Tidal Diamond No. 253 – Free Yachts & Yachting Magazine Offer

Tidal Diamond No. 253 Free Yachts & Yachting Magazine Offer 
FREE Olympic subscription to
Yachts & Yachting

for all club members!

Yachts & Yachting
, the ultimate sailing magazine, is offering all sailing club members a FREE 3-issue subscription to celebrate the Olympic sailing events this summer.

All you have to do to claim your free Olympic subscription is click here and enter your name and address. You are under absolutely no obligation to continue once you’ve received your three free issues.

It means that you can enjoy Yachts & Yachting’s Olympic coverage, including insider previews and expert commentary, absolutely free.

Yachts & Yachting’s free Olympic subscription offer starts with the July issue and will run right through to the September issue.

Highlights include:
2135274_arrow.png Sailing team manager Stephen Park’s exclusive behind-the-scenes insight into how Team GB is preparing for the Games
2135274_arrow.png An in-depth profile of sailing superstar Ben Ainslie, who already has three Olympic gold medals in his kitbag
2135274_arrow.png A look at Team GB’s prospects for gold at the Games and what challenges lie ahead for our country’s top sailors
2135274_arrow.png PLUS boat and equipment tests, expert sailing and racing tips and analysis
Yachts & Yachting is published monthly in both print and digital format. The print edition is available from all good newsagents as well as on subscription. Your free Olympic subscription will be supplied in digital format.
Yachts & Yachting Magazine is published in the UK by The Chelsea Magazine Company.

Registered Address: Albury Mill, Mill Lane, Chilworth, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 8RU
Tel: 020 7901 8005 | VAT Number: 898 7862 27 | Registered Company: 6081165

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All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by noon on Wednesdays please; please allow plenty of time
for emails to reach me
. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies.


Richard Gunn
Editor Tidal Diamonds and Ebb & Flow
Tudor Sailing Club

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Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO3 5LY