Tidal Diamond No. 241 Tudor Re-Launch Weekend 31st March/1st April It’s that time of year again. For those with boats launched, you should not need reminding that it is “all hands in” to enable a swift and safe operation over the two days. For those who get lifted on Saturday, there is equally as much to do on Sunday, so please make yourself available for both days.
There will be a safety briefing in the club house at 2000 this evening, Wednesday 28th March.
Last but not least, all available personnel not involved with key responsibilities are required to make themselves available for crews.
It is important that on both Saturday and Sunday we have the maximum amount of crew possible, to enable all the boats to be safely launched.
Those on 2nd/3rd row moorings should liaise with the crew co-coordinator to leave boats on nominated front row moorings and return at a later time when water is available to access moorings. Please do not spend unnecessary time on your boat or disappear home once launched.
Remember, a lot of people are putting themselves out to get your boat safely launched.
We will be taking the opportunity to check measure all boats in order to update club records. We will also be briefing individuals on suitability of keel blocks and methods used for shoring up during the layup period. This is to reduce the amount of heavy lifting. Please do not be offended by advice offered.
Please ensure that all engines have been run up, seacocks checked and ropes rigged for/aft on both side to assist handling by the water babies.
Tug/Taxi drivers will be at hand to ferry crews and tow if required.(Not for checking moorings!) REMEMBER TO WEAR LIFEJACKETS.
Finally, if you have equipment to put on your boat, then please do so before Saturday, or on Saturday evening if you are launching Sunday. Safety within the compound during plant operations is extremely important, and access will be restricted.
Please come along to the safety briefing and hopefully we will have a safe and enjoyable weekend (Silly hats on Sunday).
George Thomson – Bosun
Maintenance – Volunteers Needed
Here is the list of jobs that need doing this weekend and the following evenings:
1. Remove awning and framework from clubhouse
2. Clean under eaves when framework is removed.
3. Clean gutter.
4. Make good wood work and repaint.
5. Clean ,rub down and paint the metalwork and pillars. White Paint
6. Teak bench seat needs cleaning and re-oiling with teak oil
7. Shelves needed in Ladies cloakroom.
Dick Clark – Maintenance Officer
Social News
Thinking of holding a function in the club in May / Early June?
Requests for club bookings for this period need to be with me by Friday 13th April at the latest for consideration at the exec meeting on 16th April.
Saturdays in June are nearly full at present, only the 2nd June is still available.
If you are thinking about booking be club then please contact me sooner rather than later to avoid disappointment, bookings are taken on first come first served basis.
Sea Shanty Concert
TSC members have been offered reduced priced tickets for local singer Chris Ricketts concert at The Cellars, Eastney on Friday 18th May.
Tickets are £6.00 reduced from £8.00, if you would like me to request one for you then let me know by Friday 6th April or see me at the club this weekend.
Hannah Barnes – Social Secretary – socialsec
The March Dinghy Friday will discuss 2 topics – Tudor Sailing Club handicaps and the Saturday race series. Start at 20:00 hours
Tudor Sailing Club Handicaps will be used for 2012 Racing Season and will be published in the Club and discussed at Dinghy Friday on 30th March 2012.
The Saturday Race Series for 2012 will be back to back races with Grand Prix finishes. Please come and ask any questions you may have on this format of racing. A briefing will also be given.
Richard Barnes – Sailing Secretary
Dinghy News
The March Dinghy Friday will discuss 2 topics – Tudor Sailing Club handicaps and the Saturday race series. Start at 20:00 hours
Tudor Sailing Club Handicaps will be used for 2012 Racing Season and will be published in the Club and discussed at Dinghy Friday on 30th March 2012. Further details are in the attachment to this Tidal Diamond
The Saturday Race Series for 2012 will be back to back races with Grand Prix finishes. Please come and ask any questions you may have on this format of racing. A briefing will also be given.
Following the Compound Reorganisation come to the Clubhouse for tea/coffee and a general chat about the 2012 Sailing Season.
Changes to the TSC 2012 Club Calendar
Note the following date changes to the 2012 Calendar.
Bembridge/Priory Bay Cruise currently scheduled for 20th May 2012 will now take place on Sunday 10th June 2012 and we will go to PrioryBay.
Trail and Sail Weekend currently scheduled for the weekend of 14th and 15th July will now take place on the weekend 7th and 8th July. The campsite is booked for 2 nights Friday 6th July and Saturday 7th July and there will sailing in ChichesterHarbour planned for both the Saturday and Sunday.
Langstone Harbour High Water Dinghy Cruise – Easter Monday 9th April 2012
The Langstone High Water Cruise is an ideal opportunity to sail in the company of other club dinghies (and a patrol boat) around the harbour. The cruise will be a relaxed sail and depending on the conditions, we may be able to sail through the North Binness Channel. We will stop en route for a snack so please provision well and if the weather is really good we may stop for an ice cream so bring some money. An anchor is useful though not essential. Meet at the Club, ready to sail, for a briefing at 12:00 hours. Hopefully see you there; the more the merrier.
For more details contact: Steve Jones, Dinghy Captain – dinghies
All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by noon on Wednesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies.
Richard Gunn
Editor Tidal Diamonds and Ebb & Flow
Tudor Sailing Club
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Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO3 5LY
Tudor PY Corrections for the 2012 Season.pdf