiser Launch 23rd/24th March.
This year we are faced with an unprecedented number of boats (currently 36) choosing not to launch on the appointed relaunch date. This is mainly due to the prolonged cold weather we have experienced, together with a number of boats having been symblasted and requiring remedial work that requires warmer conditions.
It is crucial that we have an accurate account of who is not launching. Please advise Richard Calas on 07811 000752 to CONFIRM that you WILL or WILL NOT be launching, even if you have already told us. If no communication is received prior to Friday 16th March it will be assumed that you are launching.
Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate the specific requirements of those staying ashore, there is every possibly that you may find yourself penned in and not able to launch when you want to due to the numbers involved. We have to clear the summer Dinghy space and leave space enough for the tenders of those who will be afloat.
There will be a lot of delays during the weekend whilst non- launching boats are being moved to a parked area. Owners of non-launching boats MUST ENSURE their boats are ready in all respects to be lifted and be available to move blocks and ladders as and when required. Please remember that all cruiser owners are required on both Saturday and Sunday to be available as and when required for what is an extra ordinary amount of work that we are faced with this year.
I strongly urge all owners to be present at the safety brief to be held next Wednesday 20th March at 2000 in the club house.
Finally, for all of those staying ashore, there will be limited opportunities subject to tide, club sailing activities and availability of Tractor drivers/hoist operators to launch prior to 1st May.
Club policy is that an overstay fee is charged for boats not designated as “Sick boat status”. The latter is not something easily granted. Please all talk to each other and ensure you don’t miss your window of opportunity. It may end up being costly.
I do hope the weather improves and that we all get back on the water ,in the fullness of time, and enjoy the forthcoming sailing season.
George Thomson