Tidal Diamond No. 240
Cruiser Relaunch Safety Briefing
Please come along to the club house for 8pm on Wednesday 28st March for the pre-launch safety briefing. There will be a reminder about the safety aspects of the launch weekend and an opportunity for you to ask any questions. We really need to increase the pool of volunteers for the weekend and this is your chance to get involved. It would be great to see some new faces but the regulars need to be there just as much. Give us your feedback and ideas to improve the weekend. Thanks in advance. George Thomson – Bosun
Cruiser Mooring Fees
Regretfully, some information given by Langstone Harbour Board regarding the cost of moorings was incorrect and cruiser owners have been charged wrongly.
Fee | VAT | Total inc. vat | Refund due | |
Cruisers up to 25 ft
Amount Paid |
£103.17 | £20.63 | £123.80 | |
Correct Figures | £99.58 | £19.92 | £119.50 | Fee £3.59
Vat .71 £4.30 |
Cruisers over 25 ft
Amount Paid |
£191.58 | £38.32 | £229.90 | |
Correct Figures | £185.25 | £37.05 | £222.30 | Fee £6.33
Vat £1.27 £7.60 |
Please collect your refund from the clubhouse on Saturday 31st March.
Bob Sobey will be handing out the refunds between the hours of
9.00am and 11.00am in the morning and between 2.00pm and 3.00 pm in the afternoon.
Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers to dismantle the patio canopy and its supports over the Cruiser re-launch Weekend (31st March/1st April).
Dick Clark – Maintenance Officer
Car Parking
There have been a number of occasions where cars have been parked opposite the compound gates, and inside the compound.
Please draw your attention to the club Byelaw 8 (j) as highlighted below and have consideration for others who require access to the compound. Space is very restricted, especially in the winter lay up period when a lot of work goes into ensuring the dinghy sailors still have access to get in and out of their allotted spaces.
Byelaw 8(J)
Cars must be parked, whenever possible, in the area provided for club parking. Cars may be parked in the Tender area of the compound but must not impede the use of the compound by other members. Cars are not permitted to enter the sailing dinghy area of the compound.
George Thomson – Bosun
Dinghy News
The March Dinghy Friday will discuss 2 topics – Tudor Sailing Club handicaps and the Saturday race series. Start at 20:00 hours
Tudor Sailing Club Handicaps will be used for 2012 Racing Season and will be published in the Club and discussed at Dinghy Friday on 30th March 2012. Further details are in the attachment to this Tidal Diamond
The Saturday Race Series for 2012 will be back to back races with Grand Prix finishes. Please come and ask any questions you may have on this format of racing. A briefing will also be given.
Following the Compound Reorganisation come to the Clubhouse for tea/coffee and a general chat about the 2012 Sailing Season.
Changes to the TSC 2012 Club Calendar
Note the following date changes to the 2012 Calendar.
Bembridge/Priory Bay Cruise – currently scheduled for 20th May 2012 will now take place on Sunday 9th June 2012 and we will go to Priory Bay.
Trail and Sail Weekend – currently scheduled for the weekend of 14th and 15th July will now take place on the weekend 7th and 8th July. The campsite is booked for 2 nights Friday 6th July and Saturday 7th July and there will sailing in ChichesterHarbour planned for both the Saturday and Sunday.
Langstone Harbour High Water Dinghy Cruise – Easter Monday 9th April 2012
The Langstone High Water Cruise is an ideal opportunity to sail in the company of other club dinghies (and a patrol boat) around the harbour. The cruise will be a relaxed sail and depending on the conditions, we may be able to sail through the North Binness Channel. We will stop en route for a snack so please provision well and if the weather is really good we may stop for an ice cream so bring some money. An anchor is useful though not essential. Meet at the Club, ready to sail, for a briefing at 12:00 hours. Hopefully see you there; the more the merrier.
For more details contact: Steve Jones, Dinghy Captain – dinghies
All contributions for Tidal Diamonds to me by noon on Wednesdays please; please allow plenty of time for emails to reach me. However exceptions will always be made for emergencies.
Richard Gunn
Editor Tidal Diamonds and Ebb & Flow
Tudor Sailing Club
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Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO3 5LY
Tudor PY Corrections for the 2012 Season.pdf