Tidal Diamond No. 247 Club Security In the club car park on Monday at around 13:00, a member was asked by two men in a white van about ‘the old batteries off our boats’ and was anyone in the compound and was it locked. Fortunately, for once, the compound was locked, so no problem this time but please be aware that there are people looking for ‘scrap metal’ (anything not bolted down probably counts) and keep the compounds secure.
Sailing News
Langstone Harbour Race Weekend – ## ON-LINE ENTRY NOW OPEN ##
Saturday 5th May – Monday 7th May
If you are thinking about competing for one, two or all three days over the May bank holiday weekend, please complete our on-line entry form.
Completing the on-line entry form speeds up the registration process on the Friday night – there is no commitment to compete/pay, so if the weather deteriorates then you can choose to opt out on the day.
A poster including further details of the event is attached to this Tidal Diamond.
Clink the link below and fill in your details today..
Langstone Harbour Interclub Series
Sunday 22nd April.
Sailing Instructions for this Sundays LHICS race are attached. Please allow plenty of time to sail to the start area which will be in the vicinity of Sword Sands..
Cadets on the Water: Today Wednesday 18th April 6:00pm
The first Cadets session of the season will be on Wednesday 18th April at 6:00 pm. This will be a Cadets on the Water session and NOT a planning meeting as listed in the club calendar. This is because the planning meeting was held on Wednesday 21st March at 20:00, as advertised in Tidal Diamond 236 and 237. As discussed at the planning meeting, please try to arrive and be rigged and ready for a briefing at 6pm so we can launch promptly at 6:30pm.
Sail for Gold Olympic Torch Relay Race (Fun Race)
Saturday 12th May – 17:00
Tudor SC is hosting our very own ‘Olympic Torch Relay Race’ as our fun race this year and have registered it with the RYA as a ‘Sail for Gold’ event. The race will take place down the harbour, on a triangular course. Competitors will form teams of three boats 1x Cruiser, 1x Dinghy Single Hander, 1x Dinghy Double Hander (other team combinations at the discretion of the sailing committee). There is also a restriction on the sum of your teams handicaps.. this is to prevent all the fast, or all the slow boats forming teams. Maximum Sum of PY’s of 3650. Minimum Sum of PY’s of 3150
It will be a 3 lap race – with 1 lap being completed by each team boat. An inflatable baton will be passed from boat to boat before the next lap can be completed.
A poster will be available on the Dinghy Notice board for people to sign up in a team and a separate form will be posted for all those that have not arranged a team, but wish to compete (to allow other members to contact you). Monday week, the 30th April, is the Sunset 2/Gales 1 race which gives cruiser and dinghy sailors alike the perfect opportunity to form teams over a beer after the race!
Compound Re-organisation – 14th April
What a lot of people to help at the re-org – thanks to all!
The compound looks really good again, clean and tidy and all the dinghies ready and waiting to be taken out onto the sea.
Now for the moan! Quite a few boats do not have their stickers in place yet; this should have been done by end of March.
SO MANY boats are not named clearly with the owners surname. This made the job so much longer than it needed to be.
Members are bringing in/removing boats from the compound without informing me. We spent some time looking for a boat (that should have been there) only to find it had been removed by its owner.
Please just drop me an email if there is any movement of your boat.
Thanks again for all the help, wishing you lots of happy sailing,
Linda Vacher – Compound Bosun – compound
Bosun’s Communiqué
Compound Re-org
A Big thanks to Linda and all involved in the compound re-org. It was great to see so many turn out. This allowed us to clear away a lot of rubbish that left behind from the cruiser layup. There always seems to be a skip full, despite all the reminders asking boat owners to take away their rubbish. Maybe the cost of a skip should be included as part of the winter storage rates. I certainly hope not!
Club Wheelie Bin
The same old problem is occurring. This bin is not for general use. Only Clubhouse generated waste is to be placed in this bin. A lockable system is being looked into. If you have rubbish, then please take it home.
Left over blocks/ladders
It was nice to see that the vast majority of timber blocks/ladders had been removed prior to the compound re-org. There still remain a few that were put to the side of the rubbish heap in the compound. We have a skip arriving before the weekend. Please collect any blocks before the skip is collected next Monday.
Arrangements are in hand to cut the remaining sleepers (about 15 in total) into 4 and to attach rope handles to them. This will provide a stock pile of manageable timber blocks to replace the concrete blocks we have seen used in the past. These will be available on recovery of the cruisers in October.
There remain a lot of Tenders without plaques and names. Please take time to adhere to the club and harbour bye-laws!
Car Parking
We still have a number of boats to launch. Please bear this in mind if you are away for the weekend and intend to park in the compound. These will more than likely launch over the next 10-12 days.
If you have not already done so, then you need to make provisions at the next suitable tide (weather permitting) to check your mooring tackle. We have already had one boat break loose and may well have had another, had it have not been spotted during the re- launch weekend. Luckily (as far as we know) there has been no damage to other boats and the boat was successfully recovered thanks to the quick response from club members and Harbour Master who were available during the working day. Procedures for this are currently being revised.
Next Year’s Cruiser Re-Launch
Good Friday is on 29th March in 2013. We need feedback from all cruiser owners to firm up dates in next year’s calendar. Please check what your insurance stipulates, and whether you are prepared to pay additional premiums or excess on your policy should we decide to launch early. Furthermore, other club activities have to be planned around the re-launch date. We may even look at a strategy of recovering those who want to launch early before Easter, as the last boats lifted in. We need input to allow a decision to made in good time.
George Thomson – Bosun – bosun
All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by noon on Wednesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies.
Richard Gunn
Editor Tidal Diamonds and Ebb & Flow
Tudor Sailing Club
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Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO3 5LY
Locks Sc SI interclub 1 May 2012.pdf
Sail4Gold Torch Relay Race_v3.pdf