Tidal Diamond No. 249
Stranger in the Camp
Please do not be too alarmed when you see the Fin Keeler “Little Madam” on its side on mooring 53 at LW. This boat has broken loose from the Langstone Harbour Deep moorings and was recovered by the Harbour Patrol boat during the strong winds yesterday. It remains where it is until the owners representatives recover it over the weekend. Thanks to Richard Calas, Richard Barnes, Derek Beaves and Steve Skinner who launched their boats today and whilst doing so, trawled through the moorings to check for any damage that may have been caused when “Little Madam” broke away from down harbour. Please all check your boats when next out to satisfy yourself that no damage has occurred. This reiterates once again the importance of ensuring moorings are up to specification. George Thomson – Bosun
All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by noon on Wednesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies.
Richard Gunn
Editor Tidal Diamonds and Ebb & Flow
Tudor Sailing Club
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Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO3 5LY