Tidal Diamond No. 250
With the approaching Bank Holiday/LHRW/Gould Trophy
Weekend, this is quite a large TD, so please take care to
read all of it, as there is an important notice at the end.
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend – This Weekend!
The weekend is fast approaching and the event is really taking shape. The forecast is
looking really promising for the three days (yes I know I have just jinxed it!) with wind
conditions to suit all tastes.
We have received some fantastic support from local businesses who have donated a
wealth of goodies to be awarded as prizes. Our supporters include: Chris Hornsey
Chandlery, Chris Rickets (Shanty Singer), Sailstyle, Northern Child, Andark,
Paul Rivington – Sailing Coach, Fullers, Marine Superstore, Startline Marine and
Discover Wine.
For those who have not yet entered, please spend a few minutes filling in your
details online via our entry system.
The event website is packed full of all the information you need, from the notice of
race and sailing instructions, to the event schedule / program.
There will be a curry night on Friday evening – and we would like to extend a
warm welcome to all club members to come down and enjoy the evening.
Gould Trophy Race – Lymington
The annual Gould Trophy race is due to take place this weekend. Please sign up on
the cruiser notice board if you wish to take part. The latest sailing instructions for the
event are attached to this TD. Please note the start line is out of the harbour and not
at ECA as stated in the club calendar.
There is also a sheet on the cruiser notice board which asks numbers for supper on
Saturday evening. David Whiting has reserved a table for 20 at the Mayflower, just
beside Lymington Town SC. He will phone numbers to the Mayflower on Thursday
morning so let him know if you change your mind after Thursday (cruisers@tudorsailing.org.uk).
It looks like a cold weekend at present. Brock is in Southsea for rubbing strake
and GRP repairs, red buoys litter the Solent!
Fun Race / Sail for Gold Torch Relay Race
If anyone wishes to take part in the torch relay race and has not yet organised a team,
please drop me a line or an email and I will pair you up with other interested parties.
Cruiser Yardsticks
The latest cruiser yardsticks have also been published – if your boat is not on the list
and you intend to race this season please complete a cruiser rig declaration and return
it to the sailing committee. A list of the 2012 yardsticks is attached to this TD.
Richard Barnes – Sailing Secretary – sailingsec@tudorsailing.org.uk
Commodore’s Update
As requested at the AGM I will be giving an update on club developments and finances on
Wednesday 30th May at 20:30.
This will be an informal meeting where you will be able to ask questions and express your
views on the future development of the club.
Tim Stell – Commodore
Help with the Bar – Can anyone please help?
We need someone to man the bar on Sunday 6th May (this Sunday). This is the Langstone
Race Weekend, so if you can please help can you let me know ASAP. This is an important
weekend for the club so if anyone can please help contact Mark Tranter on 02392 137038
or 07958434168.
Mark Tranter – Bar Manager
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend – Help needed
Help is needed to open the galley for breakfast (bacon / Sausage / egg baps) on
Saturday / Sunday / Monday morning for the forthcoming race weekend.
If you are able to help then please drop me a line.
Hannah Barnes – Social Secretary – socialsec@tudorsailing.org.uk
Quiz Night
The next TSC social is a quiz night on Friday 24th May. See poster attached and
in the clubhouse for full details.
Hannah Barnes – Social Secretary – socialsec@tudorsailing.org.uk
Bank Holiday Car Parking in Compound
To allow space for visiting dinghies, please can all cruiser owners keep the space
along the east fence (between Lesser Stint and the work boat) clear of cars for the
George Thomson – Bosun
All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by noon on Wednesdays please; please allow plenty of time
for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies.
Richard Gunn
Editor Tidal Diamonds and Ebb & Flow
Tudor Sailing Club
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Tudor Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO3 5LY