Tidal Diamond No. 248
Key Found
A Peugeot car key has been found next in the compound. If anyone wishes to claim it, please contact Brian or Sheila Smith email sheila193 or phone 023 9246 6646.
Cruiser Declarations
Ladies and Gents, the Cruiser Sailing Series is nearly upon us with less than 1 week before the start of the first Gales Series. To date, I have only received 6 completed declarations. Please could I ask all Cruiser Sailors, that are intending to race this season, to complete the attached form and either return it by email to myself, or the Sailing Secretary. If you have made any changes to your boat please complete all sections; if all is the same as last season could you just complete the “rig declaration” section detailing your rig preference for in and out of harbour races. The first race of the Gales Series is on the 30/04/12 so your prompt attention to this matter would be very much appreciated. Andy Healey – Cruiser Race Coordinator – Andy.Healey
Dinghy News
Following a request at the Dinghy Section Meeting we will be holding an Introduction and Refresher Briefing on the Racing Rules of Sailing in the Club on Wednesday 9th May 2012. The session will be run by Paul Rivington and it will an ideal opportunity to understand who has right of way when boats meet in open water and approaching marks and when to cry, for example, Starboard, Room to Tack and Mark Room. The Session will start at 20:30 hours and it is envisaged that it will last an hour.
The Langstone High Water Cruise was postponed on Easter Monday due to the inclement weather and has now been rescheduled for Sunday 20th May 2012. The Cruise is an ideal opportunity to sail in the company of other club dinghies (and a patrol boat) around the harbour. The cruise will be a relaxed sail and depending on the conditions, we may be able to sail through the North Binness Channel. We will stop en route for a snack so please provision well and if the weather is really good we may stop for an ice cream, so bring some money. An anchor is useful though not essential. Meet at the Club, ready to sail, for a briefing at 10.30 hours. Hopefully see you there; the more the merrier. For more details on Dinghy News contact: Steve Jones, Dinghy Captain – dinghies
Blue-water Sailing
If you remember Jef Girard, who was a club member up to a couple of years ago, he is currently in the Caribbean but will be returning soon and is currently trying to sell his boat. If anyone is interested, the advert is below. If he does not sell it by May, he will be sailing back and is currently looking for crew for the second leg sailing from the Azores to Gibraltar or the Balearics starting 15th June for 2 weeks maximum. If you are interested, please contact Jef at eos.girard.
For sale blue-water ketch AMEL MARAMU 46, 14m, 1988, engine 62hp 1,000hrs, electric furling sails, numerous refit & updates since 2008, equipped for long-term cruising, solar panels, watermaker, 2011 autopilot. Exhaustive eqpt, vgc. £110,000 VAT paid. Visible FWI til May 2012 then Med. More info amel.maramu
All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by noon on Wednesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies.
Richard Gunn
Editor Tidal Diamonds and Ebb & Flow
Tudor Sailing Club
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Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO3 5LY